


Create servers/clients that listen on names instead of ports and hostnames and are accessible over the internet. Uses hyperdht to discover peers and holepunch connections to them.

Per default it uses bootstrap1.hyperdht.org to bootstrap the DHT but you can configure your own.

npm install peer-network

build status


First create a server

var peernet = require('peer-network')
var network = peernet()

var server = network.createServer()

server.on('connection', function (stream) {
  console.log('new connection')
  stream.pipe(stream) // echo

server.listen('echo-server') // listen on a name

In another process (on any machine)

// will connect to a server annoucing itself as echo-server
var stream = network.connect('echo-server')

stream.write('hello world')
stream.on('data', function (data) {
  console.log('data:', data.toString())


var network = peernet(opts)

Create a new network instance. Options are forwarded to the hyperdht constructor. If you do not provide a bootstrap list, bootstrap1.hyperdht.org is used.

var server = network.createServer([onconnection])

Create a new server.

server.listen(name, [onlistening])

Listen on a name. Can be any buffer/string. Optionally you can specify a port to bound to as well. If not specified a random open port will be used. The server will use discovery-channel to announce itself to other peers using multicast-dns, the bittorrent dht and potentially a series of dns servers.


Close the server and stop announcing its pressence

server.on('connection', stream)

Emitted when a client connects


Emitted when the server is listening.

server.on('error', err)

Emitted if the server has a critical error.


Emitted when the server is fully close

var stream = network.connect(name)

Connect to a server listening on a name. If multiple servers are listening it will connect to the first one to which an connection can be established.


Emitted when the stream is fully connected to another peer. You do not need to wait for this event before writing data to the socket.
