Presentations made easy
$ mtalk talks-folder
And that's all.
Note: For this to work you need Node v8.5+
Slide structure
Slides are markdown files with metadata
meta: data
# Slide title
Some content
Each slide could have the following metadata
- title: The title for the slide document.
- next: The name of the next slide file. Use a dot (.) for the last slide.
- prev: The name of the previous slide file. Use a dot (.) for the first slide.
- speech: An object with some options to enable speech for this slide. If
this is not set, your slide wont have any speech. Availaible options are:
- lang: The language of the speech.
- audio: What to speech. If not set, it will read everything on this slide.
- :raising_hand: Easy: No programming skills needed, just markdown.
- :rocket: Slides are PWAs: Slides use service workers, so they are offline-first, also have a manifest, so they are installable.
- :globe_with_meridians: p2p distributed: Slides are automatically shared through Dat.
- :nail_care: a11y friendly: Slides are responsive, also controls. Optionally add speech to your slides.
- <kbd>→</kbd> or Tap: Use ArrowRight key to move forward.
- <kbd>_</kbd> or Tap: Use Space key to move forward.
- <kbd>←</kbd> or Double tap: Use ArrowLeft key to move backward.
- <kbd>f8</kbd> or Tap and hold: Use f8 key to read current slide.