


Android-MaterialPreference is deprecated. No more development will be taking place.

Use Google's official support libraries instead com.android.support:preference-v7 and com.android.support:preference-v14.

If you need some assistance in building a fully Material Design settings screen, here is a great series of blog articles on this topic:
Building an Android Settings Screen (Part 1) - How to Create and Fix the Overview Screen
Building an Android Settings Screen (Part 2) - How to Create and Fix the Dialogs
Building an Android Settings Screen (Part 3) - How to Create Custom Preferences
Building an Android Settings Screen (Part 4) - How to Use a Custom Layout for the Preference Fragment

Android - MaterialPreference


alt text


In your settings XML file that describes your preferences (must be located in res/xml/ folder) just use the custom implementations like this:

  android:title="Material Category">

    android:title="Material Preference"
    android:summary="Material Summary" />

    android:title="Material CheckBoxPreference"
    android:summaryOn="Material CheckBox Summary On"
    android:summaryOff="Material CheckBox Summary Off" />


That's it. You can use all the attributes you know from the original preferences.

You're probably wondering why there are only Material Design versions of Preference, PreferenceCategory and CheckBoxPreference. Where are ListPreference, EditTextPreference, etc? I don't use them. Instead I just show a simple Preference and display a Material Design dialog when the user selects it. I highly recommend using the material-dialogs library for that.


<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
  <item name="mp_colorAccent">#bada55</item>

Also note that the Activity hosting your preferences screen must extend ActionBarActivity in order for the CheckBox tinting to work. The easiest solution to accomplish that is to delegate all your preferences logic (including the inflation) to a PreferenceFragment just like it is done in the sample project.


Check out the sample project for an example implementation.


Grab it via Gradle:

compile 'com.jenzz:materialpreference:1.3'


This project is licensed under the MIT License.