


MPRIS2 client, written in QML for Plasma KDE. Screenshots


Remember to install the development libraries for KDE.

Create a build directory and then enter it.

$ mkdir build && cd build

And compile. :D

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. && make && sudo make install

Configure keyboard shortcuts

PlayBar also supports keyboard shortcuts and these come with a default configuration, but if you want change you must go to: System Preferences> Shortcuts and Gestures> Global Keyboard Shortcuts and select the component "Plasma Desktop Shell". Shortcuts

Add a window rule for plasma-desktop

If you use a Dock as Plank or CairoDock you may notice as an application called "plasma-desktop" in the Dock appears when the PlayBar popup window opens.

This can be fixed in two ways:

  1. Opening the config-ui window of the plasmoid and uncheck the option "Avoid close popup when It loses focus:".
  2. Add a KWin rule for "plasma-desktop" in Window Behavior> Window rules. KWin Rule

Help me to translate!

If you want to add a language, please follow this thread.
