


Easily archive multiple hypercores or hyperdrives


var archiver = require('hypercore-archiver')
var hypercore = require('hypercore')

var ar = archiver('./my-archiver') // also supports passing in a storage provider
var feed = hypercore('./my-feed')

feed.on('ready', function () {
  ar.add(feed.key, function (err) {
    console.log('will now archive the feed')

ar.on('sync', function (feed) {
  console.log('feed is synced', feed.key)

// setup replication
var stream = ar.replicate()
stream.pipe(feed.replicate({live: true})).pipe(stream)

feed.append(['hello', 'world'])


var ar = archiver(storage, [key], [options])

Create a new archiver. storage can be a file system path or a storage provider like random-access-memory.

If this archiver is a clone of another archiver pass the changes feed key as the 2nd argument.

Options include

  sparse: false // set to true to only archive blocks you request
Sparse File Storage

The sparse option uses sparse file mode, only available on some file systems. It will appear as a full size file but only take up the space actually used on disk.

ar.add(key, [callback])

Add a new hypercore or hyperdrive key to be archived.

ar.remove(key, [callback])

Remove a key.


List all hypercores and hyperdrives being archived.

ar.import(archiverKey, callback)

Add all hypercores archived in another hypercore-archiver instance

ar.get(key, callback)

Retrieve the feed being archived. If the key points to a hyperdrive the callback is called with (err, metadataFeed, contentFeed)


A changes feed containing the archiver state. Pass the changes feed key to another hypercore archiver to replicate the archiver and all feeds

var stream = ar.replicate([options])

Create a replication stream. Per defaults the archiver will replicate any feed the remote asks for. To have the archiver ask to replicate one pass in {key: feedKey} as an option.

ar.on('add', feed)

Emitted when a feed is being added

ar.on('add-archive', metadataFeed, contentFeed)

Emitted if a feed is identified as a Hyperdrive archive

ar.on('remove', feed)

Emitted when a feed is being removed

ar.on('sync', feed)

Emitted when a feed has been fully synced

ar.on('download', feed, index, data, peer)

Emitted when the archiver downloads a block of data

ar.on('upload', feed, index, data, peer)

Emitted when the archiver uploads a block of data


Emitted when all internal state has been loaded (the changes feed will be set). You do not have to wait for this event before calling any async function.

Network Swarm

The archiver comes with a network swarm as well. This will make the archiver replicate over the internet and local network. To use it do:

var swarm = require('hypercore-archiver/swarm')

The swarm listens on port 3282, both tcp and udp. If you require a different port, pass in the port as an option

var swarm = require('hypercore-archiver/swarm')
swarm(archiver, {port: 60234})
