


User scenario testing for Android

Robotium is an Android test automation framework that has full support for native and hybrid applications. Robotium makes it easy to write powerful and robust automatic black-box UI tests for Android applications. With the support of Robotium, test case developers can write function, system and user acceptance test scenarios, spanning multiple Android activities.

See Questions & Answers for common Robotium questions and answers. <br>

See Getting Started for instructions and examples on how to create your first Robotium tests. <br>

Join the discussions in the Robotium Developers Group.

NEWS: Robotium 5.6.3 is released!

Robotium 5.6.3 is the fastest, most accurate and stable version of Robotium yet.

New functionality includes: clickInRecyclerView(int itemIndex, int recyclerViewIndex, int id) and Config.sleepDuration, Config.sleepMiniDuration (to adjust the execution speed, lower means faster) and more. See the Javadoc for more information.

Robotium provides the following benefits:

Robotium Recorder