


A simple, fast and flexible eXpression Parser Engine (with custom functions and variables support) for PHP, Python, Node.js and Browser


light-weight (~29kB minified, ~10kB zipped)

version 1.0.1 Xpresion.js, Xpresion.min.js

see also:


Xpresion Live


(v. 1.0.0+)

Xpresion is not an expression parser, it does not parse expressions. It is a parser engine. It builds parsers, which parse (custom) expressions. Effectively it is a small rewrite system

This is accomplished by configuring the Xpresion engine to fit the needed expression syntax. Configuration is intutive, easy and flexible (see examples).

However, since Xpresion is a parser engine, adding a default configuration, it can itself be a parser as well (out-of-the-box).

NOTE: Xpresion (v.1.0.0+) uses Grammar Templates for operator output. This is more flexible than simply using String Templates as previously, since it supports blocks of optional code, default values, optional placeholders and many other things. Only make sure to escape (with \ character) all "<",">","[","]" literal characters inside the output you define for operators and functions (see default configuration example below)


  1. simple, intuitive, flexible, fast
  2. support an adequate expression syntax out of the box (i.e numbers, strings, regexes, reserved tokens, arithmetical/logical operators, ternary operators, some advanced functions, variables)
  3. highly flexible and configurable (regexes, outputs, functions, operators, aliases, runtime functions, etc..)
  4. support (user-defined) variables, (user-defined) functions
  5. define custom operators (prefix, infix, postfix, left/right association, etc..) seamlessly
  6. define polymorphic operators / operator overloading seamlessly (e.g subtraction and unary negation)
  7. define n-ary operators seamlessly (e.g ternary if-then-else, etc..)
  8. define aliases of operators/functions seamlessly
  9. define new custom expression syntaxes easily (e.g via another configuration or by extending defaultConfiguration )
  10. implementations for Node.js and Browser, PHP, Python (only one class per implementation)

If you use Xpresion in your application and you want to share it, feel free to submit an example link

Live Examples


(see test/test.js)


var echo = console.log, 
    Xpresion = require(__dirname+'/../src/js/Xpresion.js')

function test_expr(expr, evaluate)
    evaluate = evaluate || false;
    var xpr = null;
    try {
        // uses defaultConfiguration by default
        xpr = Xpresion(expr);
    } catch (err ) {
        xpr = null;
    if ( xpr )
        var debug = evaluate ? xpr.debug(evaluate instanceof Object ? evaluate : {}) : xpr.debug();

echo( 'Xpresion.VERSION ' + Xpresion.VERSION + "\n" );

test_expr('sqrt(2)', true);
test_expr('$v.key.0.key', {'v':{'key':[{'key':'correct'},'foo']}});
test_expr('0 == 1');
test_expr('TRUE == False');
test_expr('TRUE is False');
test_expr('`^regex?`i matches "string"');
test_expr('`^regex?`i matches "string" and `^regex?`i matches "string2"');
test_expr('$v in ["a","b","c"]');
test_expr('1 ? : (1+2) (3+4)');
test_expr('1 ? sum(1,2) : (3+4)');
test_expr('1 ? 1+2 : (3+4)');
test_expr('1 ? (2+3) : 2 ? (3+4) : (4+5)');
test_expr('date("Y-m-d H:i:s")', true);
test_expr('time()', true);
test_expr('date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())');


Xpresion.VERSION 1.0.0

Expression: 13
Variables : []
Evaluator : 13
Expression: 1.32
Variables : []
Evaluator : 1.32
Expression: -0.12
Variables : []
Evaluator : (-0.12)
Expression: -3
Variables : []
Evaluator : (-3)
Expression: ("1,2,3")+3
Variables : []
Evaluator : ("1,2,3"+String(3))
Data      : {}
Result    : "1,2,33"
Expression: "1,2,3"+3
Variables : []
Evaluator : ("1,2,3"+String(3))
Data      : {}
Result    : "1,2,33"
Expression: "1,2,3"+3+4
Variables : []
Evaluator : (("1,2,3"+String(3))+String(4))
Data      : {}
Result    : "1,2,334"
Expression: [1,2,3]+3
Variables : []
Evaluator : Fn.ary_merge([1,2,3],3)
Data      : {}
Result    : [1,2,3,3]
Expression: -3+2
Variables : []
Evaluator : ((-3)+2)
Data      : {}
Result    : -1
Expression: 1-3+2
Variables : []
Evaluator : ((1-3)+2)
Data      : {}
Result    : 0
Expression: 1+-3
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1+(-3))
Data      : {}
Result    : -2
Expression: +1+3
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1+3)
Data      : {}
Result    : 4
Expression: 2*-1
Variables : []
Evaluator : (2*(-1))
Expression: 2*(-1)
Variables : []
Evaluator : (2*(-1))
Expression: 2^-1
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(2,(-1))
Expression: 2^(-1)
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(2,(-1))
Expression: 2^-1^3
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(2,Math.pow((-1),3))
Expression: -2^-1^3
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow((-2),Math.pow((-1),3))
Expression: 2^(-1)^3
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(2,Math.pow((-1),3))
Expression: sqrt(2)
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.sqrt(2)
Data      : {}
Result    : 1.4142135623730951
Expression: $v
Variables : [v]
Evaluator : Var["v"]
Expression: $v.key.0.key
Variables : [v]
Evaluator : Xpresion.GET(Var["v"],["key","0","key"])
Data      : {
    "v": {
        "key": [
                "key": "correct"
Result    : "correct"
Expression: True
Variables : []
Evaluator : true
Expression: "string"
Variables : []
Evaluator : "string"
Expression: ["a","rra","y"]
Variables : []
Evaluator : ["a","rra","y"]
Expression: `^regex?`i
Variables : []
Evaluator : Cache.re_1
Expression: 0 == 1
Variables : []
Evaluator : (0==1)
Expression: TRUE == False
Variables : []
Evaluator : (true==false)
Expression: TRUE is False
Variables : []
Evaluator : (true===false)
Expression: 1+2
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1+2)
Expression: 1+2+3
Variables : []
Evaluator : ((1+2)+3)
Expression: 1+2*3
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1+(2*3))
Expression: 1*2+3
Variables : []
Evaluator : ((1*2)+3)
Expression: 1*2*3
Variables : []
Evaluator : ((1*2)*3)
Expression: 1+2/3
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1+(2/3))
Expression: 1*2/3
Variables : []
Evaluator : ((1*2)/3)
Expression: 1^2
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(1,2)
Expression: 1^2^3
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(1,Math.pow(2,3))
Expression: 1^(2^3)
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(1,Math.pow(2,3))
Expression: (1^2)^3
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(Math.pow(1,2),3)
Expression: ((1^2))^3
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(Math.pow(1,2),3)
Expression: `^regex?`i matches "string"
Variables : []
Evaluator : Fn.match("string",Cache.re_1)
Expression: `^regex?`i matches "string" and `^regex?`i matches "string2"
Variables : []
Evaluator : (Fn.match("string",Cache.re_1)&&Fn.match("string2",Cache.re_1))
Expression: $v in ["a","b","c"]
Variables : [v]
Evaluator : Fn.contains(["a","b","c"],Var["v"])
Error: Xpresion Error: Operator ":" expecting 1 prior argument(s) at "1 ? : (1+2) (3+4)"
Expression: 1 ? sum(1,2) : (3+4)
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1?Fn.sum(1,2):(3+4))
Expression: 1 ? 1+2 : (3+4)
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1?(1+2):(3+4))
Expression: 1 ? (2+3) : 2 ? (3+4) : (4+5)
Variables : []
Evaluator : (1?(2+3):(2?(3+4):(4+5)))
Expression: date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
Variables : []
Evaluator : Fn.date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
Data      : {}
Result    : "2019-03-19 13:00:31"
Expression: time()
Variables : []
Evaluator : Fn.time()
Data      : {}
Result    : 1552993231
Expression: date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())
Variables : []
Evaluator : Fn.date("Y-m-d H:i:s",Fn.time())
Expression: pow(1,pow(2,3))
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(1,Math.pow(2,3))
Expression: pow(pow(2,3),4)
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(Math.pow(2,3),4)
Expression: pow(pow(1,2),pow(2,3))
Variables : []
Evaluator : Math.pow(Math.pow(1,2),Math.pow(2,3))


// define a new configuration
var conf = Xpresion.Configuration();
// or extend default configuration
var conf = Xpresion.defaultConfiguration();

// define an operator
    '===' :{
             'input'        : [1,'===',1]           // input
            ,'output'       : '(<$.0>===<$.1>)'     // output (GrammarTemplate)
            ,'otype'        : Xpresion.T_BOL        // output type BOOLEAN, default = Xpresion.T_MIX = mixed
            ,'fixity'       : Xpresion.INFIX        // operator fixity`
            ,'associativity': Xpresion.LEFT         // operator associativity
            ,'priority'     : 40                    // operator priority

// define an alias
    'is': Xpresion.Alias('===')

// define a function (functional operator)
    'len': {
             'input'    : 'len',
            ,'output'   : 'Fn.len(<$.0>)' // <$.0> matches all arguments passed not only one, separated by comma
            ,'otype'    : Xpresion.T_NUM

// define a runtime function (called during evaluation) which implements the 'len' function
    'len'    :   function( v ) { 
                    if ( null==v ) return 0;
                    if ( v instanceof String || v instanceof Array ) return v.length;
                    if ( v instanceof Object ) return Object.keys(v).length;
                    return 1;

// new Xpresion(..) will also work
var expr = Xpresion( "1+2+$v" [, conf=Xpresion.defaultConfiguration()] );

// !note! will trow an error if parsing the expression fails, so better to catch it and handle it

try {
    expr = Xpresion( "1+2+$v", conf );
} catch(e) {

console.log(expr.debug({'v': 3}));

// class methods==============================

// get or set the Xpresion.defaultConfiguration()
var defaultConf = Xpresion.defaultConfiguration();

// methods====================================

// returns debug information about the expresion, plus the evaluated result if data given
expr.debug([Object data]);

// evaluates the expresion based on given data (as variables) and returns the result
expr.evaluate(Object data );

// properties=================================

expr.variables; // array of variable names referenced in the expression
expr.evaluatorString; // evaluator function as string
expr.evaluator; // actual function that evaluates the expression

default Xpresion Configuration

// default out-of-the-box Xpresion parser configuration
// e.g https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence

// regular expressions for tokens
// ===============================
're' : {
 't_spc'        :  /^(\s+)/
,'t_nonspc'     :  /^(\S+)/
,'t_special'    :  /^([*.\\\-+\/\^\$\(\)\[\]|?<:>&~%!#@=_,;{}]+)/
,'t_num'        :  /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)/
,'t_ident'      :  /^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b/
,'t_var'        :  /^\$([a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\b/

// block-type tokens (eg strings and regexes)
// ==========================================
,'blocks' : {
 '\'': {
    'type': T_STR,
    'parse': Xpresion.parse_delimited_block
,'"': Alias('\'')
,'`': {
    'type': T_REX,
    'parse': Xpresion.parse_delimited_block,
    'rest': parse_re_flags

// reserved keywords and literals
// ===============================
,'reserved' : {
 'null'     : Tok(T_IDE, 'null', 'null')
,'false'    : Tok(T_BOL, 'false', 'false')
,'true'     : Tok(T_BOL, 'true', 'true')
,'infinity' : Tok(T_NUM, 'Infinity', 'Infinity')
,'nan'      : Tok(T_NUM, 'NaN', 'NaN')
// aliases
,'none'     : Alias('null')
,'inf'      : Alias('infinity')

// operators
// ==========
,'operators' : {
// bra-kets as n-ary operators
// negative number of arguments, indicate optional arguments (experimental)
 '('    :   {
                'input'         : ['(',-1,')']
                ,'output'       : '<$.0>'
                ,'otype'        : T_DUM
                ,'fixity'       : POSTFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 0
,')'    :   {'input':[-1,')']}
,'['    :   {
                'input'         : ['[',-1,']']
                ,'output'       : '\\[<$.0>\\]'
                ,'otype'        : T_ARY
                ,'fixity'       : POSTFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 2
,']'    :   {'input':[-1,']']}
,','    :   {
                'input'         : [1,',',1]
                ,'output'       : '<$.0>,<$.1>'
                ,'otype'        : T_DFT
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 103
// n-ary (ternary) if-then-else operator
,'?'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'?',1,':',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>?<$.1>:<$.2>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 100
,':'    :   {'input':[1,':',1]}

,'!'    :   {
                'input'         : ['!',1]
                ,'output'       : '!<$.0>'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : PREFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 10
,'~'    :   {
                'input'         : ['~',1]
                ,'output'       : '~<$.0>'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : PREFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 10
,'^'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'^',1]
                ,'output'       : 'Math.pow(<$.0>,<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 11
,'*'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'*',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>*<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 20
,'/'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'/',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>/<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 20
,'%'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'%',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>%<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 20
// addition/concatenation/unary plus as polymorphic operators
,'+'    :   {'polymorphic':[
            // array concatenation
            function(curr,Xpresion){return curr.TOK && (!curr.PREV_IS_OP) && (curr.DEDUCED_TYPE===Xpresion.T_ARY);},
                'input'         : [1,'+',1]
                ,'output'       : 'Fn.ary_merge(<$.0>,<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_ARY
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 25
            // string concatenation
            function(curr,Xpresion){return curr.TOK && (!curr.PREV_IS_OP) && (curr.DEDUCED_TYPE===Xpresion.T_STR);},
                'input'         : [1,'+',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>+String(<$.1>))'
                ,'otype'        : T_STR
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 25
            // numeric addition
            function(curr,Xpresion){return curr.TOK && !curr.PREV_IS_OP;},
                'input'         : [1,'+',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>+<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 25
            // unary plus
            function(curr,Xpresion){return (!curr.TOK) || curr.PREV_IS_OP;},
                'input'         : ['+',1]
                ,'output'       : '<$.0>'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : PREFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 4
,'-'    :   {'polymorphic':[
            // numeric subtraction
            function(curr,Xpresion){return curr.TOK && !curr.PREV_IS_OP;},
                'input'         : [1,'-',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>-<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 25
            // unary negation
            function(curr,Xpresion){return (!curr.TOK) || curr.PREV_IS_OP;},
                'input'         : ['-',1]
                ,'output'       : '(-<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : PREFIX
                ,'associativity': RIGHT
                ,'priority'     : 4
,'>>'   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'>>',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>\\>\\><$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 30
,'<<'   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'<<',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>\\<\\<<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 30
,'>'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'>',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>\\><$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 35
,'<'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'<',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>\\<<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 35
,'>='   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'>=',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>\\>=<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 35
,'<='   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'<=',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>\\<=<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 35
,'=='   :   {'polymorphic':[
            // array equivalence
            function(curr,Xpresion){return curr.DEDUCED_TYPE===Xpresion.T_ARY;},
                'input'         : [1,'==',1]
                ,'output'       : 'Fn.ary_eq(<$.0>,<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 40
            // default equivalence
            function(curr,Xpresion){return true;},
                'input'         : [1,'==',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>==<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 40
,'!='   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'!=',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>!=<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 40
,'is'   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'is',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>===<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 40
,'matches': {
                'input'         : [1,'matches',1]
                ,'output'       : 'Fn.match(<$.1>,<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': NONE
                ,'priority'     : 40
,'in'   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'in',1]
                ,'output'       : 'Fn.contains(<$.1>,<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': NONE
                ,'priority'     : 40
,'&'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'&',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>&<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 45
,'|'    :   {
                'input'         : [1,'|',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>|<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_NUM
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 46
,'&&'   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'&&',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>&&<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 47
,'||'   :   {
                'input'         : [1,'||',1]
                ,'output'       : '(<$.0>||<$.1>)'
                ,'otype'        : T_BOL
                ,'fixity'       : INFIX
                ,'associativity': LEFT
                ,'priority'     : 48
//                aliases
,'or'    :  Alias( '||' )
,'and'   :  Alias( '&&' )
,'not'   :  Alias( '!' )

// functional operators
// ====================
,'functions' : {
 'min'      : {
                'input'     : 'min'
                ,'output'   : 'Math.min(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'max'      : {
                'input'     : 'max'
                ,'output'   : 'Math.max(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'pow'      : {
                'input'     : 'pow'
                ,'output'   : 'Math.pow(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'sqrt'     : {
                'input'     : 'sqrt'
                ,'output'   : 'Math.sqrt(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'len'      : {
                'input'     : 'len'
                ,'output'   : 'Fn.len(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'int'      : {
                'input'     : 'int'
                ,'output'   : 'parseInt(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'float'    : {
                'input'     : 'float'
                ,'output'   : 'parseFloat(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'str'      : {
                'input'     : 'str'
                ,'output'   : 'String(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_STR
,'array'    : {
                'input'     : 'array'
                ,'output'   : 'Fn.ary(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_ARY
,'clamp'    : {
                'input'     : 'clamp'
                ,'output'   : 'Fn.clamp(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'sum'      : {
                'input'     : 'sum'
                ,'output'   : 'Fn.sum(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'avg'      : {
                'input'     : 'avg'
                ,'output'   : 'Fn.avg(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
,'time'     : {
                'input'     : 'avg'
                ,'output'   : 'Fn.time()'
                ,'otype'    : T_NUM
                ,'arity'    : 0
,'date'     : {
                'input'     : 'date'
                ,'output'   : 'Fn.date(<$.0>)'
                ,'otype'    : T_STR
//                aliases
 // ...

// runtime (implementation) functions
// ==================================
,'runtime' : {
'clamp'        : function( v, m, M ) {
                    if ( m > M ) return v > m ? m : (v < M ? M : v);
                    else return v > M ? M : (v < m ? m : v);
,'len'          : function( v ) {
                    if ( v )
                        if ( is_array(v) || is_string(v) ) return v.length;
                        if ( is_object(v) ) return Keys(v).length;
                        return 1;
                    return 0;
,'sum'          : function( ) {
                    var args = arguments, i, l, s = 0;
                    if (args[0] && is_array(args[0]) ) args = args[0];
                    l = args.length;
                    if ( l > 0 ) { for(i=0; i<l; i++) s += args[i]; }
                    return s;
,'avg'          : function( ) {
                    var args = arguments, i, l, s = 0;
                    if (args[0] && is_array(args[0]) ) args = args[0];
                    l = args.length;
                    if ( l > 0 ) { for(i=0; i<l; i++) s += args[i]; s = s/l;}
                    return s;
,'ary'          : function( x ) {
                    return is_array(x) ? x : [x];
,'ary_eq'       : function( a1, a2 ) {
                    var l = a1.length, i;
                    if ( l===a2.length )
                        for (i=0; i<l; i++)
                            if ( a1[i]!=a2[i] ) return false;
                    else return false;
                    return true;
,'ary_merge'    : function(a1, a2) {
                    return [ ].concat( a1 ).concat( a2 );
,'match'        : function( str, regex ) {
                    return regex.test( str );
,'contains'     : function( o, i ) {
                    return is_array(o) || is_string(o) ? -1 < o.indexOf( i ) : hasOwnProperty.call(o, i);
,'time'         : time
,'date'         : date

Platform Support


expression parsing algorithm can be seen as a variation and generalisation of Shunting-Yard algorithm, running in linear-time ( O(n) ) in the input sequence