

JSON Schema to MySQL Tables


php -q /path/to/json-schema-mysql/json-schema-mysql.php "mysql:dbname=example;host=localhost;port=3306" "user" "password" "/path/to/json/schema/directory"


require_once "path/to/json-schema-mysql/json-schema-mysql.php";
// Instanciate PDO
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=example;host=localhost;port=3306", "user", "password");
// Instanciate JSON_Schema_MySQL
$sql_schema = new JSON_Schema_MySQL($pdo);

// Generate tables from all .json files in a directory

// Or, generate table from a single .json file

CRUD Class

A CRUD class matching the DB architecture is available.

require_once "path/to/json-schema-mysql/json-schema-crud.php";
// Instanciate PDO
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=example;host=localhost;port=3306", "user", "password");
// Instanciate JSON_Schema_MySQL
$crud = new Schema_Model($pdo, "path/to/json/schema/directory");

// Get model by id
$model = $crud->my_schema($id);
// Create model
$model = $crud->my_schema->create([
    "column_1" => "Value one",
    "column_2" => "Value two"
// Get model rows
$models = $crud->my_schema->read([
    "column_1" => "First filter",
    "column_2" => "Second filter"
], [
    "order_by" => "date",
    "order"    => "DESC",
    "limit"    => 24,
    "page"     => 0
// Update model
$model = $crud->my_schema->update($model->id[
    "column_1" => "New value one",
    "column_2" => "New value two"
// Delete model

Feel free to whatever. Contributions are welcome.