


Just me playing with phaser and choo


I want (need) to make a web game and phaser seems to be a very good option. Now, even a web game is a web app, and for web app, the framework I've chosen is choo, but phaser games and tutorials tend to assume that your whole app is a game and control your actions, flow, menus and whatever from the same phaser game.

That's not what I want, I want to manage my flow sith choo, and use phaser as a game in a choo view.


So, to do that, I have some tasks to achieve:

Phaser originally wasn't build to be modular. Now, version 3 is being rebuild as a modular library, but it is still not production ready, so I had to find a way to use it with browserify. My first, obvious attempt, was:

var Phaser = require('phaser')

Which failed because of

PIXI is undefined

I've already knew that phaser uses PIXI as game renderer, so googled if it was included in phaser build. I found that I could load it all with

window.PIXI = require('phaser/build/custom/pixi')
window.p2 = require('phaser/build/custom/p2')
window.Phaser = require('phaser/build/custom/phaser-split')

And then, no error :)

So, I tried to use a game instance as a choo view like this

window.PIXI = require('phaser/build/custom/pixi')
window.p2 = require('phaser/build/custom/p2')
window.Phaser = require('phaser/build/custom/phaser-split')

module.exports = function (state, emit) {
  state.game = new window.Phaser.Game('100', '100', window.Phaser.AUTO)

  var gameState = {
    preload: function () {
    create: function () {
    update: function () {

  state.game.state.add('initialState', gameState)

What is different here is that everything related to phaser is set to some property of the choo state so I could use it later. Anyway this failed, because nanomorph complained that I was returning undefined instead of a MAIN element. Litle pause here. I usually don't do like

var app = choo()
app.route('/', mainView)

I tend to prefer like

var app = choo()
var tree = app.start()

That's why nanomorph complain about a main element. So I have to return a new empty element in the view that has my phaser game.

To fix this, I've returned a new MAIN element, and the view was set and the game displayed fine. But I noticed an issue whenever I hit the back button of my browser. Choo emitted the navigation events and come back to my previous route, but the game was still visible, that's because the canvas rendered by Phaser was outside what was rendered and managed by choo, so I created a litle hook for choo, to clear my game whenever a navigation events happens.


function clearGame (state, emitter) {
  emitter.on('navigate', function () {
    if (state.game) state.game.destroy()


Right now, more of the game data is saved to the state.

Right now, there is only one writeInstructions function and one next function, and they only support two stages.