


More info on active projects and modules at dat-ecosystem.org <img src="https://i.imgur.com/qZWlO1y.jpg" width="30" height="30" />

Node DatArchive

A nodejs API for Dat which is compatible with Beaker's DatArchive API. Useful for testing and for writing apps that work in the browser and in nodejs.

var DatArchive = require('node-dat-archive')

// create a new archive
var archive = await DatArchive.create({
  localPath: './my-archive-data',
  title: 'My Archive',
  description: 'A test of the node DatArchive API'

// load an existing archive from disk
var archive = await DatArchive.load({
  localPath: './my-archive-data'

// load an existing archive from the URL:
var archive = new DatArchive(datURL, {localPath: './my-archive-data'})

// using the instance
await archive.writeFile('hello.txt', 'world')
var names = await archive.readdir('/')
console.log(names) // => ['hello.txt']

By default, node-dat-archive stores the Dat data in the localPath folder using the SLEEP format (dat's internal structure). If you want the folder to show the latest files (the dat cli behavior) pass latest: true in the datOptions.

var archive = await DatArchive.create({
  localPath: './my-archive-data',
  datOptions: {latest: true}
var archive = await DatArchive.load({
  localPath: './my-archive-data',
  datOptions: {latest: true}
var archive = new DatArchive(datURL, {
  localPath: './my-archive-data',
  datOptions: {latest: true}

You can also pass options through to dat-node with datOptions, or pass options to its .joinNetwork([opts]) method with netOptions:

var archive = new DatArchive(datURL, {
  localPath: './my-archive-data',
  datOptions: {
    live: true
  netOptions: {
    upload: false

This will extend node-dat-archive's defaults.

Differences from Browser API

Quick API reference

Refer to the Beaker DatArchive docs.

var archive = new DatArchive(url, {localPath:, datOptions:, netOptions:})
var archive = await DatArchive.create({localPath:, datOptions:, netOptions:, title:, description:, type:, author:, networked:})
var archive = await DatArchive.load({localPath:, datOptions:, netOptions:})
var key = await DatArchive.resolveName(url)
await archive.configure({title:, description:, type:, author:, networked:})
var info = await archive.getInfo({timeout:})
var stat = await archive.stat(path, {timeout:})
var content = await archive.readFile(path, {encoding:, timeout:})
var names = archive.readdir(path, {recursive:, stat:, timeout:})
await archive.writeFile(path, data, encoding)
await archive.mkdir(path)
await archive.unlink(path)
await archive.rmdir(path, {recursive:})
var history = await archive.history({start:, end:, reverse:, timeout:})
await archive.download(path, {timeout:})
var emitter = archive.createFileActivityStream(pattern)
var emitter = archive.createNetworkActivityStream()

// node-only:
archive._loadPromise // promise for when the archive is ready to use
archive._close() // exit swarm, close all files