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A curated list of awesome resources for semantic understanding of aerial scene, e.g. tutorials, papers, books, datasets, libraries and software. inspired by awesome-php. Awesome

❗ An up-to-date paper list for obejct detection in aerial images can also be found here.

Table of Content



Remote Sensing

Object Detection


Dataset Repository

Satellite Image Understanding

Object Detection for Aerial Scene

航空图像目标特性: 尺度多样性、目标多方向分布、视角特殊性、小目标和密集分布、背景复杂度高.

DOTA- 大规模航空遥感图像目标检测数据集;<br />- 2806 aerial images from different sensors and platforms; <br />- Image size: 800 × 800 to about 4000 × 4000; <br />- objects with a wide variety of scales, orientations, and shapes;<br />- 15 common object categories;<br />- DOTA contains 188, 282 instances; <br />- Labeled by an arbitrary (8 dof) quadrilateral. <br />Reference: <br />[2018CVPR] Gui-Song Xia, Xiang Bai, etc. DOTA: A Large-scale Dataset for Object Detection in Aerial Images [武汉大学][Dataset] [Note]
DIOR- 大规模光学遥感图像中目标检测基准数据集<br />- 23463 images and 190288 object instances;<br />- 20 object categories;<br />Reference: <br />Ke Li, Gang Wan, Gong Cheng, Liqiu Meng, Junwei Han. Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images: A Survey and A New Benchmark. 2019.8 [西北工业大学]
xView- 美国国防部国防创新部门实验室(DIUx)、DigitalGlobe和美国国家地理空间情报局联合发布的高空卫星图像目标检测数据集xView;<br />- xView包含60个类别的100万个不同对象,分布在1,400平方公里的卫星图像上,最大地面样本分辨率为0.3米(Worldview-3);<br />- 该数据集旨在测试图像识别的各个领域,包括:学习效率,细粒度类别检测和多尺度识别等;<br />- COCO data format, pre-trained Tensorflow and Pytorch baseline models<br />- DIUx xView 2018 Detection Challenge<br />Reference: <br />[201802] xView: Objects in Context in Overhead Imagery. <br />Dataset
NWPU VHR-10- 航天遥感目标检测数据集<br />- 800张图像,其中包含目标的650张,背景图像150张;<br />- 目标包括:飞机、舰船、油罐、棒球场、网球场、篮球场、田径场、港口、桥梁、车辆10个类别;<br />Reference: <br />[2018TGRS] Rotation-insensitive and context augmented object detection in remote sensing images.<br />[2016ISPRSJ] A survey on object detection in optical remote sensing images[Dataset]<br />[V1]<br />[V2]
UCAS-AOD- 中国科学院大学模式识别与智能系统开发实验室标注的,只包含两类目标:汽车,飞机,以及背景负样本。<br />- [2015ICIP] Orientation Robust Object Detection in Aerial Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network.
RSOD-Dataset- An open dataset for object detection in remote sensing images, including aircraft, playground, overpass and oiltank;<br />- 数目分别为: <br />飞机:4993 aircrafts in 446 images. <br />操场:191 playgrounds in 189 images. <br />立交桥:180 overpass in 176 overpass. <br />油桶:1586 oiltanks in 165 images.<br />- It is collected by Zhifeng Xiao, LIESMARS, WHU. <br />[2016TGRS] Accurate Object Localization in Remote Sensing Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks[Dataset]
TGRS-HRRSD-Dataset- High Resolution Remote Sensing Detection (HRRSD)<br />- 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所光学影像分析与学习中心制作用于研究高分辨率遥感图像目标检测的数据集.<br />- It contains 21,761 images acquired from Google Earth and Baidu Map with the spatial resolution from 0.15-m to 1.2-m.<br />- 55,740 object instances, 13 categories;<br />- This dataset is divided as several subsets, image numbers in each subset are 5401 for ‘train’, 5417 for ‘val’, and 10943 for ‘test’. And ‘train-val’ subset is a merge of ‘train’ and ‘val’.<br />[2019TGRS] Hierarchical and Robust Convolutional Neural Network for Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Object Detection[Dataset]

Object detection in UAV

Specific object detection

Instance Segmentation

Building Detection/Segmentation

The size of all images is 1500×1500, and the resolution is 1m. It consists of 137 sets of aerial images and corresponding single-channel label images for training part, 10 for testing part, and 4 for validation part. Reference: Mnih V. Machine learning for aerial image labeling[D]. University of Toronto (Canada), 2013.

Comments: poor quality of dataset.

Other Dataset

Papers for Aerial Scene


Object Detection (RS)

Generic Object detection (Rotation Issues)

Salient Object Detection

Specific Object Detection

Vehicle Detection

Ship Detection

Aircraft Detection


Other Objects

Typical Element Extraction

Road Extraction

Building Extraction

Semantic Segmentation

Instance Segmentation

Object Tracking

Scene Understanding/Change Detection

Aerial Reconstrcution



RS Application

Appendix: Object Detection for Natural Scene

[Repo] awesome object detection


Practice Guideline



Natural Object Detection

3D Object Detection


The figure shows a development of object detection for natural images.


<center><font size=2>Fig. Development of object detection</font></center>


<center><font size=2>Fig. Milestones in generic object detection</font></center>


<center><font size=2>Fig. History of Deep learning-based object detection (2014-2019)</font></center>

<font size=2>Comments: Pictures from Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection: A Survey</font>


Object Detection

Object detection categories can be seen as below:


<font size=2>Picture from DeepLearning-500-questions</font>


Few-Shot Detection
Two-stage Det

Proposal: sliding window/selective search/Edgebox -> RPN

One-stage Det

SSD -> RefineDet -> Guided anchoring -> AlignDet


Introduction [Page] [Page] [Page1] [Page2] [Page3] [Page4]

True anchor free


核心思想是改变了bounding box的编码方式: 1) 对是不是某个物体的中心点附近进行分类; 2) 对是中心点的位置,直接回归对应的scale(可以是长宽,也可以是到框四条边的距离等)

Scale Issues


Small/Dense Object

[Page1] [Page2] [Page3]

Imbalance Problems

[Repo] ObjectDetectionImbalance: A collection of papers related to imbalance problems in object detection

训练目标检测模型的一个难点是样本不均衡,特别是正负样本比例严重失衡。目前解决这类问题主要是两种方案(见综述Imbalance Problems in Object Detection: A Review):一是hard sampling方法,从所有样本中选择一定量的正样本和负样本,只有被选择的样本才计算loss,一般会倾向选择一些难负例样本,比如OHEM;另外一类方法是soft sampling方法(Focal Loss、GHM、PISA等),选择所有样本计算loss,但是不同的样本赋给不同的权重值,比如focal loss。

[目标检测小tricks--样本不均衡处理] [Imbalance Note]

Real-Time Detection

Instance Seg

Amodal IS

Salient ObDet

[Repo] SOD: Salient Object Detection List

3D ObDet

An introduction to 3D object detection [Page1] [Page2]

3D Instance Segmentation


Lane detection

Repo: awesome-lane-detection

Other: Traffic/Fruit/Shadow

Traffic Light Recognition — A Visual Guide [Page]



Traffic sign


Text Inspiration

Repo: awesome-deep-text-detection-recognition

Repo: Scene-Text-Detection