

SnackBar; toast-like alert pattern for Android inspired by the Google Material Design Spec

SnackBar on Android Arsenal



This library is deprecated in favor of the new Design Support Library which includes a Snackbar. It is due to this development that this library is no longer activly being developed.


New Features since 1.0.0

SnackBar Screenshot via Google

SnackBar on Google Play


  1. Add SnackBar to your project ###Maven Just add the following to your build.gradle.

    dependencies { compile 'com.github.mrengineer13:snackbar:1.2.0' }

  2. Show a message

Build SnackBar in Activity

new SnackBar.Builder(this)
    .withMessage("This library is awesome!") // OR

    .withActionMessage("Action") // OR


Build SnackBar in Fragment

new SnackBar.Builder(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), root)
    .withMessage("This library is awesome!") // OR

    .withActionMessage("Action") // OR


Using this library?

If you're using this library in one of your projects just send me a tweet and I'll add your project to the list.

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<img src="https://lh6.ggpht.com/pTT1RebLeNJMH7pm9XgQtDWpm0azxOJ7dFYkZqAMT-QE1oi2OGor3qI1ZgiJze4uYvo=w300-rw" width="48" height="48" />Score It
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<img src="https://lh3.ggpht.com/Mz6YqxKsLfVbjYVHj_3nfUxLe5Yvl9W4KO2sKnwud6hZl5mnGitm55PnILT2jx4Hafv6=w300-rw" width="48" height="48" />Journal
<img src="https://lh4.ggpht.com/DvzthG-_lJsR7Ny8in8KPtEuNAgzzJSdlvUg2EG8qvXH0Oq5YJFQffWjFNKblx2GVAA=w300" width="48" height="48" />My Garage
<img src="https://lh6.ggpht.com/hdfIOAe9xYS3NzgTx1_3IfVwCP8UCyxDpXHxbviVMPg3iCEkrZudFZ4iuYQNvOp-aKI=w300" width="48" height="48" />QuoteMe


Pull requests are welcome!

Feel free to contribute to SnackBar.

Just create your branch then submit pull request on the dev branch.

If you have a bug to report a feature to request or have other questions, file an issue. I'll try to answer as soon as I can.