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Manage multiple hyperdrive archives located anywhere on the filesystem.


var hyperdrive = require('hyperdrive')
var multidrive = require('multidrive')
var toilet = require('toiletdb')

var store = toilet('./data.json')
multidrive(store, createArchive, closeArchive, function (err, drive) {
  if (err) throw err

  var data = { key: '<64-bit-hex>' }
  drive.create(data, function (err, archive) {
    if (err) throw err

    var archives = drive.list()

    drive.close(archive.key, function (err) {
      if (err) throw err
      console.log('archive deleted')

function createArchive (data, done) {
  var db = level('/tmp/' + 'multidrive-' + data.key)
  var drive = hyperdrive(db)
  var archive = drive.createArchive(data.key)
  done(null, archive)

function closeArchive (archive, done) {

Error handling

If there is an error initializing a drive, instead of the whole process failing, an error object with attached .data property will be pushed into the list of archives instead. That means when consuming multidrive.list(), you should check for errors:

var archives = multidrive.list()
archives.forEach(function (archive) {
  if (archive instanceof Error) {
    var err = archive
    console.log('failed to initialize archive with %j: %s', err.data, err.message)

This way you can decide for yourself whether an individual initialization failure should cause the whole process to fail or not.


multidrive(store, createArchive, closeArchive, callback(err, drive))

Create a new multidrive instance. db should be a valid toiletdb instance. createArchive is the function used to create new Hyperdrive archives. callback is called after initialization. closeArchive is called when drive.remove() is called.

createArchive has an api of createArchive(data, done) where data is passed in by drive.create() and done(err, archive) expects a valid archive.

closeArchive has an api of closeArchive(archive, done) where archive was created by createArchive and done(err) is expected to be called when the archive has been properly closed. closeArchive is called when a specific archive is closed through .close or when through .disconnect all archives get disconnected.

archives = drive.list()

List all archives in the multidrive.

drive.create(data, callback(err, drive[, duplicate]))

Create a new Hyperdrive archive. data is passed into createArchive. If an archive with the same key already exists, returns that instead and sets duplicate to true.

drive.close(key, callback(err))

Remove an archive by its public key. Calls closeArchive()


Disconnects the drive from the store and closes all archives (without removing them).


$ npm install multidrive

See Also
