

Android Intents

A small library which will save you from writing the same intent creation code again and again for the most simple tasks. I found myself writing my own library to create some common intents I was using across projects, so we decided to push that code to a project everyone could contribute to.

You can find a comprehensive list of all intents that can be used in the sample application. Here are some sample methods to show you how to do some simple things:

This project has now been initiated with a few intents but we are looking forward to integrating your own intents to ease each developer's life.

Some rules for contributors:


The easiest way to get the library included in your project is by using Gradle. Simply add the following line to your dependencies block:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.marvinlabs:android-intents:1.5.1@aar'

Of course, you can replace the version number by whichever version you need (you can have a look at this repository's tags to know which is the latest).

Change log

1.5.1 (2015-05-07)

1.4.0 (2015-04-27)

1.3.0 (2013-06-23)

1.2.0 (2013-06-19)

1.1 (2013-06-19)