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🇨🇱 A list of cool projects made in Chile



@gittogethers/santiagoGitTogether Santiago de Chile:arrow_upper_right:


1145@RafaelVidaurre/angular-permissionSimple route authorization via roles/permissions
1043@tomas/needleNimble, streamable HTTP client for Node.js. With proxy, iconv, cookie, deflate & multipart support.:arrow_upper_right:
672@andresgottlieb/soundcastCast audio from macOS to Chromecast
408@rubentd/gifplayerCustomizable jquery plugin to play and stop animated gifs. Similar to 9gag's. Support for video formats:arrow_upper_right:
349@alangrafu/radar-chart-d3Simple radar chart in D3.js
292@RafaelVidaurre/yakuzaHighly scalable Node.js scraping framework for mobsters
256@juanbrujo/jQuery-TimelinrThis simple plugin helps you to give more life to the boring timelines. Supports horizontal and vertical layouts, and you can specify parameters for most attributes: speed, transparency, etc...:arrow_upper_right:
206@nicolaslopezj/simple-react-formA library to make reusable form components in React and React Native:arrow_upper_right:
129@rubentd/darktooltipSimple customizable tooltip with confirm option and 3d effects:arrow_upper_right:
126@alangrafu/timeknotsMinimalist timeline in javascript based on d3.js. This work was inspired by https://github.com/mquan/timeline
115@jlobos/instagram-web-api🤳 Instagram Private Web API client for Node:arrow_upper_right:
109@lopezjurip/routed-reactUsing create-react-app with React Router + Express.js and Docker. This is a naive and simple way where server-side rendering is not required.:arrow_upper_right:
92@nicolaslopezj/rolesThe most advanced roles package for meteor
85@rubentd/radios-to-sliderjquery plugin to create a slider using a list of radio buttons
79@rubentd/tanksTanks battle game prototype, for nodejs learning purposes
63@tomas/networkThe missing network utilities in Node.js.
52@marcelofelman/mva-botsMaterial para cursos de MVA sobre bots
47@nicolaslopezj/meteor-router-layerA layer for Meteor Routers
39@tomas/dialogShow native alert dialogs on Windows, OSX and Linux with Node.js.
37@juanbrujo/tinyModalClean, Fast, Modular and customizable Modal Window controller:arrow_upper_right:
37@nicolaslopezj/react-apollo-decorat…Better decorators for Apollo and React
34@nicolaslopezj/simple-react-form-ma…A set of fields for simple-react-form that use material-ui:arrow_upper_right:
33@nicolaslopezj/meteor-react-formAutomatic forms creation with Simple Schema and React
32@jlobos/instagram-storiesGet the Instagram Stories in Node.js and Browser:arrow_upper_right:
31@rubentd/toastyShow Dan Forden's Toasty from Mortal Kombat as an Easter Egg for your website:arrow_upper_right:
30@nicolaslopezj/reactive-templatesCreate templates that you can override in meteor
28@juanbrujo/Sluggin.jsConverts string/array into websafe-friendly-clean piece of text:arrow_upper_right:
27@YerkoPalma/choo-websocket:loop: Small wrapper around WebSocket browser API, for choo apps
22@FabianBravoA/tbk_nodeTransbank node.js module (NOT OFFICIAL)
21@YerkoPalma/choo-audio:musical_note: Opinionated abstraction around web audio api for choo framework
18@jlobos/pokemongo-genymotionPlay Pokémon GO from your Genymotion device
17@YerkoPalma/choo-tts:loudspeaker: Simple text-to-speech in the browser for choo
17@jlobos/rut.js:chile: Sencilla y pequeña librería para validar y dar formato al RUT:arrow_upper_right:
15@rubentd/haunterjsCSS regression testing tool focused on simplicity
15@YerkoPalma/marli:memo: Markdown tagged template literal renderer:arrow_upper_right:
15@YerkoPalma/choo-sseSmall wrapper around server-sent event browser API, for choo apps
15@juanbrujo/limitCharactsLimits and trim the amount of characters added to any input/textarea tag
14@lopezjurip/electron-react-deskt…Starting point for a Electron + React.js + React-Router-v4
12@YerkoPalma/chooify:construction: Browserify transform to process .choo files as isolated, stateless choo components:arrow_upper_right:
12@tomas/spaghettiWrapper around GStreamer's gst-launch for Node.js.
11@YerkoPalma/choo-stt:microphone: Simple speech-to-text in the browser for choo
11@lgaticaq/node-nmeaParser for NMEA sentences.
11@lgaticaq/bipGet balance of bip card (Chile)
11@YerkoPalma/choo-animateAdd animations to choo navigation system
10@tomas/satanBring daemons to life or destroy them forever. Cross platform, Node.js.
10@alangrafu/visualSparqlCreate SPARQL queries in a graphical way
10@YerkoPalma/choo-offline:wrench: offline first support for choo apps:arrow_upper_right:
9@burabure/clase-reactMaterial Clase React
9@juanbrujo/mixture-fbtab-boiler…Mixture.io + Facebook Tab = Boilerplate
9@highercomve/angular-starter-kitTemplate for angular application
8@alangrafu/github-open-data-por…Ejemplo de Repositorio Open Data en github
8@nicolaslopezj/excel-exportExport excel files with Meteor
8@lopezjurip/rutificadorGet chilean RUT from people's name:arrow_upper_right:
8@YerkoPalma/dsh:globe_with_meridians: Remotelly run commands using Dat
8@tomas/proxyconfNode.js module for handling system proxy configuration. Unfinished.
7@juanbrujo/cha-barMac OS X menu bar app that shows cryptocurrency CHAUCHA price in real-time
7@lopezjurip/transantiago-botTelegram Transantiago Bot:arrow_upper_right:
7@tomas/replyNode.js console-based wizards in a snap.
7@nicolaslopezj/simple-react-form-ex…Examples for Simple React Form:arrow_upper_right:
7@tomas/wmicWrapper around the Windows WMIC interface for Node.js.
6@highercomve/serverless-starter-k…Initial file structure for api projects with lambda
6@YerkoPalma/tic-tac-toe:game_die: Progressive tic tac toe game, made with choo:arrow_upper_right:
6@YerkoPalma/vue-print:package: (WIP) Vue plugin to easy print in the web
6@jlobos/neo-instagram🤳 Instagram for Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
6@alangrafu/farrahFarrah, The Fawcetted Browser:arrow_upper_right:
6@juanbrujo/now-staticstarter to serve static files for now service:arrow_upper_right:
6@juanbrujo/simple-grunt-workflo…Basic and simple GruntJS workflow for front-end projects:arrow_upper_right:
6@burabure/react-testingReact Testing example
6@tomas/rosterCreate or delete system user accounts in macOS, Linux and Windows.
5@tomas/tunaReverse tunnels for Node.js. Node.js for tunnels reverse.
5@lgaticaq/anime-dlSearch and get anime video url
5@lgaticaq/tbk-oneclickNode Implementation of Transbank Oneclick API SOAP
5@juanbrujo/numberToCLPFormatertransforms a number to currency used in Chile (Chilean Pesos)
5@juanbrujo/createElementCreate HTML elements using JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
5@jlobos/emojify-shortenShorten your links with emoji 🥑 🦍 🍾 🏄 🎬 🤞 🥂 🎸:arrow_upper_right:
5@ivolivares/workshop-angularjs-l…Workshop de AngularJS creado para Laboratoria :grinning:
5@blackjid/gwohelperHelper for GWO that allow you to run multiple experiments in the same page
5@nicolaslopezj/optionsReactive app options for meteor
5@juanbrujo/beerjs-santiagoTheme base para sitio BeerJS - Santiago | www.beerjs.cl
4@alangrafu/turtle-in-htmlBookmark to visualize RDF embedded in HTML as Turtle
4@alangrafu/votaciones-senado-co…Extracción, parsing y conversión de votaciones del senado de Chile a RDF
4@juanbrujo/thirsty-cat-duinoArduino-controlled water-supply for my 🐈
4@lgaticaq/chilexpress-cliCheck shipping status in chilexpress CLI
4@lgaticaq/beerjs-cliGet beerjs info (Chile) CLI
4@tomas/linusGet current Linux distro name and version, from Node.js.
4@tomas/lisaLean deployment for single or multi-stage environments. Like Capistrano but in JS.
4@lopezjurip/dead-simple-react-ap…Express.js, Docker and PM2 with create-react-app
4@FabianBravoA/validaRutValidar rut
4@juanbrujo/Typefont-exampleExample files for Typefont project:arrow_upper_right:
4@lgaticaq/anime-dl-cliCLI for show and download anime from jkanime.net
4@juanbrujo/jquery-scrollTipsThis small jQuery plugin creates tooltips that helps navigation within the same page
3@jlobos/rut-regexRegular expression for matching Chile RUT's
3@juanbrujo/georegionalizacionjQuery plugin que permite generar dependencia entre 2 <select> y entre ellos mostrar la relación region / comuna que conforma la distribución geopolítica de la República de Chile:arrow_upper_right:
3@juanbrujo/random-clinode.js Command Line Interface to select randomly from given list or range
3@nicolaslopezj/email-queueAdd emails to a queue and send them one by one
3@juanbrujo/CMS.js-album-generat…Scrapes a directory of photos and creates markdown files to be used by CMS.js enabled site
3@lgaticaq/hubot-cneA hubot script to get fuel price in Chile from cne api
3@lgaticaq/info-rutGet full name from a valid RUT
3@lgaticaq/meitrack-parserParse raw data from Meitrack devices
3@YerkoPalma/web-audio-graph:speaker: web audiograph builder:arrow_upper_right:
3@nicolaslopezj/s3-static-proxyServer side rendering solution for create react apps
3@lopezjurip/koa-semverSemantic Versioning middleware:arrow_upper_right:
3@YerkoPalma/choo-exampleFull stack example with choo front-end
3@nicolaslopezj/orion-users-with-rol…Users attribute with roles filter
3@YerkoPalma/choo-starter:bowtie: choo starter template
3@tomas/memorizeSmart async function memoization. Node.js / Io.js.
3@tomas/bucklePure JS unzip that preserves file attributes.
3@andresgottlieb/nodioA node.js client for accessing the Podio API using the App authentication flow. Node + Podio = Nodio.
3@dochoaj/react-boilerplateA simple React boilerplate made with <3
3@highercomve/ShadowDOMComponentJust testing some ideas, don't use this for anyting else, only for fun
3@jlobos/mega-url-regexRegular expression for matching MEGA URLs
3@ivolivares/workshop-devtools-la…Workshop de Devtools creado para Laboratoria :grinning:
3@jlobos/bono-marzo-whatsappConsulta si eres beneficiado del Aporte Familiar Permanente (Bono Marzo) vía WhatsApp
3@alangrafu/dspace_metadata_rdfTool for converting dspace metadata into RDF and viceversa
3@juanbrujo/vue-calculaasadoPrototipo de calculatuasado.cl en VueJS:arrow_upper_right:
3@rubentd/jarvisPersonal home assistant, listens to voice commands and telegram messages, to perform actions like playing music or turning lights on and off
2@YerkoPalma/duotone-generator:nail_care: generate duotone atom themes with contrast checker:arrow_upper_right:
2@nicolaslopezj/orion-stripeOrion integration with stripe payments
2@burabure/tut-ES6-promises-gen…Presentacion interactiva sobre Promesas, Generadores, Iteradores y Async/Await en ES6
2@burabure/start-mvuModel-View-Update reactive pattern for Javascript
2@palamago/messi-500Data Visualization about Messi's 500 goals:arrow_upper_right:
2@lgaticaq/khaos-hubot-scriptA template for quickly building hubot scripts
2@juanbrujo/superclave-CLICLI en Node.js para manejar de manera local y a través de terminal.app la SuperClave (soft token) de un banco en Chile
2@juanbrujo/jquery-entelCharactsTransforma secuencialmente los caracteres dado un string (texto) tal como lo hace Entel en su publicidad.:arrow_upper_right:
2@juanbrujo/jQuery-browserSizrYour flexible fixed layout / Tu estructura fija, flexible
2@juanbrujo/chilegramLab project including instagram API, LESS, jQuery (audio) and lots of CSS3
2@nicolaslopezj/flowPagos Flow Chile (webpay) para meteor
2@juanbrujo/npm-starterStarter for a basic NPM module
2@jlobos/shorte-stShorten URLs using Shorte.st and earn money 💰
2@juanbrujo/csslab-weekly-assist…NodeJS robot that helps me to build CSSLab's Weekly newsletter:arrow_upper_right:
2@jlobos/blogger-html-previewGet output code preview of Google Blogger
2@juanbrujo/seleqSmallest JavaScript selector handler
2@jlobos/neo-disqusDisqus API client library for node.js ✨:arrow_upper_right:
2@Angularjschile/ng-rutNG RUT Validador Rut Chileno
2@jlobos/mega-link-availableCheck if MEGA links is available
2@lgaticaq/siiCrea facilmente boleta de honorarios
2@jlobos/ouoShorten URLs using OUO.io and earn money
2@hectorpalmatellez/pineapplepizza:pineapple: :pizza: .ws:arrow_upper_right:
2@jlobos/369three, six and nine (369) :milky_way::arrow_upper_right:
2@lgaticaq/node-totp-cliInsert/Generate a TOTP for a service from pass
2@jlobos/blogger-save-themeSave theme of Google Blogger from Node.js
2@lgaticaq/bomberos-cl-apiListado de Cuerpos de Bomberos de Chile en json y csv
2@jlobos/nic-chile:chile: Dot cl domains (.cl) last registered, search, deleted and whois from nic.cl:arrow_upper_right:
2@lgaticaq/hubot-kitsuA Hubot script to get anime data from kitsu
2@FabianBravoA/ClaseNPMClase de NPM, instalación de bibliotecas como babel o ESLint
2@lgaticaq/cellocator-parserParse raw data from cellocator devices
2@lopezjurip/chat-intentParse phone number to create intents for chat apps
2@lgaticaq/node-cneGet fuel price from cne api
2@lopezjurip/chilenifyTurn spanish to chilean flaite | How to create a npm module workshop example:arrow_upper_right:
2@lgaticaq/hubot-memegenerationA Hubot script to meme generation with imgflip API
2@lopezjurip/mathpad-botTelegram MathPad Bot powered by mathjs.org:arrow_upper_right:
2@highercomve/jsx-to-shacoThe JSX transformer to Shaco sintax
2@lopezjurip/node-in-dockerAplicación de ejemplo en Express.js con Docker:arrow_upper_right:
2@highercomve/qioskoJSSimple Rss Feed reader write on Javascript and publish on Chrome Web Store:arrow_upper_right:
2@highercomve/react-redux-todoSimple todo app with React and Redux:arrow_upper_right:
2@EstebanFuentealba/node-flow-clNodeJS package para la integración de pagos con Flow (https://www.flow.cl)
2@alangrafu/WWW2012-mobile-webap…Components and configuration for the mobile webapp for www2012:arrow_upper_right:
2@tomas/removerStoppable recursive rmdir for Node.js.
2@palamago/turismo-entre-riosSimple d3 map showing tourist points in Entre Ríos, Argentina:arrow_upper_right:
2@tomas/wheneverDelayed require() of Node.js modules.
2@tomas/getsetSmart configuration manager for Node.js client applications.


698@asystat/Final-Android-Resize…A simple yet powerful resizer for Android Image resources
345@coyarzun89/FabTransitionActivit…Example of fab animation
31@Darkona/AdventureBackpack2Remaking the mod
29@gmazzo/okhttp-client-mockA simple OKHttp client mock, using a programmable request interceptor
15@justomiguel/libProgJava Lib to open and handle files
13@justomiguel/tsp2016Carpeta de Ejercicios TSP
8@tolmachevroman/AcraSlackSample project for Android Studio showing how to implement ACRA and Slack integration
8@gmazzo/gocd-build-watcher-p…A GoCD notification plugin which sends direct emails and Slack messages to the person who breaks a build
6@Kodehawa/imageboard-apiSimple asynchronous API wrapper around the most popular danbooru-compatible imageboard APIs.
5@gmazzo/android-nestedscroll…Nested scroll (CoordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout and CollapsingToolbarLayout) support for Google Maps fragments
4@Pefaur/cordova-examplesA collection of Cordova Examples
4@Psep/html4jAPI Java para generar código html
3@lezorich/directSiding-AndroidAplicación Android que facilita el acceso al Sistema de Información de la Escuela de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica.
2@jbovet/webpay-soapEjemplo de Integración servicio webpay-soap
2@hcarrasc/HgemovesMenu bar application for mac osx, which lets you know if you have pending movements in daily games played on Chess.com
2@edwinperaza/GridImageSearchAndroid App using Custom Search Engine (Google) to search images
2@lezorich/Ok-VolleyA combination of Square's OkHttp client and Volley Networking toolkit for Android. It also has Gson integrated and other small features, like a persistent cookie store.
2@justomiguel/ClapsyRepositorio creado para reproducir los algoritmos en pseudocodigo en tiempo real a JAVA
2@asystat/FrapiSemantic Android Application for newspaper comparison


170@maxtoroq/DbExtensionsData-access framework with a strong focus on query composition, granularity and code aesthetics.:arrow_upper_right:
47@maxtoroq/MvcCodeRoutingNamespace-based Modularity for ASP.NET MVC and Web API
27@pctroll/unity3d-music-visual…Code base for a music visualizer in Unity3D:arrow_upper_right:
22@maxtoroq/MvcAccountAuthentication and Account Management plugin for ASP.NET MVC
16@jose-villegas/FurRenderingFur rendering in Unity with Shell Texturing
15@SonryP/VitaViewUse your Android Phone as a Ps Vita Screen (with RinCheat)
14@SonryP/VitaMoteUse your Ps Vita as an Android Controller
10@maxtoroq/myxslmyxsl helps you integrate XPath-based languages such as XSLT, XQuery, Schematron with your .NET code
8@maxtoroq/MvcPagesMvcPages combines the simplicity of ASP.NET Web Pages with the power of ASP.NET MVC
4@pctroll/ai4g-unity-ai-for-ga…Unity implementation of the algorithms in the book Artificial Intelligence For Games, by Millington and Funge
4@ZoserLock/unity-guiskin-editorA custom inspector for Unity GUISkin files.
3@ZoserLock/unity-ugui-examplesA set of examples of Unity GUI (ugui).
3@ZoserLock/keyboard-unchatterApplication to fix the keyboard chattering of mechanical switches
3@fsateler/gettext-cs-utilsC# i18n Gettext Utilities:arrow_upper_right:
2@DaPipex/EnsageBecause why not?
2@aledev/ValidadorHuellaFingerprint Validation Example using Visual Studio 2010 (C#), XML and DigitalPersona One Touch SDK
2@jose-villegas/Morphological-Operat…Takes on: https://github.com/jose-villegas/Edge-De… but now provides morphological operations and image trimming. Image loader and editor using C# provides morphological operations, edge detection, free rotation, mirror, negative, threshold, brightness/contrast, scaling, etc
2@jose-villegas/WebCamToASCIIImage processing project, takes direct feed from a image capture device and convert its to ASCII-Art in real time, uses C# and AForge
2@jose-villegas/Edge-DetectionImage loader and editor using C#, provides edge detection, free rotation, mirror, negative, threshold, brightness/contrast, scaling, etc
2@maxtoroq/XCST-aXCST web pages for ASP.NET:arrow_upper_right:


74@raulghm/Font-Awesome-StylusStylus port for font-awesome 4.7.0:arrow_upper_right:
7@juanbrujo/cleaver-beerjsOfficial theme for BeerJS Santiago meetups using Cleaver Slideshow:arrow_upper_right:
6@raulghm/vue2-boilerplateSimple and scalable boilerplate for Vue 2 projects
4@sebslakes/turlshortening url, code in php, jquery, js mysql
4@raulghm/cleaver-vueCleaver Vue theme
4@raulghm/gulp-exampleExample Gulp project (Sass, Jade, Minify, Uglify, CoffeeScript, Livereload)
3@raulghm/Fast.styl[Experiment] Short and fast syntax for your css stylus projects
2@sebslakes/webtozipDescarga sitios web completos
2@raulghm/raulghm-sass-utilsSASS helpers/mixins for development
2@raulghm/beerjs-valdivia-siteBeerJS Valdivia Site:arrow_upper_right:


2@joseglego/joseglego.github.ioPersonal landing page. Using HTML5, Sass, JavaScript/jQuery, Gulp & Eslint:arrow_upper_right:


473@astroza/udptunnelIt allows TCP/UDP/ICMP traffic over UDP tunneling. It's useful to avoid Internet restrictions.
90@kR105-zz/PS4-dlcloseFully implemented dlclose exploit for PS4 fw 1.76 with included linux loader
5@fbarriga/fuse_xattrsadd xattrs support using sidecar files.
4@juanbarrios/multimedia_toolsLibraries and tools for Multimedia Information Retrieval and Computer Vision.:arrow_upper_right:
4@djmasde/catwmcatwm is a very simple tiling window manager, fork from pyknite catwm
4@sudachen/python-tool-legacysome python related utilities like py2cc
3@rbasoalto/sonyremoteIR Remote Control for MSP430G*
3@astroza/iomplxExperimental I/O Multiplexer Library
3@djmasde/x9wm-forkx9wm-fork is a simple fork of x9wm bassed in w9wm, 9wm, with some changes
2@fbarriga/audioscout-forkforked from https://code.google.com/p/audioscout
2@TriForceX/JediKnightPlusGame modification for Jedi Knight 2 Multiplayer with useful and innovative features. (all game versions support)


118@juribeparada/MMDVM_HSMMDVM HotSpot: firmware for ZUMspot or MMDVM_HS based boards (D-Star, DMR, YSF, P25, NXDN and POCSAG)
38@roymacdonald/ofxGLWarperopenGL image quad-wraper addon for OF.
31@roymacdonald/ofxSoundObjectsopenFrameworks addon implementation for the ofSoundObject implementaion developed at the YCAM '13 ofDevCon, yet never released
25@roymacdonald/ofxFatLinesopenFrameworks addon. draw nicely antialiased and feathered lines and polylines of any width via openGL.
22@radarsat1/LoopDubA cross-platform audio application for live loop manipulation.:arrow_upper_right:
21@roymacdonald/kinectToTexturedOBJclass to save the data from the kinect as a textured OBJ file.
20@roymacdonald/ofxDLib-DEPRECATED-openFrameworks addon for including and wrapping the dlib library
19@roymacdonald/ofxInfiniteCanvasInfinitely zoomable and scrollable 2D canvas addon for openFrameworks.
15@juribeparada/YSF2DMRConversion software for Yaesu System Fusion to DMR
13@roymacdonald/ofxLUTopenFrameworks addon to filter images using 3D LUTs. 3D LUTs are used mainly in color gradding software to save the color transformations applied to an image.
12@bitnenfer/GLSpriteRenderDemoDemo application showing capabilities of persistent and coherent buffer mapping in OpenGL.:arrow_upper_right:
11@radarsat1/dimpleThis project is an implementation of a physical dynamics environment which can be controlled via OSC, so that audio projects such as PureData can create physical objects in a virtual space, and then let them interact with each other, colliding and otherwise moving around. Data about objects' position and acceleration, for example, can be retrieved and then used to affect some sort of audio synthesis. This repository is a mirror of the main DIMPLE git repository hosted on idmil.org.:arrow_upper_right:
11@roymacdonald/ofxCameraSaveLoadopenFrameworks addon. lets you save and load all the parameters of any ofCamera of ofEasyCam object.
9@nilehmann/libk2treek2tree implementation
6@aindigo/libtorrent-jsRelaxed Bindings and wraps to some functionality of Rasterbar - Lib Torrent for NodeJS
6@juribeparada/MMDVM_CMCross-mode conversion tools for MMDVM software
6@roymacdonald/ofx2DCamInteractive ortoghraphic camera addon for openFrameworks.
5@radarsat1/chai3dCHAI 3D is an open source, freely available set of C++ libraries for computer haptics, visualization and interactive real-time simulation. This is not the project's official development repository, but is a personal area to stage proposed patches and to maintain the version of CHAI3D used in DIMPLE.:arrow_upper_right:
5@roymacdonald/ofxConstantQConstant Q transform implementation addon for openFrameworks.
5@radarsat1/FOAWImplementation of several velocity estimators, including First-Order Adaptive Windowing (FOAW), least squares fit using FIR filter coefficients, Levant's 2-sliding observer, and a 3rd-order Kalman filter.
5@roymacdonald/ofxAfterEffectsTrans…import into OF the transform keyframes from AfterEffects.
4@juribeparada/DMR2YSFConversion software for DMR to Yaesu System Fusion
4@roymacdonald/flatCityRepo for flatNewYork project.
4@roymacdonald/DLibTestTEst project that includes DLib in an openFrameworks project
4@nilehmann/RePair-WaveletTree-G…Graph Implementation with repair bitmap compressed WaveletTree
3@hferrada/rmqThis code creates a data structure to compute the RMQ(i,j) on an array of integers.
3@juribeparada/YSF2P25Conversion software for Yaesu System Fusion (VW) to P25
3@roymacdonald/ofxParameterMidiSyncopenFrameworks addon for easily syncronizing ofParameters with MIDI messages.
3@diegocaro/temporalgraphsCompact data structures for Temporal Graphs
3@nilehmann/k2tdbRegular Path Queries for Graph Databases using k2trees.
3@juribeparada/NXDN2DMRSoftware conversion for NXDN to DMR
2@juribeparada/MMDVM_DMRMMDVM firmware with DMR support only
2@bitnenfer/bmfont_cppExtract binary information from BMFont Binary output.
2@radarsat1/rustaudioJust testing some audio generation code in Rust. This is not a serious project, but just a simple wrapper for RtAudio so that I can run some DSP routines and hear the output.
2@diegocaro/wmatrixWavelet Matrix and Interleaved Wavelet Matrix implementations
2@roymacdonald/ofxTween2Reimplementation of ofxTween, which was deprecated, now using ofxEasing to deal with easings.
2@roymacdonald/ofxDisplayEventsLet's your openFramworks app to listen to display events such as adding or removing a display, resizing, etc.
2@roymacdonald/TheFriedmanEffectSimple OF app that recreates the seudo pixelation effect seen on some works of artist Tom Friedman.
2@roymacdonald/ofxModalopenFrameworks addon. Easily create custom modal dialogs.
2@roymacdonald/ofxSKTopenFrameworks implementation of simpleKinectTouch. Is very messy right now. needs to be cleaned.


2@Pluralandpartners/SimpleYoutubePlayerSimple Youtube Player Class written in as3


12@polymeris/carlosAutogenerated SVG illustrations inspired by Carlos Cruz-Diez' Physichromies.:arrow_upper_right:
10@Average-user/gozarSoftware to practice Go
10@polymeris/re-frame-realword-ex…Exemplary real world application built with Clojurescript and re-frame
4@polymeris/cljs-awsUnofficial AWS client for Clojurescript on Node.js or in the browser


66@douglasmakey/urshoURL Shortener Service in Go
60@aledbf/kube-keepalived-vipKubernetes Virtual IP address/es using keepalived
26@douglasmakey/go-fcmFirebase Cloud Messaging library written in Go
12@douglasmakey/trackingA geospatial tracking service with Go and Redis
8@douglasmakey/enviEnvironment vars in Go.
5@go-zero/go-vedisGo bind to the Vedis datastore:arrow_upper_right:
5@aledbf/kube-to-corednsKubernetes DNS server using coredns
4@aledbf/systemd-godeis systemd scripts in go
3@tangzero/inflectorA Go Inflector heavily inspired on the Rails version:arrow_upper_right:
3@larixsource/suntechSuntech GPS parsers
2@alkemir/intervaltreeA dynamic, self-prunning version of the segment-tree using AVL trees
2@aledbf/haproxy-self-reloadMonitor HAProxy configuration file changes to trigger a reload
2@douglasmakey/golang_apiA RESTful application boilerplate in Go using Echo + gorm with PostgreSQL and more.


153@jdnavarro/graphql-haskellHaskell GraphQL implementation
3@dmw/ApacheLogRevApache Stats Log Reviser:arrow_upper_right:
3@jdnavarro/tasty-lensTasty TestTrees for Lens validation
2@dmw/dmw-programando-orgMy solutions for www.programando.org programming contests
2@jdnavarro/smallcheck-seriesOrphan Series/CoSeries instances for common types
2@jdnavarro/pipes-errorsIntegration between pipes and errors


90@matiasah/shadowsShädows - A Shadows & Lights engine for löve
16@tangerinagames/spine-moaiMOAI runtime for Spine animations
15@matiasah/guiStarkkz's GUI for löve
5@ngunsu/lcsisLearning cross-spectral similarity measures with deep convolutional neural networks code
5@matiasah/lua-transformA Unity-like transformation class for Lua
4@crowl/sql2luaGenerate lua functions from SQL queries
4@matiasah/bnetLuaJIT's FFI port for BNet and LuaSocket
3@tangerinagames/spine-hanappeHanappe/MOAI runtime for Spine (deprecated):arrow_upper_right:
3@matiasah/zipZIP Library for löve
2@ngunsu/qnetCross-Spectral Local Descriptors via Quadruplet Network
2@darknessfmy/Servidor_Local_DKSUn servidor local pre-configurado por mi, para que los nuevos miembros del equipo Valhallen Ragnarok puedan practicar y adentrarse al mundo de *Athena.
2@matiasah/onetONET - Object Oriented Networking Library for LÖVE


8@domingomery/BaluToolbox Balu


921@matmartinez/MMNumberKeyboardA simple keyboard to use with numbers and, optionally, a decimal point.
638@luisespinoza/LEColorPickerA Cocoa-Touch system for iOS to get a color scheme in function of an image, like iTunes 11 does.
53@idevsoftware/Cocoa-Touch-Addition…A collection of assorted categories to common Cocoa Touch classes:arrow_upper_right:
20@idevsoftware/IDTwitterAccountChoo…Twitter Account Chooser view controller for iOS 6+
5@rodrigoaguilar/RAMCloudDocumentsTransparent cloud storage access for bContext app. Supports Dropbox and Google Drive
4@ocallau/ObjCSmalltalkExtensi…Useful Smalltalk methods for Objective-C
3@riosc/InputHandlerClass that manages onFocus inputs iOS
2@jonathanramirez/Google-Analyticsintegrate Google Analytics' tracking capabilities with your iOS app
2@luisespinoza/ActivityIndicatorIma…Sample code for Stack Overflow answer
2@fyarad/FYPhotoLibraryProtocol to use ALAssetsLibrary classes or PHPhotoLibrary classes based on iOS system
2@fyarad/FYHTMLTextViewUITextView that parses HTML code and transform it to NSAttributedString. Also transforms Instagram, Twitter and others embedeed objects to native views.
2@jghg02/slidemenuiosEjemplo de Implementacion de un Slide Menu para iOS:arrow_upper_right:
2@jonathanramirez/SimpleNSCollectionVi…This example Cocoa application, basic functionality NSCollectionView


3@huguei/dnssecSome dnssec scripts


31@rodrigore/laravel-vue-adminLaravel Vue Admin
20@rodrigore/turbolinks-demo-lara…Laravel 5.2 Demo using turbolinks 5
14@dospuntocero/RetinaImagesRetina images for amazing responsiveness in silverstripe 3!
13@dospuntocero/doarticlesDataobject as Pages Module for silverstripe 3
12@devswert/LaCrudCRUD helper for Laravel
9@dospuntocero/CustomerQuestionsCustomerQuestions is a SS3 dashboard module that is in charge of your Basic Contact Form
7@ctala/InstitucionesFinanci…Base de datos de las instituciones financieras de Chile basada en la información del SBIF
7@felipelavinz/GutenPressAn OOP toolset for WordPress:arrow_upper_right:
6@christiansalazar/omfObject Modeling Framework (OMF), a framework for handling objects and relationships. Available for pure PHP and Yii Framework. Portable to other languages (comming soon). (PLEASE USE THE BRANCH: "minimal", THIS PROJECT STILL RUNS SLOW, IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
5@mayeco/drupal-composer-edit…A Drupal 8 Composer Edition (plus Docker)
5@halles/events-manager-exten…A WordPress plugin that extends the Events Manager Extended (EME) plugin, letting users submit events from the frontend of the site
4@mayeco/sfOpenIdOAuthSymfony 1 app to login and sign up users using openid/oauth (Obsolete)
4@villalon/reservasalasMoodle plugin for booking study rooms and class rooms
4@rodrigore/sii_chilePort de la gema sii_chile https://github.com/sagmor/sii_chile
3@dospuntocero/PieceMaker-for-silve…3d slideshow for silverstripe
3@christiansalazar/jamboreean html layout builder similar to GWT (google web toolkit). using Jamboree you can easily create html layouts using pure php core object oriented.
3@mayeco/GoogleBundleSymfony Bundle for Google OAuth and Adwords API
3@ctala/WooMercadoPagosChileSistema de pagos para Chile usando Mercado Pagos.
3@pviojo/transantiago-apiWrapper API Transantiago for PHP
3@shikadiqueen/weldynWesnoth forums codebase.
3@rodrigore/php-flight-exampleExample using Flight router, twig template, eloquent, phinx migrations
2@felipelavinz/wp-cli-post-term-com…Manage post terms with WP CLI
2@dospuntocero/DOStoreSimple Cart addon for DOArticles
2@villalon/emarkingMoodle plugin which goes in mod/
2@dospuntocero/langbuilderterminal lang builder for silverstripe3 that creates en.yml files
2@mayeco/RedisEnableBundleSymfony Bundle for Redis
2@mayeco/SkrillPSPSkrill.com PHP Library
2@mayeco/fPDFBundleFPDF v1.7 Bundle for Symfony
2@mayeco/InvoicesBundleCreate invoices from 2Checkout notifications
2@dospuntocero/addThisaddThis module for silverstripe 3
2@mayeco/BaseBundleSymfony Base Bundle
2@dospuntocero/uploadfield-frontendvery alpha implementation of uploadfield for front end use. DO NOT USE
2@mayeco/EasyAnnotationBundleSymfony Bundle for Annotations
2@quest/cakephp-environmentEnvironment Plugin for CakePHP:arrow_upper_right:


231@gepd/DeviotSublime Text plugin for IoT development based in PlatformIO ecosystem (Arduino IDE)
211@andrewcooke/simple-cryptSimple, secure encryption and decryption for Python 2.7 and 3:arrow_upper_right:
35@adderou/telegram-forward-botSimple Telegram Bot for forwarding messages easily between various related channels and groups.
34@ppizarror/pygame-menuMenu for pygame, simple, lightweight and easy to use:arrow_upper_right:
25@pedroburon/tbkPython implementation of Transbank's Webpay protocol:arrow_upper_right:
23@aaossa/Computer-Security-Al…Problems related to computer security. Algorithms written in Python. Learn more: https://id0-rsa.pub/
22@gepd/uPiotMicroPythonToolMicroPython Sublime Text Plugin
19@pedroburon/dotenvpython .env file handler
15@andrewcooke/simple-enumA simpler Enum for Python 3.:arrow_upper_right:
15@andrewcooke/simple-dateA wrapper around the datetime, pytz and tzlocal packages for Python 3.2+:arrow_upper_right:
11@rbonvall/python-ptableTable class for pretty-printing tabular data
10@dansanti/l10n_cl_dteFacturación electrónica chilena para Odoo ( Directo SII):arrow_upper_right:
9@aaossa/flask-openshiftSimple Flask template for OpenShift v2 (v2 is deprecated :cry:)
8@falconsoft3d/odoo-constructor-mod…Constructor de Módulo de Odoo
8@rbonvall/python-boxeaASCII-art to Unicode box-drawing characters converter
7@ppizarror/Ned-For-SpodJuego de carreras en 2D desarrollado en python-pygame:arrow_upper_right:
7@nebil/bilbot:robot: Bilbot, el bot (casi) inteligente
7@dpineiden/async_multiprocessin…A python example with asyncio, multiprocessing. Running with many process in an executor
6@jaabell/gmshtranslatorA simple python parser for gmsh .msh files
6@hackingcl/patenteObtener información detallada sobre una patente
5@yangcht/radex_emceeRADEX+emcee, LVG modelling with a MCMC approach, used in arXiv: 1709.04740
5@raliste/FlaskitoA starter for Flesk big-application wanters, with a bit of Cython too!
5@aaossa/Telegram-bot-in-Open…3 console commands + 3 Telegram messages + 1 url = A Telegram bot (OpenShift v2 is deprecated 😢)
4@ppizarror/readme-generatorGenerate a README.md file from a configuration file:arrow_upper_right:
4@dansanti/payment_webpayPasarela de Pagos Webpay para Odoo:arrow_upper_right:
4@agucova/haveibeenpwned-pytho…A simple python client for the HaveIBeenPwned API 2.0
3@dansanti/l10n_co_feFacturación electrónica colombiana para Odoo:arrow_upper_right:
3@andrewcooke/id3imgA simple web server that provides album art to MPDroid.:arrow_upper_right:
3@hackingcl/findshellBuscando posibles backdoors en nuestro servidor
2@agucova/g-assistant-macAn awfully coded client for the Google Assistant SDK for MacOS.
2@ppizarror/Hero-of-AntairProyecto RPG en 2D creado con python-tkinter:arrow_upper_right:
2@andrewcooke/uykfgAn mpd client that uses EchoNest
2@andrewcooke/pytypPythonic type metadata; declarative JSON and YAML transcoding.
2@dansanti/global_discountDescuento Global
2@pedroburon/python-envtoolsPython toolchain for environment variables use


364@jbkunst/highcharterR wrapper for highcharts based on htmlwidgets:arrow_upper_right:
51@jbkunst/rchess♛ Chess package for R:arrow_upper_right:
45@jbkunst/r-postsSome R scripts and some R ideas:arrow_upper_right:
41@jbkunst/d3wordcloud:cloud: htmlwidgets for D3js Word Cloud Layout:arrow_upper_right:
39@jbkunst/shiny-appsSome ideas:arrow_upper_right:
32@jbkunst/R-D3-SNA-Course-Exam…A simple example using R and D3.js for show the examples of SNA Course in Coursera:arrow_upper_right:
10@hzambran/hydroGOFGoodness-of-fit functions for comparison of simulated and observed hydrological time series:arrow_upper_right:
9@hzambran/hydroTSMTime Series Management, Analysis and Interpolation for Hydrological Modelling:arrow_upper_right:
9@jbkunst/shiny-apps-highchart…Some highcharter examples:arrow_upper_right:
7@hzambran/hydroPSOModel-Independent Particle Swarm Optimisation for Environmental Models:arrow_upper_right:
6@jbkunst/chess-dbScripts for parse pgns files into a sqlite (among other formats) database
5@hzambran/SWAT2RInput/Output functions for pre- and post-processing SWAT (hydrological model) files in R:arrow_upper_right:
3@jbkunst/shiny-dashboard-risk…Just a game
2@Bustami/DatoFutbolThe official repository of blog www.datofutbol.cl
2@ricardomayerb/macro-theory-UDPRepository for docs and code, macroeconomic theory course, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
2@jbkunst/intro-r-workshopPresentación introducción al uso de R:arrow_upper_right:


1024@michelson/lazy_high_chartsMake highcharts a la ruby , works in rails 4.X / 3.X, and other ruby web frameworks:arrow_upper_right:
393@clbustos/statsampleA suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby.:arrow_upper_right:
225@clbustos/rubyvisRuby version of Protovis, a visualization toolkit.:arrow_upper_right:
135@clbustos/rinrubyRuby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statistical routines and graphics available within Ruby.:arrow_upper_right:
125@michelson/chaskiqNewsletter Rails engine:arrow_upper_right:
123@clbustos/distributionStatistical Distributions multi library wrapper. Uses Ruby by default and C (statistics2/GSL) or Java extensions where available.
118@clbustos/Rserve-Ruby-clientPure Ruby client for Rserve. Based on 'new' Java client provided with server, but with modifications to adhere to POLS:arrow_upper_right:
109@pacuna/dckerizeSupercharged Rails development using Docker containers
102@michelson/BigBrodaGoogleBig Query ActiveRecord Adapter & API client
62@pacuna/partitionableSeamless PostgreSQL date partitioning for your Rails models
42@pacuna/frappe_chartsFrappé Charts Ruby gem for Rails.
31@clbustos/extendmatrixCosmin Bonchis's enhancements to the Ruby "Vector" and "Matrix" module and includes: LU and QR (Householder, Givens, Gram Schmidt, Hessenberg) decompositions, bidiagonalization, eigenvalue and eigenvector calculations. Work on Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.1 and 1.9.2 (SVN version):arrow_upper_right:
22@michelson/lazy_google_analytic…google analytics api client for the lazy
18@clbustos/minimizationMinimization algorithms on pure Ruby:arrow_upper_right:
15@nelyj/xlsx_to_jsonConvert xlsx to json with ruby
15@clbustos/integrationIntegration methods, based on original work by Beng
12@clbustos/svg-graphSVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts, which are a type of graph where the values of one axis are not scalar. SVG::Graph has a verry similar API to the Perl library SVG::TT::Graph, and the resulting charts also look the same. This isn't surprising, because SVG::Graph started as a loose port of SVG::TT::Graph, although the internal code no longer resembles the Perl original at all.:arrow_upper_right:
11@michelson/detached-carrotA port of SimplifiedStarling plugin for push-pop active_record tasks with RabbitMQ
9@nelyj/yapo.clEsto es una copia de yapo.cl
8@nelyj/bsaleRuby Client Library for Bsale API
8@michelson/acts_as_uploadeda simple rails plugin for upload_nginx module and amazon s3 service, inspired in attachment_fu, (work in progress but in production in artenlinea.com)
8@lporras/jasmine-fixtures-gen…Fixture loader for Jasmine on Rails 3.x and RSpec 2.x or Functional Tests
8@lporras/NotesRails 3.1 App that creates sticky notes. Example of using BackboneJs
7@ronzalo/spree_salesSpree extension to add sales prices to products:arrow_upper_right:
7@nelyj/arriendala.clarriendala.cl es una plataforma inmobiliaria que encuentra alternativas para que puedas vivir o arrendar de acuerdo a las cosas que más te gustan y frecuentas. No busques más, deja que que las propiedades te encuentren a tí.:arrow_upper_right:
6@gnapse/incomplete_dateAllows a Rails application to store and manage incomplete date data.:arrow_upper_right:
6@pacuna/rails-microservices-…rails microservices on top of CoreOS example
6@nelyj/clase_todoClase de Ruby on Rails - Introductoria 3 de Diciembre
5@nelyj/catastrofe_2017App para ayudar por catastrofes de Chile 2017:arrow_upper_right:
5@nelyj/botillerias_coreAPI para encontrar botillerias cercanas a tu ubicación. Estoy aprendiendo a hacer mobiles app so necesito saber como comunicarme con ella.
5@nelyj/proyecto_taller_sede…Este es el proyecto del taller de RoR para la sede de Inacap Renca
5@nelyj/company-orders-probl…Posible solución al problema de relaciones entre compañia/sucursales/cuentas/orden de pedido
5@nelyj/budget-by-featureBudget by feature. Made with :heart: by developers for developers
5@nelyj/senado_chileObten información del Senado de Chile como tramitaciones, senadores, leyes, votaciones, etc. Todo esto en formato JSON:arrow_upper_right:
5@gnapse/redis-attrsA module that allows Ruby objects to define attributes backed by a Redis data store. Works with any class or ORM.
5@nelyj/monit_exampleThis is a repository with example for use monit with Rails
5@nelyj/api_on_rails_test_pe…Tests for API on Rails performance for differents techniques.
5@nelyj/HTMLtoExcelConvert table html to excel with Ruby
5@nelyj/e-commerceWebsite for e-commerce
5@nelyj/senado-chile-timelin…This is an app to do match between laws passed, entered and current news in Chile. This is a open source project, feel free to contributed.
5@nelyj/example-awsExample for deploy in AWS with Rails + Unicorn
5@nelyj/blog_carlosBlog de ejemplo para Carlos
5@nelyj/new_supboatSUPBOARD new version
5@nelyj/comienzatunegocioBuscador de nombres para empresas con dominios .cl
5@nelyj/todoRoR: Simple ToDo application with Rspec and Capybara settings (App for my blog post)
5@nelyj/actioncable-notifica…Building example with Devise+Notification+ActionCable / Rails 5
5@nelyj/market_place_apiMarket place exercise for Rails API
5@clbustos/gsl_narray_stdlib_co…Compare perfomance of GSL, Narray and stdlib Matrix on matrix and vectors operations
4@nelyj/taller_rails_devconc…Aquí estan todos los archivos relacionados al taller (Proyecto Rails, Presentación y Mockups)
4@clbustos/statsample-semStructural Equation Modeling on Ruby, using statsample and R:arrow_upper_right:
4@ronzalo/spree_quick_viewAdd quick view feature to products listing
4@leosoto/intro_rubyCodigo para introducción rápida a Ruby
4@nelyj/mercadocamionesVenta y compra de camiones
3@clbustos/exnerCreate structural summary for Rorschach Comprehensive System. Works with Znudic method for Zulliger test, based on Exner's RCS.
3@dokshor/guru_guruTransforma el texto que quieras a el lenguaje de Guru Guru. Cajago coñjiecuañggue
3@rbrto/Rails-AnsibleAnsible para configurar todo mi entorno en producción de forma automatizada
3@michelson/needish-gemthis gem provides basic methods to access needish.com api, profile, friends, needs and helps
3@michelson/discoboloruby worker system for disque
3@clbustos/buhosWeb based systematic literature review software
3@michelson/apidone-clientapi done client made in ruby (coding) dojo
2@lporras/torquebox-example-ga…Example of multi uploaders with rails and torquebox
2@pacuna/disqus-random-commen…Get a random comment from a Disqus thread
2@clbustos/dirty-memoizeLike Memoize, but designed for mutable and parametizable objects


18@cquiroz/scala-java-localesImplementation of java locale for scala.js
5@rhz/graph-rewritingGraph rewriting library for Scala
3@cquiroz/sbt-tzdbsbt plugin to create custom timezone db files


50@juanbrujo/TalusTalus is a bash script to automate download & setup your Mac OS X development environment. The idea is to automate the tedious work of setting up a brand new Mac or start a fresh install of a recent formatted one, with special care of web development tools and configurations.:arrow_upper_right:
49@jorgicio/jorgicio-gentooGentoo Overlay made by Jorgicio.
3@yadickson/soapui-debsBuild Debian Package for SoapUI Open Source
2@fichajokers/subir-ionic-play-sto…Bash para subir aplicación Android creada mediante ionic a la Playstore.
2@hermanjunge/dockerfiles:blue_book: Dockerfiles
2@npulidom/alpine-nginx-phpNginx running in Alpine with PHP 7 (fpm), developed for PHP apps.
2@waflessnet/sii-bashAutenticacion SII con bash


1674@jakarmy/swift-summaryA summary of Apple's Swift language written on Playgrounds
4@iOS-Love/duoc-workshopiOS Love Workshop en Duoc UC
2@feliperuzg/CleanExampleSimple LoginView using MVP and Clean Principles


3@rvmeier/uct-tesis-baseFormato base para tesis de Ingeniería Civil en Informática, Universidad Católica de Temuco
2@leoferres/lp1Programming Language Course @UdeC
2@jantogni/memoriaMemoria pregrado
2@Doxdrum/usm-thesisThis is an attempt to create a LaTeX template for Thesis presented at the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (or USM or UTFSM).


7@smancill/conky-syntax.vimVim syntax highlighting for conkyrc files:arrow_upper_right:
6@smancill/Vim_configMy Vim configuration
2@Sh1ken/.dotfilesmy configs-

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău