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🇨🇴 A list of cool projects made in colombia
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- TeX
- VimL
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @caroso1222/notyf | 👻 A dead simple, responsive, vanilla JavaScript plugin to show notifications. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @caroso1222/amazon-autocomplete | 🚀 Unlock the full power of the Amazon autocompletion engine right into your search input. JavaScript Plugin. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @ojack/hydra | Livecoding networked visuals in the browser | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Ionic-Starter-Templa… | Reinventing the wheel, again! Sorry Ionic Team... but there are many newbies learning on Youtube! | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/node-fb-messenger | :envelope: Facebook Messenger Platform Node.js API Wrapper | |
<img src=""> | @agar3s/devil-glitches | My entry for the js13k 2016 game jam | |
<img src=""> | @caroso1222/ng-lib-schematics | 🔥 Easily create Angular libraries using Schematics | |
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Phaser-Kinetic-Scrol… | Kinetic Scrolling plugin for Canvas using Phaser Framework | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Ionic-ElastiChat-wit… | Ionic Magic Chat with Angular Elastic, Autolinker.js and more! | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/forceInABox | d3 force plugin that implements the GroupInABox algorithm that distributes nodes using a treemap to identify better clusters | |
<img src=""> | @caroso1222/ngx-cool-dialogs | 🎉Alert, confirm and prompt dialogs for Angular. Simple as that. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @ojack/PIXELSYNTH | ||
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/uWebTorrentTracker | 🔆 Simple, robust, WebTorrent tracker server implementation | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @agar3s/marioPhaser | A simple test for phaser creating a Super Mario Bros clone. | |
<img src=""> | @gmoralesc/creando-apis-con-nod… | 📗Creando APIs con Node JS, Express y MongoDB | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @alejo8591/unipiloto-apm-4 | Repositorio y Base del Conocimiento para el Diplomado de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles Cross-Platform AM-4 | |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/node-v | 🔒 Secure ❄️ Synchronized ⚡️ Realtime ☁️ Cloud 🌈 Native JavaScript Variables & Events | |
<img src=""> | @khriztianmoreno/nodejs-scaffolding | A node.js sample application that demonstrates an architecture for building a complete production API with Node.JS, Express.JS and MongoDB | |
<img src=""> | @khriztianmoreno/ecommerce-react-nati… | The ideal starter kit / app script with all the needed UI elements alongwith MobX and NativeBase to build your iOS and Android e-commerce app like Mona / JackThreads / Canopy / Flipp | |
<img src=""> | @gmoralesc/introduccion-a-node-… | 📗Código fuente de los ejercicios del libro Introducción a Node JS | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @gmoralesc/node-auth | Example of Node JS Authentication app with JWT | |
<img src=""> | @ojack/LiveLab | :arrow_upper_right: | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/netClusteringJs | A network analytics for javascript | |
<img src=""> | @gmoralesc/costelog | Get random sentence from Costeño idioms for your log | |
<img src=""> | @ojack/selfie-apocalypse | ||
<img src=""> | @edsadr/graphql101 | A gentle introduction to a different API paradigm | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/d3BrushAndLinkingExa… | A step by step tutorial on how to do brushing and linking on d3 | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @agar3s/js13k2018 | Without a code name... yet... | |
<img src=""> | @alejo8591/unipiloto-am-3 | Repositorio y Base del Conocimiento para el Diplomado de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles Cross-Platform AM-3 | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/navio | A d3 visualization widget to help summarizing, exploring and navigating large network visualizations | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/node-bogota | 🚀 Run tape tests concurrently with tap-spec output | |
<img src=""> | @alejo8591/unipiloto-am-2 | Repositorio Oficial para el Diplomado en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles (AM-2) | |
<img src=""> | @ojack/hydra-synth | Synth engine for hydra | |
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Game-of-Drones | Conquer your enemy! - Ionic, Node.js, MongoDB (Mongoosejs), Unit and E2E Tests | |
<img src=""> | @agar3s/vier | Game for the js13k challenge 2014, Fight against elemental enemies in a brutal pixelated world. | |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/PeerTube | YouTube Clone using WebTorrent | |
<img src=""> | @ojack/hydra-examples | Examples for using hydra within atom | |
<img src=""> | @agar3s/phaser3-jam-boilerpl… | Basic boilerplate ready to go for game jams 💪 | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/revealVizScrollyteli… | Reveal.js plugin for scrollyteling visualization | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/vastChallenge2017_ex… | ||
<img src=""> | @cdiaz/trmcol | Modulo para Nodejs que obtiene la Tasa de cambio representativa del mercado (TRM) para Colombia | |
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Roxy-Fileman-for-Nod… | Roxy Fileman, upload and manage files with Node.js! | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/node-os | NodeJS Core Module | |
<img src=""> | @nicobytes/chatIonicFirebase | Chat Firebase Auth + Firebase Database (Ionic 2 + AngularFire2 + Firebase 3) | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/uniandes-auto-wifi | Aplicación para conectarse automáticamente a SENECA | |
<img src=""> | @alejo8591/periodontal-chart | Periodontal chart for dentist app | |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/react-voteit | React.js + Firebase voting application | |
<img src=""> | @ojack/atom-hydra | ||
<img src=""> | @juandc/aerostore | 🎨 Aerostore - Aerolab Challenge using Next.js and Micro.js from Zeit | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @davsket/simpleautocomplete | Simple Auto Complete, a simple autocomplete that completes inside the input. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/node-1337 | Node leet speak conversion | |
<img src=""> | @ojack/hydra-sync | ||
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/meteorMultiplayerBoa… | An example of a multiplayer board "game" using Meteor (Just for educational purposes) | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/d3ReusableChartExamp… | ||
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/visPubNetwork | Citation Network of the IEEE Vis papers | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @mafesernaarboleda/react-api-git | ||
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/resultadosPrimeraVue… | ||
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Phaser-Rotate-Sprite… | Rotate Sprite Extension for Phaser Framework | |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/instagram-clone | Instagram clone. | |
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Meteor-Starter-Templ… | A template to start with Meteor | |
<img src=""> | @caroso1222/dribbble-autozoom-ch… | Google Chrome extension for automagically zooming any Dribbble shot | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jdnichollsc/Ionic-Drag-and-Drop | Ionic Drag and drop directive using GSAP | |
<img src=""> | @Jorger/the_brick_web | :video_game: The Brick Web | |
<img src=""> | @juandc/RAF | 🎁 An Apollo GraphQL example using React and FakerQl. - 👷 Under construction | |
<img src=""> | @Jorger/Calculator_The_Game_… | :bulb: Calculator The Game - ReactJS | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/react-youtube | Youtube player using React.js | |
<img src=""> | @davsket/notes | ultra basic text editor | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/ColombiaVisualizatio… | ||
<img src=""> | @AlejoJamC/avaritiaUI | Credit simulator for personal banking (User Interface), Node.js, Express.js, jade | |
<img src=""> | @juandc/next-on-firebase | :fire: Next.js and next-routes with Firebase Hosting on Cloud Functions | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/no-ng-store | AngularJs shopping cart sample application. | |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/ember-hub | Ember.js Github Explorer + Semantic UI | |
<img src=""> | @Jorger/Clocks_Reactjs | :clock2: Clocks ReactJS | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @davsket/model-schema | Simple Javascript Model Schema | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/eliminatoriaConmebol… | Una visualización de los resultados de la eliminatoria Conmebol al mundial Rusia 2018 | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @UnJavaScripter/webWorker-fetch-apis | Ejemplo usando los API de web worker y fetch | |
<img src=""> | @nicobytes/jsconf | ||
<img src=""> | @edsadr/Meteor-Rock-Paper-Sc… | This is a simple application allowing multiple users to play and watch rock, paper, scissors games, it allows users to create accounts or login using GitHub. | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/momaExplorer | A simple app to explore the MOMA open collection | |
<img src=""> | @AlejoJamC/avaritia | Credit simulator for personal banking, Node.js, Express.js, jade, Passport.js | |
<img src=""> | @edsadr/change-api | API client - module for io.js/NodeJS | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @ojack/cloth-map | modelling the streets of manhattan as a cloth in ThreeJS | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @davsket/webcam-experiments | Repo con experimentos de webcam con canvas | |
<img src=""> | @ojack/intermedia-redes | ||
<img src=""> | @khriztianmoreno/meteor-charts | Graphics in real time variables of a sensor | |
<img src=""> | @khriztianmoreno/matter-supply-code-c… | :computer: Code Challenge - FronEnd / JS TECHNOLOGIST | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @agar3s/TheDemocracyTimes | Spread the truth | |
<img src=""> | @juandc/PlatziMusic | :heart: React Native application using the API (course in Platzi) | |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/node-vm | NodeJS Core Module | |
<img src=""> | @erikagtierrez/electron-angularcli-… | Boilerplate for electron using Angular CLI :heart: | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/visual-analytics-cou… | My slides for my visual analytics course | |
<img src=""> | @AlejoJamC/MoonServer | Open source project to do an approach of a Document Management System (DMS), initially to handle employee engagement department, written in JavaScript (Node.js, Express.js), HTML and CSS. [Server] | |
<img src=""> | @epsanchezma/ChatNode | Simple chat example with Node.js and, where the clients are created and talk to each other automatically | |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/node-dinli | Wrapper for the Dinli URL Shortener | |
<img src=""> | @mafesernaarboleda/kafka-node-iot | ||
<img src=""> | @mafesernaarboleda/api-express-scrappin… | API Scrapping using express and cheerio | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @juandc/ntv | 📺 NTV - Tvify | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @AlejoJamC/HappyAuth | UNDER CONSTRUCTION! - Application for authentication and authorization | |
<img src=""> | @nicobytes/slides-ionic2-fireba… | ||
<img src=""> | @romelperez/prhone-log | Simple JavaScript logger | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/untanglingTheHairbal… | The slides for my OpenVis 2017 talk | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/visualAnalytics_24ho… | A 24 hours long Visual Analytics seminar | |
<img src=""> | @john-guerra/twitterStreamerMeteo… | Meteor + Twitter Streamer | |
<img src=""> | @AlejoJamC/tpaga-node | Node.js library for Tpaga API calls | |
<img src=""> | @jdjuan/sass-workshop | Sass Workshop - Designing websites effectively: | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @AlejoJamC/basic-iot | Testing Adafruit DHT 22 sensor | |
<img src=""> | @UnMalNick/ToDo | ToDo + Pony Express | |
<img src=""> | @romelperez/ejemplos-promesas | Ejemplos de Promesas en JavaScript. | |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/bp | ES6 Boilerplate. | |
<img src=""> | @romelperez/jest-workshop | Taller de introducción a Testing en JavaScript con la librería Jest | |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/doni | Get color names from hex values | |
<img src=""> | @UnJavaScripter/product-showcase | An AngularJS 1.x app that showcases random products | |
<img src=""> | @alejandronanez/node-emails | Send emails with node. | |
<img src=""> | @angelbotto/textkolor.js | textKolor.js is a jquery plugin for generate color from normal string. | |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/sequelize-express-fi… | Find by id using a sequelize model, returning 404 error if not found | |
<img src=""> | @davsket/html5notes | App para CParty | |
<img src=""> | @DiegoRBaquero/ls-chunk-store | Browser localStorage chunk store that is abstract-chunk-store compliant | |
<img src=""> | @davsket/Grid | ||
<img src=""> | @juandc/ | :hankey: Deprecated (but still working)... | :arrow_upper_right: |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @suarezjulian/WizardPager | Wizard Pager is a library that provides an example implementation of a Wizard UI on Android, it's based of Roman Nurik's wizard pager (… | |
<img src=""> | @yesidlazaro/BadgedImageview | BadgedImageview allow you show a badge into a Imageview. | |
<img src=""> | @jahirfiquitiva/FABsMenu | A simple library to use a menu of FloatingActionButtons from Design Support Library that follow Material Design Guidelines | |
<img src=""> | @yesidlazaro/DateRangePicker | A Dialogo fragment with date picker for select a range. | |
<img src=""> | @yesidlazaro/GmailBackground | a small library to send a email in background withou user interaction | |
<img src=""> | @jahirfiquitiva/PaperBoard-Final | Open Source Material Design dashboard for Icon Packs. No longer supported, updated nor maintained. | |
<img src=""> | @suarezjulian/RxTalk | Samples demonstrating the use of RxJava on an Android project | |
<img src=""> | @xdanielsb/Patterns | Good practices to create code in Java. :zap: | |
<img src=""> | @jahirfiquitiva/TextDrawable | ||
<img src=""> | @EngAndres/DataStructuresTempla… | ||
<img src=""> | @felipeska/Movements | Simple tracker for android | |
<img src=""> | @jahirfiquitiva/KustomAPI | A slightly up-to-date fork from Frank Monza's Kustom API… | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @xdanielsb/Planaritytesting-Jav… | This project implements and algorithm for testing whether a given graph is a planar graph. | |
<img src=""> | @unmultimedio/cappacitate-medellin | ||
<img src=""> | @felipeska/imdb | un simple cliente para consultar peliculas o series | |
<img src=""> | @felipeska/MiniBank | Aplicación que simula el funcionamiento de un banco | |
<img src=""> | @nakednous/remixcam | ||
<img src=""> | @felipeska/AndroidBadgeLibrary | Small library for creating round badge in Android | |
<img src=""> | @suarezjulian/AndroidReferenceArch… | Sample architecture for android apps, using an MVP pattern, dagger2 and rxjava | |
<img src=""> | @llanox/Mootify | Simple android application to retrieve notifications from a moodle platform ( That application has been developed by a group of android programming enthusiasts called CampusMovil from University of Antioquia ( , located in Medellin-Colombia. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @caipivara/Remote-Control | This project controls the pc from another device | |
<img src=""> | @suarezjulian/DemoSensores | Demo Sensores para curso Instrumentacion UAN | |
<img src=""> | @mnesarco/mybatis-cdi-samples | Minimal samples of mybatis-cdi ready for deploy | |
<img src=""> | @mnesarco/mybatis-jdbc | Utility to use MyBatis sql from plain old jdbc | |
<img src=""> | @nakednous/remixcamgl | gl plugin for remixcam | |
<img src=""> | @unmultimedio/cappacitate-pereira | En este repositorio quedarán alojados los ejercicios de las sesiones de edición 2015. En la ciudad de Pereira. | |
<img src=""> | @suarezjulian/ChangingBackground | Coding challenge for Ora Interactive |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/viasfora | A Visual Studio Extension containing miscellaneous improvements to the editor. | |
<img src=""> | @robertoardila/support-unity-memory… | Extension for the existing Unity memory profiler project | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/filemap | Wrapper .NET Library for Win32 Memory Mapped Files API | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/roslyn-colorizer | A sample VS 14 editor extension that uses the Roslyn APIs to highlight parameter variables and field variables in C#/VB code. | |
<img src=""> | @Zulu55/Lands | ||
<img src=""> | @tomasr/iis-etw-tracing | IIS 8.5 ETW Tracing | |
<img src=""> | @soreygarcia/xamarin-forms-lab | Aplicación de ejemplo | |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Evolutionary-Neural-… | Neural networks + Genetic algorithm on unity | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/LineAdornments | A sample VS2010 extension that hilights the current line in the text editor | |
<img src=""> | @Zulu55/Products1 | ||
<img src=""> | @tomasr/pipelinetesting | BizTalk 2006 library for unit-testing pipelines and custom pipeline components | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/KeywordClassifier | A sample VS2010/2012 extension that renders C# some keywords in a different color. | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/VSColorsToSQL | Tool to migrate VS color scheme to SQL Server Management Studio | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @MilherTovar/AE_Vision_Computatio… | Evolutives algorithms used in Computational Vision | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/nulladapter | My /dev/null Adapter for BizTalk Server | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/btserrorlookup | Utility to lookup the meaning of BizTalk error codes | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @JuanKRuiz/LinkSpider | Portable Class Library and Client to create sitemap.xml and search for links in a website | |
<img src=""> | @soreygarcia/CongresoVisible | Step by step project using Congreso Visible public API | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/UnitySimpleInventory… | Just a simple Unity Simple Inventory System for Unity, perfect for a RPG | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Imitation-learning-i… | What if we record all the information in a game, and we record the player actions, then we train a neural network with that data? Thats what this is! | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/UnityTurnBasedCombat… | Just a simple Turn Based Combat System for Unity, perfect for a RPG | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/BetterXml | VS2010 extension to improve the XML editor experience | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/msmqactivities | MSMQ Activities for Windows Workflow Foundation | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/fixencoding | My Fix Encoding Pipeline Components for BizTalk Server 2006 | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Unity-MMO-Framework | This is a Client/Server architecture based on TCP/UDP Sockets to be used in videogames | |
<img src=""> | @JuanKRuiz/WinFormsLocalization… | ||
<img src=""> | @Zulu55/Russia | ||
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Multi-layer-perceptr… | Simple multilayer percepron (Neural network) made with C# | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Evolutionary-Neural-… | Evolutionary Neural Networks on unity for bots Tool example | |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Unity-Rewind-Mechani… | Simple mechanic of rewind time, perfect for games like braid | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Chatbot-seq2seq-C- | Chatbot made with seq2seq learn | |
<img src=""> | @Zulu55/ForeignExchangeMac2 | ||
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Simple_Linear_Algebr… | Simple list of functions of matrices | |
<img src=""> | @stevensotelo/msf_modelo_transport… | Solución de problema de transportes con Microsoft Solver Foundation | |
<img src=""> | @serandvaraco/WorkshopMicroServici… | ||
<img src=""> | @serandvaraco/WorkshopToolsForAPI | Workshop Tools For API | |
<img src=""> | @JorgeGamba/bdd-examples-teprest… | ||
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Simple-RTS-Made-With… | A simple real time strategy game made with unity | |
<img src=""> | @julitogtu/WebApi | WebApi | |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Mario-maker-like-gam… | Simple level maker made with unity and csharp | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/cryptopipeline | Custom Symmetric Encryption Pipeline Component for BizTalk Server 2006 | |
<img src=""> | @HectorPulido/Contra-Like-game-mad… | Sidescroll shooter based in contra made with unity | |
<img src=""> | @tomasr/sqltrackingquerysamp… | Sample application to query Windows Workflow persistence databases | :arrow_upper_right: |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @eldalo/wp-ted | Theme based on WP Bones, with adaptation of Gulp and Bower. | |
<img src=""> | @yammadev/flag-icons | A beautiful svg + png + sass + css collection of countries flags. | |
<img src=""> | @CodigoAdsi/loginPHP | Creación de un login con Bootstrap, PHP y MySQL | |
<img src=""> | @ferestrepoca/paradigmas-de-progra… | Paradigmas de programación UNAL | |
<img src=""> | @vany0114/Frontend-Automation-… | This is a lab for AngularJS, Grunt, BrowserSync, Less and more... |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @jasalo/funcssion | The atomic CSS library | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @gndx/GResume | Free HTML Professional Resume CV Template | |
<img src=""> | @jgomezpe/unalcol | Unified Algorithm Collection | |
<img src=""> | @jgomezpe/quilt | ||
<img src=""> | @claudiainbytes/ruby-sinatra-worksho… | This is a demo app to create workshops using Ruby and Sinatra. Milligram as micro CSS Framework. Demo | |
<img src=""> | @j0sephandres1987/Pinrails | Ruby on rails based Pinterest clone. |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @onchipuis/arduinoReady | Arduino library port for Open-V | |
<img src=""> | @rvega/Fan-Control-Daemon | A simple daemon to control fan speed on a MacBook Pro running Linux 3.1 | |
<img src=""> | @rvega/morphasynth | ||
<img src=""> | @kristianpaul/gnsssdr | Automatically exported from | |
<img src=""> | @kala855/hpccourse | ||
<img src=""> | @onchipuis/mriscvprog | A programmer for mriscv or mriscv_vivado using MPSSE SPI FTDI cable. | |
<img src=""> | @loudertech/zendfw | Zend Framework in Zephir | |
<img src=""> | @loudertech/php-extension | Esqueleto para un extensión PHP | |
<img src=""> | @onchipuis/CY22150_prog | A CY22150 programmer. Can work with Windows and Linux using LIBMPSSE. | |
<img src=""> | @jfcmacro/Taller1SO | Taller 1 de sistemas operativos | |
<img src=""> | @jfcmacro/ProcesoSuicidaLinux | Un ejemplo de como un proceso puede matarse a si mismo una version de software de 1000 ways to die | |
<img src=""> | @rvega/bbb-pru | A playground for using PRU units in the Beagle Bone Black. | |
<img src=""> | @kmilo17pet/matrix_mtx_library | BLAS library (level 3) for ANSI-C v3.4 | |
<img src=""> | @kristianpaul/tuner | Some code and diagrams for controling a ENG26104G tunner | |
<img src=""> | @jfcmacro/ProcesoSuicidaWindow… | Un ejempo de como un proceso puede matarse a sí mismo en Windows. | |
<img src=""> | @kmilo17pet/QuarkTS | A Non-Preemptive Task-Scheduler for low-range MCUs | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @kristianpaul/osgps | osgps tuned/hacked for SiGe 4162 GPS GPS Receiver IC | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @loudertech/doctrine-odm | Doctrine ODM in Zephir |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @xtingray/tupi | Tupi 2D Magic | |
<img src=""> | @edoren/STP | SFML TMX Parser - | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @anaechavarria/SemilleroProgramacio… | Material para el semillero de programación | |
<img src=""> | @camilosw/ofxVideoMapping | OpenFrameworks flexible addon for projection mapping | |
<img src=""> | @Trialcommand/ESP8266-Modbus-RTU-S… | ESP8266 Modbus RTU Slave | |
<img src=""> | @Natzugen/ExilliumS3-EP1 | ||
<img src=""> | @audoban/PlayBar | MPRIS2 client, written in QML for Plasma | |
<img src=""> | @Subv/shiny-ninja | GBA Emulator written in C++. | |
<img src=""> | @Natzugen/p4f-free-emu | Automatically exported from | |
<img src=""> | @edoren/Pacman | Pacman clone made in SFML 2.* | |
<img src=""> | @xtingray/tupitube.desk | TupiTube Desk Source Code | |
<img src=""> | @activata/FullBacano | Filter | |
<img src=""> | @tille/Computer-Graphic | My solutions to some Computer Graphic challenges | |
<img src=""> | @0xDCA/competitive_programm… | Solutions to competitive programming problems | |
<img src=""> | @Trialcommand/ESP8266-Modbus-RTU-M… | ESP8266 Modbus RTU Master | |
<img src=""> | @Trialcommand/Arduino-Modbus-RTU-S… | Arduino Modbus RTU Slave | |
<img src=""> | @Yefri97/Introduction-to-Grap… | Taller: Introducción a la Teoría de Grafos - Universidad Tecnológica de Pereria | |
<img src=""> | @Natzugen/ExodusV2 | ||
<img src=""> | @Natzugen/Exodus-V1 | My zTeam season 6 version | |
<img src=""> | @jadarve/spherepix | A data structure for processing spherical images. | |
<img src=""> | @edoren/BlogCodes |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @coffeegrid/devmed | /dev/med/ web site | :arrow_upper_right: |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @bit4bit/gami | GO - Asterisk AMI Interface | |
<img src=""> | @bit4bit/remoton | (Go) Own remote desktop platform | |
<img src=""> | @golangmedellin/gotalks | Golang Talks | |
<img src=""> | @castillobgr/sententia | Generate random adjective-noun combinations, madlibs-style, in Golang. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @Oxyrus/QuotesAPI | Database-less Quotes API written in Go | |
<img src=""> | @djondb/djondbgo | Go driver for djondb | |
<img src=""> | @castillobgr/rgstr | Automatically registers and de-registers rkt pods on Consul, etcd. | |
<img src=""> | @bit4bit/gfsocket | GO client for Freeswitch-Inbound | |
<img src=""> | @bit4bit/plivoxy | Plivo proxy |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @jpvillaisaza/slack-web | Haskell bindings to the Slack web API | |
<img src=""> | @jpvillaisaza/mailchimp-haskell | Haskell bindings for the MailChimp API |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @HubertRonald/Gradient | mesh canvas |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @oscardemoya/ODMSwipeSelector | A value selector for iOS with a swipe gesture. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jaiversin/JJTopMenu | Simple top menu with selected indicator. | |
<img src=""> | @einsteinx2/iSub-Music-Streamer-… | NOTE: THIS CODE IS VERY OUTDATED AND DOES NOT REFLECT THE CURRENT STATE OF THE ISUB SOURCE CODE :) This is the source code for the final bug fix release of the first version of iSub. iSub is an iOS client for the open source music streaming software called Subsonic. More information on Subsonic can be obtained at and more information on iSub can be found at All graphics have been removed because they are not licensed to allow me to distribute them freely. All code unless otherwise noted is copyright Ben Baron 2010, all rights reserved. Full license information at the top of each file. The AudioStreamer class is copyright 2008 Matt Gallagher, modified by Ben Baron for use in the iSub project. The AsynchronousImageView and AsynchronousImageViewCached classed are copyright 2009 Slava Bushtruk, modified by Ben Baron for use in the iSub project. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @einsteinx2/EX2Kit | A set of categories and classes that I've written over the years (with a few bits written by others) for my iOS projects. Unless otherwise specified, all source code in EX2Kit is BSD licensed and may be freely used in any project, commercial or otherwise. | |
<img src=""> | @einsteinx2/libSub | This repository is now deprecated and libSub has been merged into the main iSub code base and partially rewritten in Swift. Please see for current progress. Licensed under the GPL3. | |
<img src=""> | @Ecarrion/Haskell-IOS | IOS app that call Haskell code | |
<img src=""> | @david6p2/FreehandDrawingTut | ABC Letter Tracing Test | |
<img src=""> | @Ecarrion/iOS-Data-Structures | Some missing Data Structures and Algorithms for Objective-C | |
<img src=""> | @jaiversin/SignalRConceptTest | Prueba de concepto de conexión entre clientes iOS, Android y Web usando SignalR | |
<img src=""> | @jCalaU/MDW-GuiaiOS02-UIWebV… | Guia para iPhone y iPad de Maestros del Web | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jCalaU/MDW-GuiaiOS04-UIImag… | Guia para iPhone y iPad de Maestros del Web | :arrow_upper_right: |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @hexadev/Hexawiki | Versión de Foswiki de Hexa |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @santigarcor/laratrust | Handle roles and permissions in your Laravel application | |
<img src=""> | @mpratt/Embera | A Oembed consumer library, that gives you information about urls. It helps you replace urls to youtube or vimeo for example, with their html embed code. | |
<img src=""> | @robregonm/yii2-auth | Yii 2 User Authentication & Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Module | |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/RESTful-API-with-Lar… | Repository with the base code for the course "RESTful API with Laravel - Definitive-Guide" | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/API-RESTful-con-Lara… | Repositorio para el código base del curso "API RESTful con Laravel - Guía Definitiva" | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @mpratt/The-Simple-LifeStrea… | A very simple and flexible library written in PHP for your life-streaming purposes. It supports a bunch of third party services like Youtube, StackOverflow, Reddit and Github. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @robregonm/yii2-pdf | PDF Reports from HTML Views (Html to PDF formatter) for Yii 2.0 | |
<img src=""> | @joselfonseca/laravel-tactician | Laravel Tactician is an implementation of the Command Bus Tactician by Ross Tuck. | |
<img src=""> | @prinick96/Ocrend-Framework | Ocrend Framework Repositorio Oficial, Comunidad en | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @sinfocol/vboxdie-cracker | VirtualBox Disk Image Encryption password cracker | |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/myownapi | This is a repository of a completely functional API, developed with Laravel | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @gigo6000/Symfony2-Pagination-… | :arrow_upper_right: | |
<img src=""> | @mpratt/RelativeTime | A library that calculates the time difference between two dates and returns the result in words (Example: 5 minutes ago or 5 Minutes left). The library supports other languages aswell like Spanish and German. | |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/LumenAPI-Eng | Repository for the "RESTful API with Lumen" course | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @robregonm/authbooster | Auth Module for YiiFramework comaptible with YiiBooster | |
<img src=""> | @WebMaestroFr/wm-settings | Based on the WordPress Settings API, this class generates options pages. It supports all basic input types, selects and all, but also media uploads, which is quite neat. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @robregonm/YiiFirebird | Firebird Adapter for Yii 1.1.x | |
<img src=""> | @apipemc/slim-skeleton | Structure to start a project from scratch | |
<img src=""> | @joselfonseca/image-manager | image manager for Laravel apps [DEPRECATED] | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @epayco/Plugin_ePayco_WooCom… | Reciba pagos online con tarjetas de credito, debito PSE, Efectivo y SafetyPay en menos de 24 Horas con multiples herramientas. | |
<img src=""> | @joselfonseca/laravel-api-tools | Some tools i use for my API Development in laravel. Nothing new, just some wrappers. | |
<img src=""> | @santigarcor/laravel-vuetable | The laravel backend for the vuetable component | |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/ImagesManager | Repository for the Laravel 5.1 Course. | |
<img src=""> | @gigo6000/symfony-facebook | This an example basic configuration of Symfony2 with FOSFacebookBundle and FOSUserBundle. It uses Mongo for the database | |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/GestorImagenes | Repositorio curso de Laravel. Crea un gestor de imágenes | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/LumenAPI | Repositorio del Curso de APIs RESTful con Lumen y Homestead. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @WebMaestroFr/Travel-Routes-Wordpr… | Display your travels on customizable maps ! | |
<img src=""> | @epayco/epayco-php | PHP wrapper for Epayco API | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @talcual/EasyApi | Easy Api - Pack for Dev Apis in PHP Easy and Custom | |
<img src=""> | @gigo6000/DevtimeRatingBundle | This bundle provides a rating form field type for your Symfony2 project. It uses the jquery raty plugin. | |
<img src=""> | @wvega/jsfiddle-shortcode | A WordPress plugin to easily embed Fiddles | |
<img src=""> | @WebMaestroFr/json-schema-mysql | A small PHP class to create MySQL tables from JSON schemas | |
<img src=""> | @juanblo/drupal-doctrine | Drupal and Doctrine integration module | |
<img src=""> | @WebMaestroFr/wm-sass-compiler | SASS Compiler for WordPress | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @mpratt/prestashop-importer-… | Minimal Importer Kit. | |
<img src=""> | @luismec90/bmi | ||
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/NamesAPI | RESTful API developed in Laravel to provide metadata about some names around the world. The project use MongoDB as database manager. | |
<img src=""> | @luismec90/laravel-todo-app-bes… | ||
<img src=""> | @prinick96/xnova | Repositorio oficial del core de xNova Revolution. | |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/API-RESTful-Laravel-… | Código resultante del curso sobre APIs RESTful con Laravel 5.5 de EscuelaIT | |
<img src=""> | @JuanDMeGon/ClienteHTTP | Este repositorio posee el código fuente del proyecto implementado, durante el curso: " Clientes HTTP: Usa y Consume Servicios Web y APIs con PHP" | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jairoserrano/HPCFront | Portal del laboratorio de computación de alto desempeño UTB | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @talcual/PHP-Examples | PHP Examples.... Frameworks, Patterns, Functions, Utils, etc... | |
<img src=""> | @enav/jn-fields | Joomla! content plugin to create custom fields for articles, modules and menu items. | |
<img src=""> | @robregonm/Yii-EmailLogRoute | Extension for CEmailLogRoute Yii class in order to add more details to Errors. |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @scastillo/siesta | Sit back, relax and enjoy your REST client for python | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @scvalencia/Coddie | An Interpreter for Extended Relational Algebra (Scheme based) | |
<img src=""> | @diegoalejogm/deep-q-learning | PyTorch Implementation of Deep Q-Learning with Experience Replay in Atari Game Environments, as made public by Google DeepMind | |
<img src=""> | @maoaiz/tsp-genetic-python | A genetic algorithm to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem, implemented in Python. | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/dapi | Django RESTful API | |
<img src=""> | @jofpin/sack | Identify connection of sessions for social engineering attacks. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jofpin/fuckshell | Simple Webshell Scanner | |
<img src=""> | @julian-amaya/django-decorators | django-decorators | |
<img src=""> | @jofpin/compaXSS | Bypass XSS Reflected Cross-site scripting | |
<img src=""> | @jofpin/backcookie | Small backdoor using cookie. | |
<img src=""> | @andfoy/textobjdetection | Code for the Human-related Object Detection based on Natural Language Parsing of Image Query Expressions article | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/bccgis | GeoDash Admin Training at BCC | |
<img src=""> | @scvalencia/algorist | A collection of algorithms and data structures implemented in the python programming language. Nothing serious, just a training canvas for basic and advanced algorithms and data structures. | |
<img src=""> | @scvalencia/UVACommandLine | UVA command line client to upload solutions and search for statistics | |
<img src=""> | @julian-amaya/simplecrm | a django simple crm | |
<img src=""> | @odarbelaeze/neural-network | A simple neural network written in Python intended as an example to help people get started with AI | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/pinax | My working copy of the pinax project | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @jofpin/brutto | Easy brute forcing to whatever you want - Jose Pino | |
<img src=""> | @rlaverde/lektor-static-search | Lektor plugin for serialize sources contents to json for using with static search js libraries | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/gs-science | Python API for Geoserver | |
<img src=""> | @JorgeMartinezG/spatio-temporal-cont… |… | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/alaba | Ayudas para cantar alabanzas | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/dondevoto | dondevoto source code | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @maoaiz/django-admin-conf-va… | A simple Django app to edit configuration variables with the Django admin. | |
<img src=""> | @odarbelaeze/condor-ir | A simple lsa engine written in python3 | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/webandgis | Lean and mean geospatial layers management, based on Django | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/agromapas | Simple KML generation with ExtJS frontend | |
<img src=""> | @CarMoreno/Vibora | :snake: Calculator built on Python 3.4 and PyQT. | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/osgeobd | Playing with OSM data in Dhaka | |
<img src=""> | @diegoalejogm/ | Machine Learning Library built from scratch | |
<img src=""> | @CarMoreno/DaftPynk | :alien: DaftpunkConsole with PyQT and Pygame: Harder Better, Faster Stronger :musical_note: | |
<img src=""> | @pcu4dros/pandora-time | Task manager with flask and restful | |
<img src=""> | @panchicore/mangoproject | project with learning django porpouses | |
<img src=""> | @yograterol/python-ctrldaemon | Service command wrapper for Python | |
<img src=""> | @maoaiz/MiniSQL-Compiler | Compilador Mini SQL desarrollado en Python con PLY | |
<img src=""> | @serpulga/threaded-tcp-sever | A threaded TCP server written in Python using PySide | |
<img src=""> | @maoaiz/django-crud-example | Django crud example | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @goanpeca/appveyor-client | Appveyor Python Client | |
<img src=""> | @julian-amaya/dss | Death Star Sensor Management - Framework Challenge | |
<img src=""> | @andfoy/vqa-detection | Object detection-based Visual Question Answering | |
<img src=""> | @jofpin/FSpuerto | Escaner de puertos simple | |
<img src=""> | @iris9112/Pycon2018_Fractals | ||
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/geonodedocs | Provisional copy of the next generation GeoNode docs | |
<img src=""> | @ingenieroariel/geonode-safe | Web based version of SAFE. More information available at | |
<img src=""> | @scastillo/beloved | Never forget your beloved stuff - a django-nonrel, tastypie adventure - | |
<img src=""> | @panchicore/tastekit-py | client of the restful | |
<img src=""> | @jofpin/smallpy | Small scripts in python | |
<img src=""> | @diegoalejogm/gym_gridworld | Easy to use Gridworld OpenAI Gym Environment, presented in the Reinforcement Learning book by Sutton and Barto. | |
<img src=""> | @echevemaster/devhub | Community site for FLOSS developers |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @dlizcano/tuit_sentimiento | Opinion mining for twitter in Spanish | |
<img src=""> | @haachicanoy/interdependence_circ… | Interdependence analysis 2016 using circos and interactive plots | |
<img src=""> | @fhernanb/cubm | R package to fit cub models using maximum likelihood method |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/fakeredis | In-memory driver for redis-rb, useful for development and test environments | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @robertomiranda/has_secure_token | Create uniques random tokens for any model in ruby on rails. Backport of ActiveRecord::SecureToken 5 to AR 3.x and 4.x | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/nancy | Minimal Ruby microframework for web development inspired in Sinatra and Cuba. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @orendon/contrib-hub | Open source lovers, making easier to find cool projects to hack on! Wanna help? | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @dcu/nanite-rails | easy nanite integration with rails | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/magent | simple job queue system based on mongodb | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/mongomapper_ext | mongomapper extensions | |
<img src=""> | @kevyder/puffly | Fun and cute flash messages for your ruby on @rails application. :+1: | |
<img src=""> | @esbanarango/acts_as_inheritable | Inheritable functionality for ActiveRecord models. | |
<img src=""> | @rderoldan1/usagewatch_ext | Extended version of usagewatch | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/auto_build | Automatically initialize associations in your Rails models | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/makeitpersonal | An experiment for music lovers. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/sinatra-template | My Sinatra template with Bundler, Rack config, Mongoid, RSpec2, SimpleCov and some useful Rake tasks. | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/mongoid_ext | Mongoid Plugins | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/s3share | S3 uploading command-line tool | |
<img src=""> | @rderoldan1/learn-ruby | Learn about simple ruby sintaxis | |
<img src=""> | @gomayonqui/bancolombia | A ruby script for checking your account balance through bancolombia virtual branch | |
<img src=""> | @EdgarOrtegaRamirez/lita-team | Create and manage the members of a team with Lita | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/cute_calendar | A Rails plugin to generate nice calendars. | |
<img src=""> | @esbanarango/zapier-REST-hooks | Rails engine that provides all the functionality/structure for Zapier REST hooks pattern. | |
<img src=""> | @DavidToca/gitignore-gem | A gem to generate .gitignore files base on templates | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @dcu/multiauth | authentication for rails 3 based on omniauth | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/minitest-vw | Makes your failing Minitest test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/rogue | Minimal HTTP server for Rack applications powered by the superpowers of others | |
<img src=""> | @rderoldan1/financial_maths | Some Financial Functions for loan amortization | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/htmlconverter | library/application to convert html to PDF, SVG or PNG | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/rambutan | Ruby web microframework with Rails-ish controllers and routes. | |
<img src=""> | @germanescobar/rails-bootstrap-moda… | An example that displays a view inside a Bootstrap modal in Rails. | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/rails4-ws-test | A tiny demo using TubeSock WebSocket implementation | |
<img src=""> | @stellamiranda/Restaurantify | our first project | |
<img src=""> | @jfgomez86/number-to-words | Translate any Integer between 1 and 999999999999 into spanish number words | |
<img src=""> | @robertomiranda/mini_mongo | Mini Mongo Mapper | |
<img src=""> | @luishurtado/tor | Ruby on Rails template handler for the rbTenjin template engine. | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/gmail-contacts | A Ruby gem for fetching a list of your GMail contacts. | |
<img src=""> | @esbanarango/Saas-Class | Assignments for the "Software Engineering for Software as a Service" class, taken at | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/appengine-jruby | Git Mirror of… | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/shipping_calc | Shipping Calculator written in Ruby to get quick quotes from the major carriers (UPS, DHL, FedEX, FreightQuote) | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/mdify | Preview your Markdown documents | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/gem2deb | convert ruby gem to debian package | |
<img src=""> | @germanescobar/ukku | ||
<img src=""> | @febuiles/timer.rb | A simple command-line timer. | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/zomgtime | current time in different timezones | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/heroku-config-rollba… | Allow roll back of values of the environment variables to a past release. | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/zomgrss | Create RSS feeds from Ruby collections. | |
<img src=""> | @EdgarOrtegaRamirez/lito | Lita: Bot in Ruby for ChatOps | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @gomayonqui/amazon_echo | ||
<img src=""> | @jfgomez86/Track-R | A small client library that uses PivotalTracker API | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @DavidToca/learn-ruby-the-hard-… | Learn ruby the hard way excercises | |
<img src=""> | @esbanarango/Topicos-Especiales-e… | Assignments and exams for the Special Topics in Telematics course, EAFIT University | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/atmoos_server | :arrow_upper_right: | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/tracking_link | ||
<img src=""> | @febuiles/make_permalink | Rails plugin to create permalinks in models | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/minirails | ActionController + Tilt experiment | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/rr2fetcher | Download files from a rapidshare free account | |
<img src=""> | @esbanarango/slack-currency-infor… | A bot that inform the currency rates in Slack. | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/zodiac | A Rails plugin to get the zodiac sign on a given date | |
<img src=""> | @robertomiranda/PatientManager | platform for the management of patients, schedule a doctor's medical records | |
<img src=""> | @MrCoffey/logstash-input-nats | NATS input plugin for Logstash | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/fast_gem | load ruby gems faster | |
<img src=""> | @orendon/ruby-koans | My solution to ruby koans from edgecase ( | |
<img src=""> | @luishurtado/rbTenjin | A copy of the Tenjin template system (Ruby implementation) | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @rderoldan1/ruby_chat | workshop for the telematics class | |
<img src=""> | @germanescobar/memberships | An example to create a multi-tenant application in Rails 5, ideal for SaaS applications | |
<img src=""> | @jfgomez86/amigodulce | Scripts para jugar al amigo dulce usando sinatra y net/smtp | |
<img src=""> | @jfgomez86/Odometer | small temporary training project | |
<img src=""> | @DavidToca/pokemon-game-cli | Pokemon game in command line | |
<img src=""> | @davidpelaez/fbdoorman | Rails authentication with facebook single sign-on OR email & password using clearance and MiniFB | |
<img src=""> | @kevyder/time_ago_in_words_es | Traducción del método time_ago_in_words de Ruby on Rails a español | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @esbanarango/Storitter | Simple project to get familiar with technologies used at Storific. | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/microspec | ||
<img src=""> | @esbanarango/Vibra-Fitness | Vibra System | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/uglifier-rails | Uglifier adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. | |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/cp-taller | Taler de Sinatra para Campus Party '10 Bogotá. | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/spea2 | ||
<img src=""> | @febuiles/tywin | A currency conversion Sinatra app | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/activeresource | (Note: this is the temporary repository for extraction) REST on Rails. Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Active Record models. | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @febuiles/pamela | Pamela is your personal Rake assistant. | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/taal | Simple build service on the cloud | |
<img src=""> | @dcu/message_hub | A simple gem to fetch/send messages from/to facebook, twitter and gmail. | |
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/kasoba | Interactive tool for large scale code refactors | |
<img src=""> | @rderoldan1/rails_country_select | Rails 3 country select tag gem | |
<img src=""> | @lauragarcia/twitter_client | ||
<img src=""> | @guilleiguaran/heroku-config-versio… | Configuration management for Heroku environment variables |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @cobaltolabs/ScalaPrimavera | ScalaPrimavera is a project to bring the Scala power to the Spring world | :arrow_upper_right: |
<img src=""> | @yujikiriki/functional-domain | Scala Functional Domain Example | |
<img src=""> | @AlejandroME/ScalaMDE_Writer_Stat… | Repositorio que contiene el código usado para la charla de ScalaMDE de Marzo 2017. | |
<img src=""> | @jupco/hackdo-rest-backend | This repository contains the backend service which will be used to demonstrate how to build an API REST with AkkaHTTP and Scala | |
<img src=""> | @Kmellzie/monitor-dev | ||
<img src=""> | @ErunamoJAZZ/docScala_es | Repo paramantener las traducciones de la documentación de Scala en español (temporal) | |
<img src=""> | @AlejandroME/ReaderM | Repository with a simple Microservice demonstrating some Functional Patterns |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @juanluisbaptiste/docker-otrs | Unofficial OTRS Ticketing System docker image | |
<img src=""> | @juanluisbaptiste/docker-postfix | Simple SMTP relay docker image. | |
<img src=""> | @juanluisbaptiste/docker-bigbluebutton | Unofficial docker BigBlueButton 0.81 docker image. This repository contains the Dockerfile and all other needed files to build the image. | |
<img src=""> | @nethalo/backup-scripts | Short collection of backup scripts. Mostly on bash | |
<img src=""> | @nethalo/mysql-tools | ||
<img src=""> | @imxb/firefox-installer | A script to install Firefox in Debian. | |
<img src=""> | @juanluisbaptiste/docker-brew-mageia | Scripts and files to create Mageia official docker base images. | |
<img src=""> | @juanluisbaptiste/docker-monero-wallet | Unofficial monero wallet GUI docker images | |
<img src=""> | @xergioalex/ghostDocker | XergioAleX Ghost Blog Configuration | |
<img src=""> | @HackM3nt3/ESET-evasion-metaspl… | it can evade ESET antivirus solution | |
<img src=""> | @dmontenegro/calculator |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @darincon/MaskedLabel | MaskedLabel is a UILabel subclass that allows you to easily apply a gradient to its text or to make it transparent. | |
<img src=""> | @juandavidcruzs/Mercadolibre-iOS-SDK | Mercadolibre iOS SDK written in Swift / API iOS de Mercadolibre escrita en Swift | |
<img src=""> | @jpachecou/SwiftyHelpers | Swifty Helpers - All things are easier with SwiftyHelpers | |
<img src=""> | @Rojke34/pingpong | ||
<img src=""> | @jpachecou/VIPER-Module-Generat… | VIPER Module Generator - Simple Viper module generator with graphic interface easier of using | |
<img src=""> | @juanmjimenezs/FireFun | A project to Learn Firebase in an iOS app with Swift 3, in this app you can login, register, remember password and write and erase your private notes. | |
<img src=""> | @juandavidcruzs/ABitOfHumanity | WWDC 2017 |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @alejogm0520/latexEAFIT | A modern LATEX beamer theme for the Universidad EAFIT | |
<img src=""> | @mua-uniandes/notebook | Programming contest notebook for uniandes programming contest teams | |
<img src=""> | @recanews/2015_5 | RECANEWS Volumen 5 - Mayo 2015 | |
<img src=""> | @forero/AndeanCosmologySchoo… | Repository for all the material for the Andean School on Cosmology. June 1 - 26, 2015. Bogotá, Colombia. | |
<img src=""> | @forero/AstronomiaPopular | Material del curso Astronomia Popular en la Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
<img src=""> | @juannaviap/dotvim | VimConfig |
:question: Get Help
There are few ways to get help:
- Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
- For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
- For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:
:yum: How to contribute
Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.
:sparkling_heart: Support my projects
I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).
However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:
Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a
coffeetea. :tea: -
—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below):
Thanks! :heart: