

React Native Style Tachyons

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React Native Style Tachyons brings functional styling to react-native. It is inspired by Tachyons and uses it's scales and naming convention. More about the advantages of this approach.

Let's see how tachyons compares to traditional styling:

1. Traditional react-native style:
import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";

const s = StyleSheet.create({
  view: {
    borderWidth: 1,
    justifyContent: "flex-start",
    padding: MAGIC_PIXEL_VALUE
  text: {
    color: "white",
    textAlign: "center"

<View style={[s.view]}
   <Text style={[s.text]}>Something</Text>
2. Improved with react-native-style-tachyons:
import {styles as s} from "react-native-style-tachyons";

<View style={[s.ba, s.jcfs, s.pa2]}>     /* 'ba' means border-all */
   <Text style={[s.white, s.tc]}>
3. or even simpler:
<View cls="ba jcfs pa2">                 /* string is checked for validity */
   <Text cls="white tc">

Of course you can use your old styles along tachyons' classes.


Tachyons' scale


react-native-style-tachyons needs to know your rem upon start:

  1. In the entry point of your app include:

    import NativeTachyons from 'react-native-style-tachyons';
    import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
        /* REM parameter is optional, default is 16 */
        rem: screenWidth > 340 ? 18 : 16,
        /* fontRem parameter is optional to allow adjustment in font-scaling. default falls back to rem */
        fontRem: 20
    }, StyleSheet);
    Sensible rem/fontRem values

    Experience with variously sized iPhone and Android phones from 4" to 6" displays showed, that for tablets, rem values in the range of 12 - 18, depending on device resolution, work well. For phones, the same rem can be used, but fontRem should be floored at 14, to keep everything readable.

  2. To use the styles

    import { styles as s } from "react-native-style-tachyons";

    To support javascript property syntax, all style names with hyphens have an equivalent with an underscore, e.g. s.bg_black instead of s["bg-black"].

  3. To use the cls='' syntax, you have to wrap your component:

    import NativeTachyons from "react-native-style-tachyons";
        class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    /* or if you use simple functions */
    NativeTachyons.wrap(() => <Text cls="b">Hi there!</Text>)

    If you prefer to use a different propName instead of cls, specify the name in the options:

        clsPropName: "cls"
    }, StyleSheet);

Reference / Supported Properties

absolute               position: "absolute"                 /* default: "relative" */
flx-i                  flex: 1
flx-row                flexDirection: "row"                 /* default: "column" */
flx-row-reverse        flexDirection: "row-reverse"
flx-col-reverse        flexDirection: "column-reverse"
flx-wrap               flexWrap: "wrap"                     /* default: "nowrap" */
aifs                   alignItems: "flex-start"             /* default: "stretch" */
aic                    alignItems: "center"
aife                   alignItems: "flex-end"
jcc                    justifyContent: "center"             /* default: "flex-start" */
jcfe                   justifyContent: "flex-end"
jcsb                   justifyContent: "space-between"
jcsa                   justifyContent: "space-around"
asfs                   alignSelf: "flex-start"
asfe                   alignSelf: "flex-end"
asc                    alignSelf: "center"
ass                    alignSelf: "stretch"
Margins & Paddings (Scale)
ma0 ... ma8            margin: 0|0.25|0.5|1|2|4|8|16|32 rem
ml|mr|mb|mt [0-8]      marginLeft, marginRight, marginBottom, marginTop
mh [0-8]               marginHorizontal
mv [0-8]               marginVertical

/* Same with p for padding */
Heights & Widths
h1 ... h6              height: 1|2|4|8|16|32 rem
w1 ... w6              width: 1|2|4|8|16|32 rem

min-h1 ... min-h6      minHeight: 1|2|4|8|16|32 rem
max-h1 ... max-h6      maxHeight: 1|2|4|8|16|32 rem
absolute                     position: absolute
top|right|bottom|left-0      top|right|bottom|left: 0 rem
                  ... 1                         ... 1 rem
                  ... 2                         ... 2 rem

absolute-fill                position: absolute, top/left/right/bottom: 0
ba                     borderWidth: 1
bl|br|bt|bb            borderLeftWidth: 1 | borderRightWidth: 1...

br0 ... br5            borderRadius: 0|0.125|0.25|0.5|1]2 rem
br--bottom             bottom radius only
br--top                top radius only
br--right              right radius only
br--left               left radius only
Text & Fonts (Scale)
f5                     fontSize: 1 rem
f1 ... f6              fontSize: 3|2.25|1.5|1.25|1|0.875 rem
f-headline             fontSize: 6 rem
f-subheadline          fontSize: 5 rem

normal                 fontWeight: normal
b                      fontWeight: bold
fw1 ... fw9            fontWeight: 100 ... fontWeight: 900

i                      fontStyle: italic

tl|tc|tr|tj            textAlign: left|center|right|justify

lh-solid               lineHeight: 1 rem
lh-title               lineHeight: 1.25 rem
lh-copy                lineHeight: 1.5 rem

/* Letter-spacing is only supported on iOS */
tracked                letterSpacing:  0.1 rem
tracked-tight          letterSpacing: -0.05 rem
tracked-mega           letterSpacing:  0.25 rem

no-underline           textDecorationLine: "none"
strike                 textDecorationLine: "line-through"
underline              textDecorationLine: "underline"
strike-underline       textDecorationLine: "underline line-through"


Specify the font-families you need in the configuration to use them:

ff-iowan               fontFamily: "Iowan Old Style"

/* setup: */
    fonts: {
        iowan: 'Iowan Old Style'
}, StyleSheet);

Note for Android: For weights on custom fonts to work correctly you have to name them like this (reference):

rm-contain             resizeMode: "contain"
rm-cover               resizeMode: "cover"
rm-stretch             resizeMode: "stretch"

tint-$color            tintColor: $color, see Colors section
o-10|20|...|100        opacity: 0.1|0.2|...|1
o-05                   opacity: 0.05
o-025                  opacity: 0.025



    typeScale: {
        f1: '1.625',
        f2: '1.375',
        f3: '1.125',
        f4: '0.9375',
        f5: '0.8125',
        f6: '0.75',
        f7: '0.625',
    rem: 16,
}, StyleSheet);

This will result in font sizes of:

    f1: 26,
    f2: 22,
    f3: 18,
    f4: 15,
    f5: 13,
    f6: 12,
    f7: 10,

Custom Styles

You can add custom styles you may need to the configuration at startup.

/* setup: */
    customStyles: {
        myCustomBW: {
	    borderWidth: 2
}, StyleSheet);

Raw Values

To access the actual computed sizes:

import { sizes } from "react-native-style-tachyons"

const s = sizes.ma2          /* sizes.w4, ... */


See the ChangeLog