List of Android Top 1000 Libraries
A curated list of awesome Android Top 1000 libraries.
Top 1000
Name | Demo |
nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu | |
google/iosched | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlock | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
forkhubs/android | |
libgdx/libgdx | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
loopj/android-async-http | |
square/picasso | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/retrofit | |
JakeWharton/ViewPagerIndicator | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
excilys/androidannotations | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
greenrobot/EventBus | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/okhttp | |
facebook/fresco | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Bearded-Hen/Android-Bootstrap | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
navasmdc/MaterialDesignLibrary | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
WhisperSystems/TextSecure | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
PhilJay/MPAndroidChart | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
futurice/android-best-practices | |
JakeWharton/butterknife | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/leakcanary | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
nhaarman/ListViewAnimations | |
AndroidBootstrap/android-bootstrap | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
chrisbanes/PhotoView | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/dagger | |
gabrielemariotti/cardslib | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
etsy/AndroidStaggeredGrid | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
ksoichiro/Android-ObservableScrollView | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
aporter/coursera-android | |
koush/ion | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
facebook/facebook-android-sdk | |
googlesamples/android-UniversalMusicPlayer | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
bumptech/glide | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
umano/AndroidSlidingUpPanel | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
daimajia/AndroidSwipeLayout | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
roboguice/roboguice | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
daimajia/AndroidViewAnimations | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
47deg/android-swipelistview | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/otto | |
facebook/stetho | |
nicolasgramlich/AndEngine | |
keyboardsurfer/Crouton | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
greenrobot/greenDAO | |
JakeWharton/NineOldAndroids | |
cyrilmottier/GreenDroid | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pardom/ActiveAndroid | |
koush/AndroidAsync | |
wyouflf/xUtils | |
stephanenicolas/robospice | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
SimonVT/android-menudrawer | |
makovkastar/FloatingActionButton | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ManuelPeinado/FadingActionBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
castorflex/SmoothProgressBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
johannilsson/android-pulltorefresh | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
bauerca/drag-sort-listview | |
dmytrodanylyk/circular-progress-button | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
futuresimple/android-floating-action-button | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
liaohuqiu/android-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
chrisjenx/Calligraphy | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/android-times-square | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
ACRA/acra | |
Trinea/android-common | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
chrisbanes/cheesesquare | |
traex/RippleEffect | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
yangfuhai/afinal | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Comcast/FreeFlow | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
k9mail/k-9 | |
theDazzler/droidicon | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
mcxiaoke/android-volley | |
openaphid/android-flip | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
JakeWharton/u2020 | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
Yalantis/Side-Menu.Android | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
JakeWharton/DiskLruCache | |
romannurik/muzei | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
qii/weiciyuan | |
androidquery/androidquery | |
BoltsFramework/Bolts-Android | |
jgilfelt/android-viewbadger | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
hdodenhof/CircleImageView | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
daimajia/NumberProgressBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
avast/android-styled-dialogs | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pakerfeldt/android-viewflow | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
daimajia/AndroidImageSlider | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
path/android-priority-jobqueue | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
dmytrodanylyk/android-process-button | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
yixia/VitamioBundle | |
jgilfelt/SystemBarTint | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
derekbrameyer/android-betterpickers | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ReactiveX/RxAndroid | |
tjerkw/Android-SlideExpandableListView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
markushi/android-ui | |
SpecialCyCi/AndroidResideMenu | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
koral--/android-gif-drawable | |
rey5137/material | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
balysv/material-menu | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pedrovgs/EffectiveAndroidUI | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Yalantis/Context-Menu.Android | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
singwhatiwanna/dynamic-load-apk | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pedrovgs/DraggablePanel | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Todd-Davies/ProgressWheel | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
SecUpwN/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
nispok/snackbar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
johannilsson/android-actionbar | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
ikew0ng/SwipeBackLayout | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
google/ExoPlayer | |
Bilibili/DanmakuFlameMaster | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
robovm/robovm | |
wasabeef/recyclerview-animators | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
daimajia/AndroidViewHover | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
JohnPersano/SuperToasts | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
beworker/pinned-section-listview | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
kikoso/android-stackblur | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
orhanobut/logger | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
maurycyw/StaggeredGridView | |
pedant/sweet-alert-dialog | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
PomepuyN/BlurEffectForAndroidDesign | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jdamcd/android-crop | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
mttkay/ignition | |
edmodo/cropper | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
xamarin/XobotOS | |
lgvalle/Material-Animations | |
lecho/hellocharts-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
commonsguy/cw-advandroid | |
facebook/conceal | |
CyberAgent/android-gpuimage | |
JoanZapata/android-iconify | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
saulmm/Android-Material-Examples | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
chrisbanes/philm | |
psaravan/JamsMusicPlayer | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jgilfelt/android-sqlite-asset-helper | |
novoda/android-demos | |
stormzhang/9GAG | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
cymcsg/UltimateAndroid | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
thest1/LazyList | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
orhanobut/dialogplus | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
johncarl81/parceler | |
bluelinelabs/LoganSquare | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
eluleci/FlatUI | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
android10/Android-CleanArchitecture | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
siacs/Conversations | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
mikepenz/LollipopShowcase | |
alamkanak/Android-Week-View | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/tape | |
siyamed/android-satellite-menu | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
commonsguy/cw-android | |
Flowdalic/asmack | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
ManuelPeinado/GlassActionBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
romainguy/ViewServer | |
googlesamples/android-testing | |
apache/cordova-android | |
MikeOrtiz/TouchImageView | |
JakeWharton/Telecine | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jjoe64/GraphView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
wasabeef/richeditor-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
harism/android_page_curl | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
cymcsg/UltimateRecyclerView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
qiujuer/Genius-Android | |
loopj/android-smart-image-view | |
ikimuhendis/LDrawer | |
RobotiumTech/robotium | |
RomainPiel/Shimmer-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
grantland/android-autofittextview | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
todoroo/astrid | |
satyan/sugar | |
JakeWharton/timber | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
romannurik/Android-SwipeToDismiss | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
diogobernardino/WilliamChart | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
owncloud/android | |
eoecn/android-app | |
orhanobut/hawk | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
daCapricorn/ArcMenu | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
white-cat/ThinkAndroid | |
mttkay/droid-fu | |
rockerhieu/emojicon | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
MrEngineer13/SnackBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/assertj-android | |
ginatrapani/todo.txt-android | |
johnkil/Android-AppMsg | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
kymjs/KJFrameForAndroid | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
oguzbilgener/CircularFloatingActionMenu | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
romainguy/road-trip | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
markushi/android-circlebutton | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
redsolution/xabber-android | |
lucasr/smoothie | |
novoda/image-loader | |
pwnall/chromeview | |
daimajia/AnimationEasingFunctions | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
calabash/calabash-android | |
googlemaps/android-maps-utils | |
mixi-inc/AndroidTraining | |
avast/android-butterknife-zelezny | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
alexvasilkov/FoldableLayout | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
sephiroth74/ImageViewZoom | |
dlew/joda-time-android | |
ragunathjawahar/android-saripaar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src=',204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX324_SY324_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA346_SH20_OU03_.jpg' width='49%'> | |
jgilfelt/android-mapviewballoons | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator | |
yahoo/squidb | |
udacity/Sunshine | |
simpligility/android-maven-plugin | |
koush/UrlImageViewHelper | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
kmshack/Android-ParallaxHeaderViewPager | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
klinker24/Talon-for-Twitter | |
JoanZapata/android-pdfview | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
iPaulPro/aFileChooser | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
commonsguy/cwac-endless | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
Raizlabs/DBFlow | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
dexafree/MaterialList | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pingpongboss/StandOut | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
jasonpolites/gesture-imageview | |
tehmou/rx-android-architecture | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
jberkel/sms-backup-plus | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
facebook/shimmer-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
blackfizz/EazeGraph | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
vekexasia/android-edittext-validator | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
AntennaPod/AntennaPod | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
romannurik/Android-MonthCalendarWidget | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
antonkrasov/AndroidSocialNetworks | |
500px/500px-android-blur | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
drakeet/MaterialDialog | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
guardianproject/ChatSecureAndroid | |
LarsWerkman/HoloColorPicker | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide | |
stephanenicolas/Quality-Tools-for-Android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
RomainPiel/Titanic | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
romannurik/Android-WizardPager | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Pkmmte/CircularImageView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
facebook/device-year-class | |
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wunderlist/android-sliding-layer-lib | |
wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android | |
baoyongzhang/android-PullRefreshLayout | |
chrisbanes/Android-BitmapCache | |
square/wire | |
dinocore1/DevsmartLib-Android | |
antoniolg/androidmvp | |
gabrielemariotti/RecyclerViewItemAnimators | |
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roomorama/Caldroid | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
balysv/material-ripple | |
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ZieIony/Carbon | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
frankiesardo/auto-parcel | |
GDG-Korea/PinterestLikeAdapterView | |
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jpardogo/ListBuddies | |
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expectedbehavior/gauges-android | |
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MizzleDK/Mizuu | |
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mcharmas/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin | |
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Avocarrot/json2view | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
eowise/recyclerview-stickyheaders | |
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kanytu/android-parallax-recyclerview | |
emilsjolander/sprinkles | |
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ManuelPeinado/MultiChoiceAdapter | |
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RoboBinding/RoboBinding | |
sromku/android-simple-facebook | |
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MichaelEvans/ColorArt | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
hoang8f/android-flat-button | |
RadiusNetworks/android-ibeacon-service | |
bmelnychuk/AndroidTreeView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
felipecsl/AsymmetricGridView | |
siyamed/android-shape-imageview | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Manabu-GT/ExpandableTextView | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
sephiroth74/HorizontalVariableListView | |
passsy/android-HoloCircularProgressBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
LitePalFramework/LitePal | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jpardogo/GoogleProgressBar | |
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mihaip/dex-method-counts | |
gabrielemariotti/androiddev | |
inmite/android-selector-chapek | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
chrislacy/TweetLanes | |
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andkulikov/Transitions-Everywhere | |
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ManuelPeinado/RefreshActionItem | |
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flavioarfaria/KenBurnsView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
fyhertz/libstreaming | |
ToxicBakery/ViewPagerTransforms | |
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ChrisRenke/DrawerArrowDrawable | |
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johnkil/Android-ProgressFragment | |
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AltBeacon/android-beacon-library | |
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matburt/mobileorg-android | |
prolificinteractive/material-calendarview | |
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Rajawali/Rajawali | |
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daizhenjun/ImageFilterForAndroid | |
bluejamesbond/TextJustify-Android | |
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MostafaGazar/soas | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ApmeM/android-flowlayout | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
rmtheis/android-ocr | |
thiagolocatelli/android-uitableview | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
foxykeep/DataDroid | |
Trinea/android-auto-scroll-view-pager | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
BlueMor/Android-PullLayout | |
kaushikgopal/Android-RxJava | |
zcweng/ToggleButton | |
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Konloch/bytecode-viewer | |
mmin18/AndroidDynamicLoader | |
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cgeo/cgeo | |
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JakeWharton/Android-DirectionalViewPager | |
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oschina/android-app | |
Frank-Zhu/PullZoomView | |
woozzu/IndexableListView | |
dodola/android_waterfall | |
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h6ah4i/android-advancedrecyclerview | |
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survivingwithandroid/Surviving-with-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
akexorcist/Android-RoundCornerProgressBar | |
geftimov/android-player | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
saik0/UnifiedPreference | |
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timehop/sticky-headers-recyclerview | |
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xcltapestry/XCL-Charts | |
paddybyers/anode | |
lorensiuswlt/NewQuickAction | |
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erikwt/PullToRefresh-ListView | |
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skyfishjy/android-ripple-background | |
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kanytu/android-material-drawer-template | |
hmkcode/Android | |
Diolor/Swipecards | |
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jenzz/Android-UndoBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
evant/JobSchedulerCompat | |
nirhart/ParallaxScroll | |
google/santa-tracker-android | |
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good-life/PushTalk | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
johnkil/Android-RobotoTextView | |
dm77/barcodescanner | |
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robotmedia/AndroidBillingLibrary | |
sqlcipher/android-database-sqlcipher | |
e-biz/androidkickstartr | |
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jeromevdl/android-holo-colors-idea-plugin | |
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tokudu/AndroidPushNotificationsDemo | |
dmytrodanylyk/shadow-layout | |
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davidschreiber/FancyCoverFlow | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jpardogo/FlabbyListView | |
<img src='](' width='49%'><img src='](' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
spring-projects/spring-android-samples | |
yangfuhai/ASimpleCache | |
ZhouWeikuan/cocos2d | |
BlueMor/DragLayout | |
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j256/ormlite-android | |
Clans/FloatingActionButton | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
square/phrase | |
linroid/FilterMenu | |
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hoang8f/android-segmented-control | |
mcharmas/Android-ReactiveLocation | |
keithellis/MaterialWidget | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
darvds/RibbonMenu | |
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spring-projects/spring-android | |
Maxwin-z/XListView-Android | |
nvanbenschoten/motion | |
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playgameservices/android-basic-samples | |
sd6352051/NiftyNotification | |
splitwise/TokenAutoComplete | |
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dmitry-zaitsev/AndroidSideMenu | |
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codebutler/farebot | |
jacobmoncur/QuiltViewLibrary | |
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konifar/android-material-design-icon-generator-plugin | |
Trinea/android-demo | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
siriscac/RippleView | |
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mrwonderman/android-square-progressbar | |
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BoD/android-switch-backport | |
zzz40500/android-shapeLoadingView | |
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liaohuqiu/android-GridViewWithHeaderAndFooter | |
shell-software/fab | |
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emilsjolander/StickyScrollViewItems | |
carlonzo/StikkyHeader | |
bpellin/keepassdroid | |
rno/Android-ScrollBarPanel | |
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lewisjdeane/L-Dialogs | |
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pents90/svg-android | |
survivingwithandroid/WeatherLib | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
chiuki/advanced-textview | |
beworker/tinybus | |
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moagrius/TileView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
SimonVT/MessageBar | |
emilsjolander/android-FlipView | |
MatthewYork/Colours | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
soarcn/UndoBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
commonsguy/cwac-merge | |
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timroes/EnhancedListView | |
square/seismic | |
medyo/fancybuttons | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
MartinRGB/GiftCard-Android | |
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couchbase/couchbase-lite-android | |
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afollestad/material-cab | |
gabrielemariotti/changeloglib | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
DWorkS/VolleyPlus | |
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OnlyInAmerica/GlanceReader | |
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vinaysshenoy/mugen | |
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HackPlan/AndroidCharts | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
lucasr/android-layout-samples | |
QuantumBadger/RedReader | |
google/google-authenticator | |
lucasr/dspec | |
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jess-anders/two-way-gridview | |
grandcentrix/tray | |
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PomepuyN/discreet-app-rate | |
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pedrovgs/Renderers | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
akquinet/android-archetypes | |
geftimov/android-pathview | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
AChep/AcDisplay | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
bagilevi/android-pedometer | |
mik3y/usb-serial-for-android | |
bitfireAT/davdroid | |
askerov/DynamicGrid | |
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guerwan/TransitionsBackport | |
lucasr/probe | |
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alamkanak/android-empty-layout | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Estimote/Android-SDK | |
mozilla/MozStumbler | |
bboyfeiyu/AndroidEventBus | |
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tekinarslan/AndroidMaterialDesignToolbar | |
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dannytiehui/androidpn | |
jblough/Android-Pdf-Viewer-Library | |
edmodo/range-bar | |
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SimonVT/android-numberpicker | |
AlbertGrobas/MovingImageView | |
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Mirkoddd/TabBarView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
mikepenz/Android-ActionItemBadge | |
negusoft/holoaccent | |
StevenRudenko/ActionsContentView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
marvinlabs/android-floatinglabel-widgets | |
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etao-open-source/cube-sdk | |
sinaweibosdk/weibo_android_sdk | |
JorgeCastilloPrz/PagedHeadListView | |
square/moshi | |
tavendo/AutobahnAndroid | |
2dxgujun/AndroidTagGroup | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
schildbach/bitcoin-wallet | |
weddingparty/AndroidFloatLabel | |
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card-io/ | |
udacity/Sunshine-Version-2 | |
lovetuzitong/MultiImageSelector | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ogrebgr/android_volley_examples | |
tuenti/ButtonMenu | |
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tizionario/AndroidDrawableFactory | |
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vinc3m1/android-segmentedradiobutton | |
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attenzione/android-ColorPickerPreference | |
malmstein/yahnac | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
slapperwan/gh4a | |
<img src='' width='49%'> | |
IanGClifton/AndroidFloatLabel | |
rtyley/agit | |
connectbot/connectbot | |
ckurtm/FabButton | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pavlospt/RoundedLetterView | |
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wujingchao/SimpleTagImageView | |
open-keychain/open-keychain | |
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prolificinteractive/ParallaxPager | |
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Flipboard/bottomsheet | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ogaclejapan/ArcLayout | |
Dreddik/AndroidTouchGallery | |
houkx/android-pluginmgr | |
noties/Scrollable | |
AlexKorovyansky/android-fb-like-slideout-navigation | |
gcacace/android-signaturepad | |
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sockeqwe/mosby | |
greenrobot/greenrobot-common | |
chrisjenx/Paralloid | |
throrin19/Android-Validator | |
serso/android-checkout | |
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inmite/android-validation-komensky | |
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fyhertz/spydroid-ipcamera | |
mapbox/mapbox-android-sdk | |
Subito-it/Masaccio | |
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MarkMjw/PullScrollView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
bingoogolapple/BGARefreshLayout-Android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Gnod/ParallaxListView | |
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TwidereProject/Twidere-Android | |
codechimp-org/AppRater | |
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mendhak/gpslogger | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
PaoloRotolo/AppIntro | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
igniterealtime/Smack | |
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orhanobut/wasp | |
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norbsoft/android-typeface-helper | |
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JimiSmith/PinnedHeaderListView | |
megamattron/SplinterNet | |
john990/WaveView | |
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freezy/android-xbmcremote | |
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AndlyticsProject/andlytics | |
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pfleidi/yaxim | |
thquinn/DraggableGridView | |
Jungerr/GridPasswordView | |
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zarics/ZrcListView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
osmdroid/osmdroid | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
biokys/cropimage | |
juleswhite/mobilecloud-14 | |
gitgrimbo/android-sliding-menu-demo | |
MeetMe/Android-HorizontalListView | |
JakeWharton/double-espresso | |
ahorn/android-rss | |
cesards/CropImageView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ai212983/android-spinnerwheel | |
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JakeWharton/NotRxAndroid | |
PaperAirplane-Dev-Team/BlackLight | |
ChainsDD/Superuser | |
mobileresearch/weibo_android_sdk | |
imbryk/LoopingViewPager | |
ruboto/ruboto-irb | |
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mrKlar/PagedDragDropGrid | |
z56402344/BaseAnimation | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
abarisain/dmix | |
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emmaguy/clean-status-bar | |
lvillani/android-cropimage | |
kyze8439690/v2ex-daily-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
atermenji/IconicDroid | |
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Fichardu/CircleProgress | |
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talklittle/reddit-is-fun | |
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TechFreak/WizardPager | |
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anjlab/android-inapp-billing-v3 | |
JayFang1993/DropDownMenu | |
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flavienlaurent/poppyview | |
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shontauro/android-pulltorefresh-and-loadmore | |
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coomar2841/image-chooser-library | |
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robolectric/deckard-gradle | |
mobsandgeeks/adapter-kit | |
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manmal/hn-android | |
commonsguy/cwac-wakeful | |
WhiteHouse/wh-app-android | |
lafosca/AndroidFaceCropper | |
infinum/android_dbinspector | |
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kevinsawicki/wishlist | |
selendroid/selendroid | |
felixpalmer/android-visualizer | |
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journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded | |
pocmo/Android-Network-Intents | |
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antoniolg/RecyclerViewExtensions | |
rgladwell/m2e-android | |
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jerrellmardis/Amphitheatre | |
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litesuits/android-common | |
BoD/android-contentprovider-generator | |
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winterDroid/android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
marvinlabs/android-intents | |
JakeWharton/gradle-android-test-plugin | |
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ManuelPeinado/ImageLayout | |
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rohaanhamid/ScrollableItemList | |
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petrnohejl/Android-Templates-And-Utilities | |
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googlecast/CastCompanionLibrary-android | |
inmite/android-grid-wichterle | |
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matrixxun/PullToZoomInListView | |
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andraskindler/parallaxviewpager | |
simple-android-framework/android_design_patterns_analysis | |
daimajia/EverMemo | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
wasabeef/glide-transformations | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
sgolivernet/curso-android-src | |
syncthing/syncthing-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
romannurik/AndroidDesignPreview | |
Glamdring/EasyCamera | |
halysongoncalves/pugnotification | |
pungrue26/SelectableRoundedImageView | |
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OrangeGangsters/LolliPin | |
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telecapoland/jamendo-android | |
antonyt/InfiniteViewPager | |
shehabic/Droppy | |
xgc1986/ParallaxPagerTransformer | |
Jearil/SimpleNoSQL | |
Musenkishi/wally | |
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FilipPudak/ProgressPieView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
qiujuer/ImageBlurring | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
felipecsl/GifImageView | |
fabiendevos/nanotasks | |
mikepenz/Android-Iconics | |
glomadrian/MvpCleanArchitecture | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
cricklet/Android-PanesLibrary | |
JorgeCastilloPrz/ExpandablePanel | |
EddieRingle/android-undergarment | |
stormzhang/CustomLoading | |
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ozodrukh/RippleDrawable | |
LukeDeighton/WheelView | |
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Triggertrap/SeekArc | |
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codinguser/gnucash-android | |
CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base | |
christophesmet/android_maskable_layout | |
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castorflex/FlipImageView | |
kolavar/android-support-v4-preferencefragment | |
scottyab/secure-preferences | |
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percolate/caffeine | |
MustafaFerhan/DebugLog | |
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vyshane/rex-weather | |
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EddieRingle/hubroid | |
andraskindler/quickscroll | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
jenzz/Android-MaterialPreference | |
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yingyixu/android-download-manager | |
drakeet/Seashell-app | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
InstantWebP2P/node-android | |
kenumir/android-calendar-card | |
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liuguangqiang/SwipeBack | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
DWorkS/AStickyHeader | |
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Narfss/ParallaxEverywhere | |
Almeros/android-gesture-detectors | |
pbreault/adb-idea | |
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pardom/Ollie | |
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android-cn/android-open-project-demo | |
lopspower/CircularImageView | |
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sockeqwe/fragmentargs | |
CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Camera | |
Splitter/android_packages_apps_apolloMod | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Kennyc1012/MultiStateView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
AizazAZ/Android-Ultra-Photo-Selector | |
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hongyangAndroid/Android-CircleMenu | |
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jaredsburrows/AndroidGradleTemplate | |
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vladexologija/PinterestListView | |
gast-lib/gast-lib | |
GeekZooStudio/ECMobile_Android | |
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xiprox/WaniKani-for-Android | |
alexzaitsev/freepager | |
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marshallino16/FloatingView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
johnkil/SideNavigation | |
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uberspot/2048-android | |
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anupcowkur/Reservoir | |
charbgr/BlurNavigationDrawer | |
wasabeef/picasso-transformations | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
cryptocat/cryptocat-android | |
MoshDev/AndroidIndicators | |
yqritc/RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider | |
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ryanhoo/Zhihu-Parallax-Animation | |
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frankiesardo/LinearListView | |
CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Trebuchet | |
sbakhtiarov/gif-movie-view | |
moxie0/AndroidPinning | |
foxykeep/ContentProviderCodeGenerator | |
hidroh/materialistic | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
fengdai/AlertDialogPro | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
AigeStudio/DatePicker | |
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nenick/android-gradle-template | |
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badoo/android-weak-handler | |
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palaima/DebugDrawer | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
JoanZapata/android-asyncservice | |
jjobes/SlideDateTimePicker | |
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tomahawk-player/tomahawk-android | |
AlbertGrobas/PolygonImageView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
amigold/FunDapter | |
almalence/OpenCamera | |
LuckyJayce/ViewPagerIndicator | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
bhavyahmehta/ListviewFilter | |
gueei/AndroidBinding | |
dlew/android-movies-demo | |
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anismiles/websocket-android-phonegap | |
medyo/dynamicbox | |
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Malinskiy/android-material-icons | |
Pirngruber/AndroidIM | |
limccn/Android-Charts | |
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4thline/cling | |
luminousman/MultipleImagePick | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Mariuxtheone/Teleport | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
mikepenz/wallsplash-android | |
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cyndibaby905/TwitterCover-Android | |
nadam/nfc-reader | |
theredsunrise/AndroidCoolDragAndDropGridView | |
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InQBarna/TableFixHeaders | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
NightWhistler/PageTurner | |
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MartinvanZ/Inscription | |
pxb1988/dex2jar | |
kyze8439690/ResideLayout | |
dbachelder/CreditCardEntry | |
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paypal/PayPal-Android-SDK | |
commonsguy/cwac-loaderex | |
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blipinsk/FlippableStackView | |
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antonkrasov/AndroidProgressLayout | |
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ushahidi/SMSSync | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
PaNaVTEC/Clean-Contacts | |
WhisperSystems/Flock | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
anupcowkur/Android-Wheel-Menu | |
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federicoiosue/Omni-Notes | |
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japgolly/svg-android | |
litesuits/android-lite-http | |
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blazsolar/FlowLayout | |
Manabu-GT/EtsyBlur | |
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baoyongzhang/ActionSheetForAndroid | |
airk000/Trigger | |
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sephiroth74/AndroidWheel | |
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gdpancheng/LoonAndroid | |
akexorcist/Android-BluetoothSPPLibrary | |
mrmans0n/smart-location-lib | |
cookpad/puree-android | |
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guardianproject/android-ffmpeg-java | |
wangjiegulu/WheelView | |
xplodwild/android_packages_apps_Focal | |
kongnanlive/android-combination-avatar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
passy/scdl | |
chiragjain/Emoticons-Keyboard | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
PaulTR/AndroidDemoProjects | |
DroidPlanner/Tower | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pwittchen/NetworkEvents | |
qdrzwd/VideoRecorder | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ankurkotwal/making-apps-beautiful | |
walkingp/AndroidCnblogs | |
prey/prey-android-client | |
bugsnag/bugsnag-android | |
Arasthel/GoogleNavigationDrawerMenu | |
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ismoli/DynamicRecyclerView | |
lukeFalsina/Grab-n-Run | |
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ShogoMizumoto/ZDepthShadow | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
astuetz/ViewPagerExtensions | |
devunwired/custom-touch-examples | |
StanKocken/EfficientAdapter | |
Countly/countly-sdk-android | |
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timroes/SwipeToDismissUndoList | |
ParsePlatform/ParseUI-Android | |
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adennie/fb-android-dagger | |
zzz40500/Android-PullToNextLayout | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
yxl/DownloadProvider | |
sues-lee/SuesNews | |
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chemouna/Decor | |
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twotoasters/clusterkraf | |
ikarus23/MifareClassicTool | |
umeng/apf | |
novoda/sqlite-provider | |
PSDev/LicensesDialog | |
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passy/Android-DirectoryChooser | |
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brutall/brut.apktool | |
JorgeCastilloPrz/EasyMVP | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
j4velin/Pedometer | |
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ragunathjawahar/instant-adapter | |
hzsweers/barber | |
Yalantis/CameraModule | |
surespot/android | |
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nolanlawson/Catlog | |
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LuckyJayce/MVCHelper | |
geftimov/android-patternview | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
mogoweb/chromium_webview | |
telly/groundy | |
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evernote/evernote-sdk-android | |
halzhang/StartupNews | |
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3pillarlabs/socialauth-android | |
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mediarain/RoboCoP | |
h6ah4i/android-materialshadowninepatch | |
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FredJul/Flym | |
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birajpatel/GridListViewAdapters | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
swankjesse/android-http-examples | |
florent37/WearMenu | |
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Jawnnypoo/PhysicsLayout | |
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stormzhang/AndroidVolley | |
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mg6maciej/android-maps-extensions | |
LyndonChin/MasteringAndroidDataBinding | |
<img src='!!160310864.png' width='49%'><img src='!!160310864.png' width='49%'> | |
linroid/Sky31Radio | |
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quran/quran_android | |
erickok/transdroid | |
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pedrovgs/TuentiTV | |
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couchbaselabs/TouchDB-Android | |
curioustechizen/android-ago | |
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evant/android-studio-unit-test-plugin | |
47deg/android-swipelistview-sample | |
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ribot/easy-adapter | |
dlazaro66/WheelIndicatorView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
BaiduQA/Cafe | |
jgilfelt/GhostLog | |
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itzikBraun/TutorialView | |
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square/haha | |
SnowdreamFramework/android-autoupdater | |
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ukanth/afwall | |
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jaydeepw/poly-picker | |
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noinnion/newsplus | |
alt236/Bluetooth-LE-Library---Android | |
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RaghavSood/AndroidCircularSeekBar | |
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haseman/Android-AR-Kit | |
pires/android-obd-reader | |
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Nammari/GooglePlusLayout | |
drakeet/AndroidUIView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
bendemboski/DateSlider | |
cesarferreira/colorize | |
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ManuelPeinado/NumericPageIndicator | |
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jitsi/jitsi-android | |
googlecast/CastVideos-android | |
mcxiaoke/fanfouapp-opensource | |
pedrovgs/Lynx | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
liato/android-bankdroid | |
applidium/HeaderListView | |
sonyxperiadev/ChkBugReport | |
codebutler/android-websockets | |
openproject/AndroidDigest | |
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nkzawa/ | |
PGSSoft/scrollscreenshot | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
MarkMjw/PullToRefresh | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
matshofman/Android-RSS-Reader-Library | |
cloay/CRefreshLayout | |
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clayallsopp/routable-android | |
DesignativeDave/androrat | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
gothfox/Tiny-Tiny-RSS-for-Honeycomb | |
pedrovgs/Nox | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
ened/Android-Tiling-ScrollView | |
sephiroth74/android-floating-action-menu | |
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jwood/standup-timer | |
bunnyblue/OpenAtlas | |
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Lesilva/BetterSpinner | |
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gonjay/rubychina4android | |
asystat/Final-Android-Resizer | |
nadavfima/GlowPadView | |
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erchenger/SizeAdjustingTextView | |
SimonVT/android-calendarview | |
ustwo/clockwise | |
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frapontillo/ImageViewEx | |
MirakelX/mirakel-android | |
TechBooster/AndroidOpenTextbook | |
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kymjs/CJFrameForAndroid | |
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romannurik/dashclock | |
Naturally-Being/G-Rex | |
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CalebFenton/simplify | |
OrangeGangsters/CircularBarPager | |
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googlesamples/android-play-location | |
MysticTreeGames/android-page-curl | |
freshplanet/ANE-Facebook | |
evant/holdr | |
google/patchfield | |
d-max/spots-dialog | |
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jiahuanyu/CircleTimerView | |
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AndroidDeveloperLB/MaterialPreferenceLibrary | |
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LambergaR/VerticalViewPager | |
sheimi/SGit | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
leolin310148/ShortcutBadger | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
wujingchao/MultiCardMenu | |
ygorbarboza/AKParallax-Android | |
nostra13/Android-Simple-Social-Sharing | |
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AndroidDeveloperLB/AndroidJniBitmapOperations | |
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owncloud/News-Android-App | |
Tibolte/Android-Anim-Playground | |
commonsguy/cw-andtutorials | |
tajchert/BusWear | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
adamrocker/simple-side-drawer | |
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CommonUtils/android | |
wearscript/wearscript-android | |
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ushahidi/Ushahidi_Android | |
cesarferreira/AndroidQuickUtils | |
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rahulparsani/google-io-2014-compat | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
frakbot/GlowPadBackport | |
tibi1712/Folding-Android | |
JackCho/AndroidVideoView | |
mixi-inc/Android-Device-Compatibility | |
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ikocijan/MagicViews | |
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47deg/appsly-android-rest | |
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plattysoft/Leonids | |
gggard/AndroidCaldavSyncAdapater | |
bishopmatthew/HackerNews | |
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mcxiaoke/Android-Next | |
konmik/nucleus | |
rorist/android-network-discovery | |
bradipao/desCharts | |
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faradaj/BlurBehind | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
Karumi/HeaderRecyclerView | |
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roman10/roman10-android-tutorial | |
tibi1712/FoldingNavigationDrawer-Android | |
jsonfry/ | |
daimajia/little-bear-dictionary | |
dm77/ZBarScanner | |
MiCode/legacy-patchrom | |
ahmetalpbalkan/orman | |
libpd/pd-for-android | |
j256/ormlite-core | |
sufficientlysecure/donations | |
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GcsSloop/AndroidFontsManager | |
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tuenti/SmsRadar | |
bmeike/ProgrammingAndroidExamples | |
rexstjohn/UltimateAndroidCameraGuide | |
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sockeqwe/SwipeBack | |
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JeroenMols/LandscapeVideoCamera | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
SimonVT/android-datepicker | |
ufo22940268/android-justifiedtextview | |
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googledrive/android-demos | |
Pixate/pixate-freestyle-android | |
asksven/BetterBatteryStats | |
ryanhoo/PhotoCropper | |
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pocmo/Yaaic | |
falnatsheh/MarkdownView | |
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seven332/EhViewer | |
antoniolg/MaterializeYourApp | |
neevek/Paginize | |
petedoyle/android-support-v4-googlemaps | |
tianzhijiexian/ActivityOptionsICS | |
lemonlabs/ExpandableButtonMenu | |
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orhanobut/bee | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
tyczj/MapNavigator | |
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tgwizard/sls | |
sakebook/Reachability | |
Gregadeaux/android-fly-in-app-navigation | |
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pchab/AndroidRTC | |
wuman/android-oauth-client | |
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ribomation/DroidAtScreen1 | |
denley/PreferenceInjector | |
klinker41/android-chips | |
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wordpress-mobile/PasscodeLock-Android | |
futuresimple/android-db-commons | |
jjoe64/GraphView-Demos | |
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lynfogeek/CollapsingHeader | |
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cyrilmottier/Polaris2 | |
maarek/android-wheel | |
coderkiss/ProMosaic | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
bilalsammour/DobList | |
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litesuits/android-lite-async | |
javatechig/Advance-Android-Tutorials | |
marvinlabs/android-slideshow-widget | |
edubarr/header-decor | |
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mthli/Bitocle | |
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rtyley/android-screenshot-lib | |
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wyouflf/xCombine | |
dodola/DynamicCardLayout | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
stephanenicolas/RoboDemo | |
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nguillaumin/osmtracker-android | |
romannurik/FORMWatchFace | |
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evant/rxloader | |
dineshshetty/Android-InsecureBankv2 | |
thialfihar/apg | |
dmytrodanylyk/video-crop | |
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QuadFlask/colorpicker | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
eleybourn/Book-Catalogue | |
wangjiegulu/AndroidBucket | |
nelenkov/android-backup-extractor | |
sromku/android-simple-storage | |
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dmitry-zaitsev/CircleLayout | |
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freshplanet/ANE-Push-Notification | |
diegocarloslima/ByakuGallery | |
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felipecsl/QuickReturn | |
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mkuklis/phonegap-websocket | |
florent37/DaVinci | |
dlew/android-gridlayout | |
googlemaps/hellomap-android | |
umeng/android_download_manager | |
T-Spoon/Android-Developer-Toolbelt | |
Hipmob/gifanimateddrawable | |
zeapo/Android-Password-Store | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
d-tarasov/android-intents | |
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stanfy/enroscar | |
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doridori/Dynamo | |
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GhostFlying/LocationReportEnabler | |
Shusshu/Android-RecurrencePicker | |
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greatyao/v2ex-android | |
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johnjohndoe/TypedPreferences | |
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cping/LGame | |
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routerkeygen/routerkeygenAndroid | |
easemob/sdkexamples-android | |
ubergeek42/weechat-android | |
ymcao/fullplayer | |
rahatarmanahmed/CircularProgressView | |
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feicien/StudyDemo | |
venmo/cursor-utils | |
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liaohuqiu/android-cube-app | |
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forcedotcom/SalesforceMobileSDK-Android | |
ravidsrk/AndroidGradleStarter | |
dlazaro66/QRCodeReaderView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
alexbbb/android-upload-service | |
tommy351/ehreader-android | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
7heaven/SHSegmentControl | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
mycelium-com/wallet | |
shardul/Android | |
msdx/androidkit | |
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inloop/AndroidViewModel | |
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rfc2822/GfxTablet | |
wdullaer/MaterialDateTimePicker | |
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honeynet/apkinspector | |
florent37/PicassoPalette | |
serso/android-calculatorpp | |
diegocarloslima/FloatingGroupExpandableListView | |
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klinker41/android-smsmms | |
blazsolar/android-collapse-calendar-view | |
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dmacosta/ATableView | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
adneal/Apollo-CM | |
GavinCT/AndroidMultiChannelBuildTool | |
avianey/androidsvgdrawable-plugin | |
dmytrodanylyk/realm-browser | |
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psaravan/FileBrowserView | |
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MatusKysel/EMVemulator | |
Onskreen/cornerstone | |
hanks-zyh/AnimateCheckBox | |
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hanspeide/anytextview | |
xiprox/MarkView | |
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GautamGupta/Simple-Android-OCR | |
HenriqueRocha/android-colorthief | |
googlesamples/android-XYZTouristAttractions | |
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spengilley/ActivityFragmentMVP | |
pcgod/mumble-android | |
guardianproject/gnupg-for-android | |
vijayrawatsan/android-json-form-wizard | |
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MohammadAdib/Roundr | |
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rahulrj/ChromeOverflowMenu | |
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lorensiuswlt/AndroidImageCrop | |
johncarl81/transfuse | |
deano2390/OpenFlappyBird | |
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twitter-university/LearningAndroidYamba | |
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wangdan/AisenForAndroid | |
bmeike/ProgrammingAndroid2Examples | |
erickok/mimicry | |
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JesseGu/SinVoice | |
heruoxin/Clip-Stack | |
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novoda/rxpresso | |
kontalk/androidclient | |
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crosswalk-project/crosswalk-cordova-android | |
Takhion/android-extendedactionbar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
boxme/AsyncManager | |
BeeFramework/BeeFramework_Android | |
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dgmltn/Android-ShareEverywhere | |
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antoniolg/DaggerExample | |
danoz73/QustomDialog | |
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LivotovLabs/zxscanlib | |
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Polidea/RoboSpock | |
Pedroafa/avatar-android | |
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ppareit/swiftp | |
inloop/easygcm | |
rejasupotaro/Rebuild | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
inovex/ViewPager3D | |
mixpanel/mixpanel-android | |
thuytrinh/android-collage-views | |
martino2k6/StoreBox | |
plusonelabs/calendar-widget | |
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AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard | |
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JesusM/HoloCircleSeekBar | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> | |
pardom/AndroidUtils | |
Kickflip/kickflip-android-sdk | |
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phishman3579/android-heart-rate-monitor | |
ophilbert/ActivityTransition | |
<img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'><img src='' width='49%'> |