


More info on active projects and modules at dat-ecosystem.org <img src="https://i.imgur.com/qZWlO1y.jpg" width="30" height="30" />

Dat awesome Awesome

<img src="http://datproject.github.io/design/downloads/dat-data-logo.png" align="right" width="140">

A curated list of the Dat Project ecosystem.

Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing.

Want to learn more? Check out:

Dat Applications

User facing applications for sharing, downloading, and managing dats.

Community Applications

Projects built using Dat to share and transfer data. Open a PR to add your project here!

Using Dat

Modules that help you build things on top of Dat:

High-Level APIs

High-level APIs that act as glue for many of the Dat modules:

Hosting & Dat Management

Tools for hosting Dats, managing sets of Dats, etc.

Utilities for hypercore-archiver:

Dat project runs a registry at datproject.org. We use these tools to manage our dats:

Managing & Aggregating Dats

Http Hosting

Dat Link Utilties

Resolving, parsing, encoding dat links.

Dat Utilities

Utilities to show information about an existing dat archive.

File Imports & Exports

Hypercore Tools

Tools for using hypercore feeds

Dat Core Modules

Things we used to build Dat. Dat tools (CLI, Desktop, dat-node) are opinonated versions of hyperdrive that work well for using facing applications.

CLI Utilities

Utilities used in our command line interface


Lower level networking modules


Random Access

Dat relies on random access storage. Any of these modules can be used to provide the storage for a dat archive.

The following are specific implementations of abstract-random-access:

Other Related Dat Project Modules

More modules from Dat project that are related to Dat but may not be used currently.

Dat Project Organization Stuff


Modules that are currently outdated. We released a major breaking change (hypercore v6, hyperdrive v9) in May 2017. This change included major speed and storage improvements. These modules need to be updated to support the new API.

If you want to update one of these, we are happy to help you choose one depending on your interests and what may still be useful.



To the extent possible under law, the Dat team, and contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.