

Awesome Demoscene

Awesome stuff by/and/for/with sceners.

Right now, this is mostly focused on PC/OGL/DX Plattforms - Send a PR if you want to change that. :)

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Tutorials and Guides


Ressources for creating demos and intros.

Frameworks, Libs & Engines

<!-- * [isystem1k4k](https://github.com/in4k/isystem1k4k) - iq's open source 1k / 4k framework(s) - removed for now - because outdated libs, etc -->


Complete Demotools and Tools to help you create.


Editors from the scene

Audio & Synths

Make some noise!


Github Repos of Demoscene Productions.

Executable Graphics

1k Intros

4k Intros

8k Intros

64k Intros


Misc Repos

Demoparty Organizing

Ressources for organizing your own party/event.

Viewing and Capturing

Having a Beer - capturing a demo.

Websites & Social

Github Orgs & Collections

Demoscene Around the Web

Community & Archives

Forums, Community Hubs and sites archiving scene productions

Curated Lists and Galleries

Find beautiful prods

Youtube Channels and Podcasts

Watch scene related videos

Demoscene Organisations

Local and national organisations supporting the demoscene. Listed are those which accept various kind of contributions and memberships