

You will learn React Native.

If you write React Native tutorials, please add them here!


Official Documentation

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native WebsiteWebsite★★★★★The official React Native Docs and reference aka the good shit. Your primary reference for everything
ReactWebsite★★★★★The official React Docs. Use to learn React
ReduxGitbook★★★★★Read this to learn Redux


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native AMARedditReact Native team takes questions about React Native
React Native Roadmap
React Native Product PainsWebsiteIf you have a problem with React Native, post it here. Good way to check out the biggest sentiments currently on React Native
React Native in the CommunityGithubA list of community-built React Native contributions.
React Native NewsletterNewsletter
Online meetups
React Native WikiHas a roadmap section to show the future of react native development
Use React Native WebsiteWebsiteWebsite works similarly to this project
React Native GalleryWebsite

Cheat Sheets

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Reach Native Styling Cheat SheetGithub★★★★Cheatsheet for styling react antive components
React Native CheatsheetGithub★★★React Native TidBits
Learning Path for React NativeBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Deco React Native DocsDocs
Stack Overflow Docs

Great Sites

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
awesomereact.comWebsite★★★★★Bunch of really good videos to get you going with React
Awesome React NativeGithubthe original Awesome React Native List
React Native ExpressWebsite★★★★★Walkthrough tutorial for beginners
React Native PlaygroundWebsite★★★★React Native project site. Sometimes doesn't function properly
React Native CoachWebsite★★★List of Useful React Native Components to get you started

Overview of React Native

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Overview
React Native Retrospective
Tadeu Zagallo: React Native Architecture Overview, slides
A tour of React Native
Pieter De Baets An introduction to React Native
Learn once write anywhere intro to React Native
React Native: an overview from a mobile and frontend developer
React Native - Native App Development for Web Developers
React Native for ReactJS Devs
React Native - Introductory Tutorial
React Symposium
A Tour of React Native part 1 part 2Blog★★★★★Overview of everything in react native and all the major technologies that you should be aware of
Why React Native Is Such A Big DealYoutubeGood vid to watch if you're totally new and have no time. Highlights then painpoints of native dev and the good points of RN dev
React Native as an extension of HybridBlogBlog post about how building apps with React Native is a similar experience to building web apps
From React web to native mobile: mapping out the unknown unknowns - Brent Vatne - Reactive 2015Youtube★★★★★Mobile is different from the web because... Higher Expectations + More Constraints + More APIS. Brent Vatne discusses the differences between mobile and web, why RN, animations with Animated, Navigation and navigation transitions with the Navigator API, the facebook app, fast and responsive animations, listview performance optimizations, interaction managers, rasterization, tracking down performance bottlenecks, using the built in react native performance profiler, memory leaks, connectivity, keyboards, status bars, multi-threading, execution states, and much more in this 1 hour talk

Bridging into Native Codebases - iOS

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Bridging in React NativeBlog★★★★★An in-depth look into React Native's Core
Swift Modules With React Native
Building Better cross platform components
Custom React Native Components in Swift
React Native - How to bridge a Swift View
React Native - How to Bridge an Objective-C View Component
Exposing Native Modules with React Native
Creating your own native bridge
Creating a Swift-ReactNative project
Swift Modules for React Native
Swift to React Native
Invoke Any Native API Directly From Pure Javascript in React Native
Jeremy Grancher - React Native Custom Components, slides
React Native Tutorial: Integrating in an Existing App
Creating a Swift-ReactNative project
Integrating React Native with an Existing App
Custom iOS Views with React Native
Adding React Native to Existing iOS Project Without CocoaPodsBlog
How to Create a React Native iOS Native ModuleBlog

Bridging into Native Codebases - Android

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native for Android
One Day with React Native for Android
Native Modules for React Native Android
React Native for Android: How we built the first cross-platform React Native app
Handling Android Back Button Events in React Native with Custom Components
Building the custom Android module for React Native
React Native with JNI & CBlog
Writing Android component for React Native

Navigation and Routing Overview

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Navigation in React Native: Examining and Understanding the OptionsSlides★★★★★Really great talk highlighting most of the options for navigation in React Native
Routing and Navigation in React Native
Exploring Navigators in React Native
React Native — Which Navigator should I use?
React Native Navigator — Navigating Like A Pro in React Native
Eric Vicenti - Native Navigation for Every Platform at ReactEurope 2016YoutubeFacebook dev talks about Navigation in the Facebook apps. Also talks about the future of NavigationExperimental
Build your own javascript navigator for react nativeBlog

React Navigation

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Navigation HomepaageWebsite
React Navigation: An Overview of Transitioner and CardStackBlog
React Navigation: Cross Fade and Android Default TransitionsBlog
Shared element transitions part 1, codeBlog
Shared element transitions part 2Blog
Getting Started with React NavigationVideo TutorialNice quick video demo to understand the fundamentals of React Navigation
Using React-Navigation in React Native
react-navigation with complete redux state management, tab-bar, and multiple navigatorsBlog

Navigation Experimental

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Navigator Experimental
NavigationExperimentalGithubNavigationExperimental Readme
React Native Experimental Navigation with Redux
React Native Navigation using NavigationExperimentalBlog
React Native NavigationExperimental in DepthBlog
NavigationExperimental Premier: A Simple RecipeBlog
Exponent Talks: Adam on Unraveling NavigationYoutube
React Native Meetup - Fernando Ruiz - Diving Into NavigationExperimentalYoutube
Eric Vicenti - Animating Navigation: Going off the deep endYoutube

React Native Router Flux

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Basics: Using react-native-router-fluxBlog + Youtube series
Tackling React Native navigation with React Native Router Flux and ReduxBlog
Using React-Native-Router-Flux with ReduxBlog

Other Navigation Options

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Introducting React Router NativeBlog
Wix React Native NavigationBLogBlog post for understanding the Wix React Native Navigation Library
Swipeable cards navigationuses Wix react-native-navigation
Ex-navigation ExplainerGist
Using Ex-Navigation in React NativeBlog
lottie-react-nativeGithubLottie is a mobile library for Andorid and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!
App Animations with Lottie by AirbnbBlog

Flexbox Model

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Flexbox FroggyWebsite / GameGame makes learning flexbox easy
React Native Flexbox Layout PatternsBlog
Responsive LayoutsGithub
React Native Flex BasicsYoutube
Mini course on React Native Flexbox github projectBlog + Github★★★★★Tutorial touches on every aspect of flexbox
React Native Layout System
Aligning Children using Flexbox in React Native
The ultimate flexbox cheatsheet
The complete guide to flexbox
Understanding React Native flexbox layout
Universal css-in-js media queries for React Native and ReactGithubAdds media-query support to css-in-js in React Native and React.
Common React Native App LayoutsBlog series★★★★★Really nice blog, has a few walkthroughs of common app layouts including a login page, a calendar page, and more coming
YogaTwitterYoga, the high-performance layout library. What started as the flexbox implementation for RN is now its own formidable project.
React Native Flex DemoBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native CSSGithubStyle React-Native components with css and built in support for SASS/SCSS
Applying Basic Styles in React Native
Detecting Device Orientation in React NativeBlog
transform-origin supportGithub PostDo Views have an equivalent of the CSS property transform-origin?
Integrated Layout in React FiberYoutubeShort thing about how the integrated layout will affect the way we style react components
React JS Style ComponentsYoutube
React Native Styled Components , videoGithubVisual primitives for the component age 💅
React Native Tips and Tricks: Styling in JS
Managing Styles in React NativeBlog
React Native Styled Components Codepen
Styled-Components: Enforcing Best Practices In Component-Based SystemsArticleWritten by the creator of styled components
Styles in React Native: A Case StudyBlogLayout is not style
A 5-minute Intro to Styled ComponentsBlog
How Styled-Components holds up to refactoring in a React Native app.Blog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Component Kits for React NativeBlog
react-native-elementsGithubCross Platform React Native UI Toolkit
raect-native-displayGithubThis module brings "Display: none" (css style) to turn on/off components from render. Using this module will improve your app performance and appearance with the enter/exit animations
Nachos UI is a React Native component library
Carbon UIGithubUniversal Material Design components for React Native and React

Animation Overview and Examples

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Splash Screen on AndroidBlog
React Native AnimationsBloga how-to guide on how to use animations in React Native
131 React Animation ExamplesWebsite
React Native ❤ 60FPS Improving React Native animations - ReactEurope 2016Video + Slides★★★★explanation of the various types of animations in react-native, an understanding of the underlying architecture, and how to achieve 60 FPS scrolling
Declarative Animations Library for React and React NativeGithub
Animate Your React Native AppBlog
React Native Animations Done RightBlog
React Native Animations by Emmett HarperVideoComparing CSS animations to React Native animations and understanding how they work the exact same way. Walkthrough of all of the animation types
Building apps with physics-based animations
Implementing FoldView in React NativeBlogReally informative. Good insight as to how to take advantage of matrix math in your React Native animations
Practical Animation Examples in React NativeBlog
Linking Animations to Scroll Position in React NativeBlogA tinder like animation, explained
Native Animation ExampleGithubA example of using the new native animations
Practical Animation Examples in React Native , codeBlogCreate a news page, a button page, a progress bar, a spinning animation, and an expand animation
Jason Brown Animation VideosEgghead
Implementing a 3D Cube in React NativeBlog
React Native collapsible navbarBlog

Layout Animation

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native’s LayoutAnimation is AwesomeBlog
Simple and pretty LayoutAnimation
Simple React Native AnimationsBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Animations Using the Animated APIBlogGetting up and running with React Native Animations
React-native Animated API Basic ExampleBlog
React Native Animated Video Tutorial EggheadVideo Series
React Rally: Animated -- React Performance ToolboxSlides
React Motion and AnimatedBlog
Support for Native AnimationsGithub
Playing with React Native AnimationsBlog
Animations in React NativeVideoGives understanding of differences between using the layout animation and the animated API. Also React Motion
Spencer Ahrens - React Native: Building Fluid User Experiences at react-europe 2015, slides, codeVideo + Slides + Code★★★★★Talk from when the Animated API was first introduced. Talk is about what the animated API can do, shown with a demo
The amazing animated APIBlog
Using Native Driver for AnimatedReact Native Blog

Other Animations

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
react-native-animatableGithubEasy to use declarative transitions and a standard set of animations for React Native
The CSS3 matrix() Transform for the Mathematically ChallengedBlogIn react native, there is no support for transform-origin. instead, you can take advantage of the matrix transformations. this is a guide to doing that
Matrix 3D Syntax
Matrix 2D Transforms
A react-native wrapper for Facebook KeyframesGithubA React Native wrapper for the Facebook Keyframes library.
gl-react-nativeGithubOpenGL bindings for React Native to implement complex effects over images and components, in the descriptive VDOM paradigm

SVG and D3

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native ART and D3
Using D3 With React Native
React Native - Morphing SVG Paths with React Art
An example application to show how to use D3 in a React Native application.
react-native-svgSVG library for React Native
React Native and D3.js
gl-react-nativeGithubOpenGL bindings for React Native to implement complex effects over images and components, in the descriptive VDOM paradigm http://projectseptemberinc.gitbooks.io/gl-react/content/
Cross-platform charting with React & React Native by Ken Wheeler at react-europe 2016Youtube


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native - Maintain Touchable Items with a Parent PanResponder
Living in an async world of React Native, slides
React-native Animated API with PanResponder
Gesture detection in React NativeBlog
react-native-gesture-recognizersGithubReact Native gesture recognizer decorators. Just decorate your component and easily respond to pans and swipes! Uses ES7 decorator syntax
How to handle gestures with PanResponderBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Making Network RequestsVideo / written tutorial of how to make network requests
Interacting with APIs Using React Native Fetch
Make HTTP Requests In iOS With React Native

Basic React Native and Component Usage

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Basics: How to Use the ListView Component
ListView grid in React Native
React Native ListView with Section HeadersBlog
React Native’s Context DilemmaBlog
Building infinite scroll in React NativeBlog
How to handle all Keyboard problems in React-Native with only 5 lines of codeBlog

React Native APIs

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Basics: Geolocation

Custom Components and Cool Shit

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Awesome React ComponentsGithub★★★★List of React Native comonents and number of stars
reactscript.comWebsite★★★★★React Native Componets Website - lots and lots of components!
Libs, Articles and TutorialsGithub
React Native FoldViewGithub
Sortable ListViewGithub
react-native-sglistviewGithubSGListView is a memory minded implementation of React Native's ListView
react-native-app-linkGithubEasily link to other apps with React Native.

Map Views

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Airbnb Map ViewGithub★★★★★Airbnb's mapview - will be merged into RN master for version 0.40
Client Side marker clustering with React Native

List Views

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native’s experimental new FlatList componentBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Credit Cards with Stripe and React Native

App Structure

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Code Reuse: Architecture that Works
A cure for relative requires in React Native
Organizing a React Native ProjectBlog
How to structure your React Native application using Redux?Blog

App Launch

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
ReactNative iOS Launch Screen No Flash
Launch Image in iOSBlog

Project Setup

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Renaming a React Native ProjectBlog
Rename react-native app with just one commandGithub
React Native Deployment to iPhoneBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Handling Offline Actions in React NativeBlog

Testing with Jest

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Learning to test React Native with Jest — part 1
Learning to test React Native with Jest — part 2
Learning to test React Native with Jest — part 3
Unit testing React Native with the new Jest (I) — Snapshots come into play! codeBlog
Unit testing React Native with the new Jest (II) — Redux: Snapshots for your actions and reducersBlog
Using Jest EverywhereSlides
Using Jest with React Native and MobXBlog
How to use Jest with React NativeYoutube
Jest Docs React NativeDocs
Testing React Native Componenets with JestBlog
Unit Testing React Native Components: A Firsthand GuideBlog
React Testing PracticesBlogA look into Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai
Testng React Applications with JestBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Using Enzyme to Test Components in React Native
Testing React Native with Mocha and Enzyme
Unit Testing React Native With Mocha And Enzyme
Testing React Native
React Native on Simulator and on DeviceGithub
Testing the Bejeezus out of React Native Apps with AVA
Test driving React Native applications
Automated UI Testing with React Native on iOSBlog
React Native MockGithubA fully mocked and test-friendly version of react native
Testing React Native and Redux
carte-blancheGithubAn isolated development space with integrated fuzz testing for your components. See them individually, explore them in different states and quickly and confidently develop them. youtube video
A fully mocked and test-friendly version of React NativeGithub
React Native Functional Testing using AppiumBlog
Graybox E2E tests and automation library for mobileGithubWix's Detox library


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Deep Diving React Native DebuggingBlog★★★★★Beginners tutorial for debugging react native
Debugging React Native Applications
React Native Android App Memory Investigation
More Debugging with React Native
Debugging and Production - React Native at Microsoft
Nuclide Debugger
React Native Time Travel DebuggingBlog

Crash Reporting

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
How To: Crash Reporting with React-Native, Sentry and FastlaneBlog
Add Crashlytics to your React Native iOS app

Chrome Dev Tools

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Chrome Dev Tools Homepage
Debugging with Global Variables and the Chrome Console in React Native
Using the Chrome Debugger to Set Breakpoints in React NativeVideo
React Native Debugging Using ChromeBlog
Debug the DOM in Chrome with the Devtools Elements PanelEgghead
Debug JavaScript in Chrome with DevTool SourcesEgghead
Debug HTTP with Chrome DevTools Network PanelEgghead
Become a Javascript Console Power-UserYoutube
React-KnosulGithubRender React components to Chrome in console.log()
Release The Pain from Running and Debugging React Native App on a real iOS DeviceBlog
Show network requests such as fetch, WebSocket etc. in chrome dev tools

Versioning and Upgrading

TitleResource RatingTypeDescription
Easier Upgrades thanks to GitBlog
Versioning React Native apps
Easier React Native upgrades with rn-diffBlog
rn-diffGithubEasier React Native upgrades by clearly expose changes from a version to another
How to upgrade React-Native Modules in a backwards compatible mannerBlog
React Native 0.40 Upgrading iOS Native ModulesBlog
React Native git upgrade videoYoutube


TitleResource RatingTypeDescription
Managing Configuration in React NativeBlog
react-native-configGithubModule to expose config variables to your javascript code in React Native, supporting both iOS and Android

Optimizing and Performance

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React.js Conf 2016 - Tadeu Zagallo - Optimising React Native: Tools and TipsYoutube★★★★★Talks about the React Native build process
Introduction to React Native Performance, codeSlides + Code★★★★React Native holds great promise in terms of excellent developer experience with Javascript and code reuse between platforms. The big question is — do these benefits come at the price of performance? How well can React Native hold its own against purely native implementations?
Performance Limitations of React Native and How to Overcome Them, writeupSlides + Blog★★★★
Recycling Rows For High Performance React Native List Views
Building a custom listview
React Native Scheduling
React Native’s JavaScript Execution Contexts
Breaking up Heavy Processing in React Native
Under The Hood of React Native - Martin Konicek - Reactive 2015, slidesYoutube + Slides
JavaScript, React Native and Performance at react-europe 2016, slidesYoutube + slides
Alexander Kotliarskyi - React Native: Under the Hood - YGLF2015, slidesYoutube + Slides★★★★★Nice quick overview of the performance optimizations React Native makes behind the scences via async calls and batch updates
Dive into React Native performance
React Native Internals: A Wider Picture (Part 1: MessageQueue & JS Thread)
Debugging React Native Performance: Snoopy and the MessageQueueBlog
React InternalsSlidesEven though this is pretty much only about react, it is too good of a presentation to ignore. Goes into the concepts behind state, reconciliation, syntheticevent, and react fiber
Optimizing React Native: Dynamic Gif ScrollingBlog
React PerformanceSlides
Tempted to abandom React Native for Native AndroidDiscussion
I made React Native fast, you can tooBlogDiscuesses overdraw problems on Android and how you can track them down and eliminate them with GPU Prfiling tools in Android Studio

Async and Middleware

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Meets Async Functions
ES7 Async / await with React Native
Using redux-saga To Simplify Your Growing React Native CodebaseBlog
F8 2015 - React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to MobileYoutube
react-native-background-jobBlogSchedule background jobs in React Native that run your JavaScript when your app is in the background/killed.
Async Await with React Lifecycle methodsBlog
React ResolverGithubAsync-rendering & data-fetching for universal React applications

Storage and Persistence

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Tackling React Native StorageBlogGood overview of the differences between Realm and AsyncStorage

Local Files

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
react-native-fetch-blobGithubA project committed to make file acess and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
Image Caching in React NativeBlogCaching images with react native fetch blob
Working with Local DataMedium

Dependencies and Frameworks

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
How to create a React Native project using Yarn
Beginner’s Guide to Using CocoaPods with React Native
React Native modules — FrameworksBlog

Asset Management

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Add fonts on React NativeBlog
How to add and remove custom fonts in React NativeBlog
Resource Handling in React-NativeBlog
fontFamily in React Native
Tips for React Native Images (or saying goodbye to trial and error)Blog
Change your React Native app icons in a single command lineBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Using ES2016 Decorators in React NativeBlog
How To Use ES6 Arrow Functions With React Native
ES7 DecoratorsBlogPost discusses using ES7 decorators for higher order components
6 Ways to Bind JavaScript’s this Keyword in React, ES6 & ES7
Goodbye ../../../ Removing relative paths when importingBlog
fat Arrow vS Autobind VS bind();Bind();Bind();Bind();Bind()?Reddit

Javascript Core

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
NSHipster - JavascriptCore

Responsive Layouts

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
react-native-responsive-imageResponsive image component for React Native

Push Notifications

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
How to Setup Push Notifications in React Native (iOS & Android)
Triggering iOS 10 actionable push notifications via React Native
How to Setup Push Notifications with React NativeYoutube
React Native Library for OneSignal Push Notifications ServiceGithub

Migrating to React Native

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Migrating to React NativeBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
What Sucks About React Native
Six months with React Native
React Native Hater has a Bitchfit


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
What we learned after using React Native for a yearBlogGood look at what worked and what didn't work in React Native from this company
10 LESSONS LEARNED BUILDING THE DELIVERY.COM APP FOR ANDROIDSlides★★★★Some good tips from the Delivery.com team. Comes with code samples
React Native in ProductionSlides
What I learned from building my first React Native AppBlog
Lessons learned from working with React NativeBlog
What I learned from building my first React Native AppBlog
React Native at Walmart Labs
Task RabbitYoutube
React Native at AirbnbVideo★★★★Leland Richardson talks about how Airbnb uses React Native and how their repository structure, as well as Continuous Integration
React Native at Airbnb and Test Butler at LinkedInYoutube★★★See how Airbnb is using React Native in iOS and Android
Tal Kol: Building a React Native App for 80 Million Users, slides)Youtube + Slides★★★★Talk about using React Native at a large scale at Wix.com, and how it transformed their work process
Bas de Vries: iOS vs React Native: insights from an iOS developer, slidesYoutube + slides★★
Mike Grabowski: Building a Fully-Fledged Media Player in React Native — ReactNext 2016
React Native at InstagramBlog
Retrospective: Swift at ArtsyBlog★★★★★Swift compared to React Native after 1 year of use at Artsy
Artsy React Native SeriesSeries of blog posts regarding the Artsy team's transition to React Native


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Lifecycle methods diagram
Awesome React ComponentsGithubA sorted and categorized list of React Components
Sharing Components Between React and React NativeBlog
From ReactJS to React-Native, what are the main differences between both?Blog
React Core Notes
React FAQGithub
ReactJS in PatternsGithub
Converting a React App to React Native

React Fiber

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
ReactNative fiber rendererGithub
React Native Fiber Resources
React Fiber ArchitectureHacker News
A glimpse into more obscure Fiber features (NOT a real/public API yet but it works)Twitter
React Fiber SlidesSlides


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Awesome Redux / React Native
React Redux LinksGithubResource to get started with React and Redux
React Native with Redux, video class code
Using React (-Native) with Redux and Redux-Saga. A new proposal?
Introduction to React Native & Redux
react-native-reduxGithubJust a starter code to use redux and react-native with Login
To persist or not to persistBlogStoring (and cleaning!) navigation state with Redux and React Native
A guide to React Native with Redux and Immutable.jsBlog
Easy forms in React Native with Redux-FormBlog
Redux 4 WaysImplementations of Thunk vs Saga vs Observable vs Redux Promise Middleware in 10 minutes.


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native MobX ProjectMake your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux
React Native with MobX — Getting Started, code
A React-Native app to remote control Google Play Music Desktop
Build an Imgur App with React Native and MobX


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Using GraphQL Inside a React Native AppBlog
React Native with ApolloBlog2 part blog post
Amazing React Native apps with Apollo ReactBlog
Learn Apollo: Build GraphQL Apps with React, React Native or ExponentBlog

Apollo React Native

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Integrating with React NativeDocs
Amazing React Native apps with Apollo ReactBlog
react-native-feedNews feed built with react-native, apollo-client and graphql & powered by postgraphql
Apollo on React Native RadioBlogThe top 5 questions and answers
React Native with Apollo— Part 1, Apollo ServerBlog
Tales of a React Native Beginner: Why GraphQL🏆 Is The Real MVP


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native and Relay
ExNavRelayGithubExample of integrating ex-navigation with Relay
react-native-relay-exampleGithubReact Native with Relay example
Using React Native with RelayBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Building An Image Browsing App With Realm, Imgur API, and React Native


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Getting Started with React Native and FlowBlog
Adding Flow to your Redux ApplicationBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Typescript
React Native and Typescript codeBlog
React Native and TypeScript – Developing cross-platform apps
React Native + Typescript
Using TypeScript with React Native
Typescript, React Native and SourcemapsBlog
TypeScript 2.2 plays nice with React Native JavaScriptBlog / News post
React Native and TypeScript: Developing Cross-Platform AppsBlog
Announcing TypeScript 2.2 RCNews
React Native Typescript TransformerGithub


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
BuckleScript bindings for React NativeGithub


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
ReasonML Docs
What does Reason and React Native look like?Github
A First Reason React app for Javascript developersBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Exponent -> ExpoBlog
Exponent RepositoryGithub
Awesome ExponentGithub
Curated list of awesome react native components on exponent
Introduction to Exponent
Exponent explained in 2 minutesYoutube
Coding Apps with React Native at Exponent
Exponent Talks: Brent's "Introduction to Exponent"YoutubeAt our first user community meetup, Brent gives an intro to Exponent and a quick tour of basics like building a feature and pushing updates.
Using React Native UI toolkits with Exponent
Hello Exponent: A Hands-On TutorialYoutube
AMA With the Exponent Team
"Exponent" with Brent VatneYoutube


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
react-native-google-signinGoogle Signin for your react native applications
Authenticate React Native - iOS with Firebase API
The Essential Boilerplate to Authenticate Users on your React-Native appBlog

Native APIs

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Making React Native apps accessible
Use The iOS Camera In Your React Native Mobile App
react-native-itunesGithubAccess your iTunes library (iOS only)
react-native-motion-managerGithubCMMotionManager wrapper for react-native, exposing Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Magnetometer.
Reacting to React Native for native WebRTC appsBlog
Using SpriteKit inside a React Native appBlog
Sharing content with React NativeBlogUsing your native device's sharing API


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
WebGL in React Native
React Native and THREE.js (WebGL library) integrationGithub

Deep Linking

| Deep Links in React Native v0.22 [Part 1 — Android] | Blog | | | | react-native-deep-linking | Github | | Simple route-matching library to handle deep links |

Known Bugs

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
How to fix the initial white flash in your React Native appBlog
Thoughts on React Native from an Android engineer's perspectiveBlogHighlights some problems with React Native and Gradle
React Native blank white screen issue (solved)Blog
Easy upgrades, relying on GitBlog
Hard React Native ProblemsGithub issues
React Native — a gotcha with fetch()Blog
"Congratulations, you have a lot of code!" Remedying Android’s method limit - Part 1Blog

React Native on the Web

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native WebGithub
React Native Web setup for android and web with live reload on both!Blog

React Native Windows Platform

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Native Development for WindowsBlog

React Native tvOS

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
react-native-tvos-controllerGithubTvOS remote controller module for react native.
React Native & Apple TV todayBlog

React Native Amazon Fire

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native running on Amazon Fire TV StickTwitter
Amazon Fire TV Stick App In React NativeBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
ClojureScript + React Native
Mobile Apps with ClojurescriptYoutube


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Elm Native UIGithub


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Fable React BindingsGithub


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native: Why and How to Build Your Native Code in GoBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
AWS SDK for React NativeGithub
Go Serverless With React Native and Amazon Web ServicesBlog
AWS re:Invent 2016: Native, Hybrid and Web patterns with Serverless and AWS Mobile services (MBL404)Youtube


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Awesome React Boilerplates
Pepperoni - a React Native Blurprint

Dev Tools

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Dev Tools
ReactotronA CLI and OS X app for inspecting your React JS and React Native apps.
Linting React NativeBlog
Solving a Tooling Problem For React Native, slides
Remote Redux DevTools monitor on React Native DebuggerGithub
RN DiffGithubEasier React Native upgrades by clearly expose changes from a version to another. 🚀
Getting ESLint Right in React NativeBlog
react-native-extended-cliGithubrnx (short for React Native Extended CLI) is a tool you can install via npm and use as a CLI instead of using the react-native CLI. It supports everything the built-in CLI supports plus a bunch of handy tools that will save you time and stress.
React Native StorybookGithubWith React Native Storybook you can design and develop individual React Native components without running your app.
adb-auto-restarterGithubADB service auto restarting shell. really helpful if you are as lazy as i am and don't want to restart your adb service manually when it stops detecting your android phone.
react-native-touch-visualizerGithubVisualize touches and drags on React Native apps.


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native VSCodeYoutube
VS Code — how to create snippets to speed up your React Native developmentBlog
VSCode React SnippetsGithubList of all the react snippets for VSCode


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native + CodePush

Continuous Integration / Deployment / Delivery

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Continuous Deployment with Fastlane
An Actually Good Solution to On-Device Development in React Native
Continuous Integration for React Native Apps With Fastlane and Bitrise (iOS)
A React-Native Android iOS Starter App/ BoilerPlate / Example with Redux, RN Router, & Jest with the Snowflake Hapi Server running locally or on RedHat OpenShift for the backend http://bartonhammond.github.io/snowflake/snowflake.js.html
Snowflake: Continuous Integration with Bitrise.io
Publish React Native Applications Over The Air with Electrode RN OTA, an Open Source Release from @WalmartLabs
Preview your Android & iOS React Native apps on your Github Pull RequestBlog
CI and Automated Deploys with Buddybuild
Automating a React-native Mobile Application for Beta TestingBlog
ReactNative - Zero to DevOpsYoutube★★★★★Great little intro to set up CI with Azure and CD with Codepush
Automating a React-native Mobile Application for Beta TestingBlogUses Jenkins for triggering the build automation, Docker for containerizing and building,unit testing and deploying, TestFairy for uploading the build for beta testing
Get your brownfield React Native app built on demandBlogArticle on getting CI and CD set up with Buddybuild

Installing SDKs

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Installing the Facebook SDKBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Are people really worried about using React and ReactNative with the language that's in Facebook's PATENTS file?Quora
React Native goes open source, kills the buzz with Patent License Grant
Dan Abramov (gaearon) on Facebook's PATENTS clauseReddit
React patents clarification: Facebook License FAQ, adoption at Apple and MicrosoftBlog


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Awesome React Native TalksGithub★★★★Nice, curated list of talks
Writing Cross-Platform Apps with React Native
No Xcode Java Swift or Objc - How far JS Gets you
React Native: Are we there yet?, slides
React Bratislava Meetup Nov 18 2016Youtube
Write-once, run WebRTC anywhere with React Native (Kranky Geek WebRTC 2016)YoutubeEmil walks through his experience using React Native with WebRTC.


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Step-by-step guide through building a complex React Native app
Prototyping a Chat App with React Native and Phoenix
React Native - Recreating the Apple TV IconsBlogPost about how to make a tricky 3D animation in React Native
How I built React Native Tab ViewBlogPost about a common UI pattern
Creating a hacker news reader part1, part2
30 days of React NativeGithub★★★★★Project shows how to build various common designs in React Native
Building a Facebook Paper-like UI with React NativeBlog
Building feedback UIBlog
Building a Wunderlist CloneBlog
Building Instagram StoriesBlog★★★★Highlights the problem of a lack of a CSS 3D Transform in React Native
How I built a Tinder inspired loader in React Native
Expanding and Collapsing Elements Using Animations in React Native
Dynamic Animated Lists in React Native
React Native Tutorial: Building Apps with JavaScriptBlog★★★★★Walkthrough tutorial demonstrating React Native basics. Build a sample real estate app that shows a list of nearby homes
Build a Coffee Finder App with React Native and the Yelp API
Building an iOS Geolocation Travel App with React Native
Building the F8 2016 AppBlog
React Native WorkshopGitbook★★★★★Short online book walkthrough of react native
Implement Snapchat like swipe navigation declaratively in React NativeBlog

| React Native Cube Transition | Github + Blog | | React Native module for iOS that rotates components on a cube, similar to Instagram Stories. | | Build A Clock in React Native — Part 1 Build A Clock in React Native — Part 2 Youtube | Blog | | | | Snowfall effect in React Native | Blog | | | | Building infinite scroll in React Native | Blog | | | | React Native ScrollView animated header | Blog | | | | Ripple effect in React Native | Blog | | Here’s a tutorial how to make ripple effect for Material Design’s Icon Button using the Animated API | | Simple React Native forms with react-native-clean-form and Immutable.js | | | | | Toolbar animation in React Native | | | | | Building a simple camera app clone for iOS with React Native | Blog | | |

Video Tutorials

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Introduction to React Native - Building a React Native app from scratch
Introduction to React NativeA basic introduction to getting started with React Native. This screencast shows how to get setup, development workflow, and building the first cut at a ListView to show some images and meta data for Hearthstone cards.
React Native Quickly
React Native Beginner
Daily DripVideo Classes
React Native TODO AppEggheadWith Jason Brown

Sample Apps

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React-Native-AppsGithub★★★★★Curated list of open source React Native Apps
Awesome React Native Open Source AppsPart of the Awesome React Native Repo is a section of open source apps
Interesting React-Native projects to learn from


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Radio


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Jobs

Companies using React Native

TitleTypeResource RatingDescription


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
React Native Quickly Online BookOnline Book★★★Short book to get you familiar with the basics of React Native
Learning React Native: Building Native Mobile Apps with JavaScriptBook★★★★Good book to get started with react native
React Native in ActionMEAP
React Native Animation BookGitbook★★★★★The best resource for learning animations in react native
React Native Cookbook
Fullstack React NativeThe up-to-date, in-depth, complete guide to React Native


TitleTypeResource RatingDescription
Weex Homepage
If you like React Native & Vue, you will like WeexBlog
A simple tutorial for WeexBlog