


by Fador & Nredor and others

Custom Minecraft server software written in C++.

You can find the core team from #mineserver in Libera.Chat IRC network. Also mail to developers@mineserver.be will reach us.

Copyright (c) 2010-2016, The Mineserver Project

NOTICE: Server still lacks features compared to original minecraft server.

Supported platforms

Server has also been tested to build on Mac OS X and FreeBSD/PCBSD but we do not officially support those.

We are trying to minimize memory and CPU usage compared to original Java server.

Important: The language is C++11, so you will need a reasonably modern C++ compiler. MS Visual C++ 12 and GCC 4.8 should be sufficient. The build system requires cmake.

Supported Minecraft version


Configuration Notes

An example config.cfg file is located in the files subdirectory.

The config file sets three path names and one file name which are relevant to the server; with their example values they are:

system.path.data    = "files";
system.path.plugins = "plugins";
system.path.home    = ".";
system.pid_file     = "mineserver.pid";

These paths may be either absolute or relative. The server requires a set of configuration files which are located in the files subdirectory of the distribution.

The plugin binaries must be manually placed in the appropriate location for the server to find them.

Bug Tracker / To Do / Roadmap

We use GitHub issue tracker and milestones. Please check the wiki pages for details about the project status and development plans. Check the fork network for the latest development status.


Mineserver requires the following libraries:

Compiling using Linux (cmake & make & g++):

Compiling using FreeBSD / PCBSD (cmake & gmake & g++):

Compiling using Windows (VS2013): (Might be outdated)

An example using commandline compiler available at http://www.microsoft.com/express/Windows/ Please change the ZLIB_INC_DIR, LIBEVENT_INC_DIR, ZLIB_LIB_DIR and LIBEVENT_LIB_DIR to those you keep the includes/libs.

call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"
cl /I"ZLIB_INC_DIR;LIBEVENT_INC_DIR" /W3 /WX- /O2 /D ZLIB_WINAPI /D WIN32 /D NDEBUG /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /EHsc *.cpp zlibwapi.lib libevent2.lib Ws2_32.lib /link /OUT:mineserver.exe /LIBPATH:"ZLIB_LIB_DIR;LIBEVENT_LIB_DIR"