


Read IRC through hypercore.

What is it?

Hypercore is the underlying p2p network that powers Dat

Hyperirc is a bot that mirrors irc channels to a hypercore append-only log. This allows you to read an IRC channel using the hypercore p2p network. Anyone who is reading the irc logs is also helping hosting them.


npm install -g hyperirc


First, somewhere, start a mirror.

hyperirc --mirror=an-irc-channel

This will mirror an-irc-channel on freenode into a hyperdrive feed. The feed key is printed out.

Then on a couple of other computers run this to tail the channel

hyperirc --tail=the-key-printed-out-above

Thats it! Every peer tailing (and the peer mirroring) will join the p2p network and help eachother host the irc logs.

By default, hyperirc will save its database under ~/.hyperirc. You may choose your own location.

hyperirc --mirror=an-irc-channel --database=/path/to/db

For more options run hyperirc --help.

Browser support

You can also seed the irc logs to the browser by adding the --webrtc option. This will make hyperirc join a p2p webrtc swarm as well.

hyperirc --tail=the-key-printed-out-above --webrtc

To view the logs in the browser visit the static website hosted here, https://github.com/mafintosh/hyperirc-www

Mirrored IRC channels

If you mirror a channel open a PR and add your key.
