Awesome + Facebook Tab = Boilerplate
This is my own starter to use as a front-end template engine to rapid prototyping Facebook Tabs.
- Liquid dynamic templating language-
- LESS dynamic stylesheet language
- Basic JavaScript libraries for IE8+ compatibility:
- html5shiv.js
- jquery-1.10.2.js (current release)
- selectivizr.js
- Basic templates
- index.liquid and some example pages
- nav.liquid (menu)
- header.liquid footer.liquid and scripts.liquid includes
- Basic CSS
- 800px width to fit the Facebook Tab available space.
- Basic LESS mixins, you won't need to use LESS, if you're into SASS or plain CSS just use it and will take care of the compile/compress process for you.
- Download .zip and unzip / fork and clone → to your computer
- Open app (Windows & Mac) and open this folder, or drag it to the Mixture icon.
- The app will start the project and you'll see everything OK when the happy-face-green-message Everything is a-okay! shows in the app.
- Start to try make fit that beautiful design inside a FBTab!
######Get a beer and go outside enjoy the real life!