Experimental 3D / game engine technology partially based on the Urho3D codebase. Expected to remain in an immature or "toy" state for the time being.
- OpenGL 3.2 / SDL2
- Forward+ rendering, currently up to 255 lights in view
- Threaded work queue to speed up animation and view preparation
- Caching of static shadow maps
- Hardware occlusion queries that work on the octree hierarchy
Execute one of the provided CMake scripts to generate build files in .build subdirectory (will be created). Execute with command line option -DTURSO3D_TRACY=1 to enable Tracy profiling.
Test application controls
- WSAD + mouse to move
- SHIFT move faster
- F1-F3 switch scene preset
- SPACE toggle scene animation
- 1 toggle shadow modes
- 2 toggle SSAO
- 3 toggle occlusion culling
- 4 toggle scene debug draw
- 5 toggle shadow debug draw
- F toggle windowed, fullscreen and borderless fullscreen
- V toggle vsync