

RealWorld Example App

Clojurescript / re-frame codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

Demo    RealWorld


This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Clojurescript and re-frame including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.

Run application:

lein clean
lein figwheel dev

Figwheel will automatically push cljs changes to the browser.

Wait a bit, then browse to http://localhost:3449.

Run tests:

lein clean
lein doo phantom test once

The above command assumes that you have phantomjs installed. However, please note that doo can be configured to run cljs.test in many other JS environments (chrome, ie, safari, opera, slimer, node, rhino, or nashorn).

Production Build

To compile clojurescript to javascript:

lein clean
lein cljsbuild once min