


iPhone Retina

Simple GPS tracking application using the following technologies:

For tracking device we use TK102-2 GSM/GPS tracker with logging over TCP/IP.

Building the project

First, make sure you have the following tools installed:

Use the following commands to clone the GitHub project and run the Maven build:

git clone https://github.com/mstahv/tindratracker.git
cd tindratracker/
mvn install

Once completed an executable jar file is created. Run that

cd target
java -jar tindratracker-0.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar

You can now access the web server at http://localhost:9090

Configuring the TK201 GPS Tracker device

To configure the TK102 to use the GPRS reporting with your server, send the following SMS configuration commands to the device:

# Set GPRS accesspoint for TCP logging
sms> apn123456 <your_internet_accesspoint>

# Configure server and port
sms> adminip123456 <your_server_ip> <your_server_port>

# Setting autotrack on 5sec interval
sms> t005s***n123456
