


Tiny, fast, super-simple but versatile Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) with Relationships and Object-NoSql-Mapper for PHP, Python, JavaScript


version 2.0.1

see also:



example (see /test folder)

define('DIR', dirname(__FILE__));

    'Dialect' => DIR.'/Dialect.php',
DialectORM::DBHandler(new PDODb([
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dialectorm',
    'user' => 'dialectorm',
    'password' => 'dialectorm'
], 'mysql'));

class Post extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'posts';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'content'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'meta' => ['hasOne', 'PostMeta', 'post_id'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
        'comments' => ['hasMany', 'Comment', 'post_id'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
        'authors' => ['belongsToMany', 'User', 'user_id', 'post_id', 'user_post'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeContent($x)
        return (string)$x;

    public function validateContent($x)
        return 0 < strlen($x);

class PostMeta extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'postmeta';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'status', 'type', 'post_id'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'post' => ['belongsTo', 'Post', 'post_id'] // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typePostId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeStatus($x)
        return strtolower((string)$x);

    public function typeType($x)
        return strtolower((string)$x);

    public function validateStatus($x)
        return in_array($x, ['approved', 'published', 'suspended']);

    public function validateType($x)
        return in_array($x, ['article', 'tutorial', 'general']);

class Comment extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'comments';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'content', 'post_id'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'post' => ['belongsTo', 'Post', 'post_id'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeContent($x)
        return (string)$x;

    public function typePostId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function validateContent($x)
        return 0 < strlen($x);

class User extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'users';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'name'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'posts' => ['belongsToMany', 'Post', 'post_id', 'user_id', 'user_post'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeName($x)
        return (string)$x;

    public function validateName($x)
        return 0 < strlen($x);

$post = new Post(['content'=>'another post..']);
// alternative
//$post = new Post(); $post->setContent('another post..');

$post->setComments([new Comment(['content'=>'another comment..'])]);
$post->setComments([new Comment(['content'=>'still another comment..'])], ['merge'=>true]);

$post->setAuthors([new User(['name'=>'bar'])], ['merge'=>true]);

// alternative
//$user = new User(['name'=>'bar']);

// to simply dissociate from a many-to-many relationship



$count = Post::count(['conditions'=>[/*..*/]]);
$posts = Post::fetchAll(['withRelated'=>['comments','authors']]); // eager load of relationships, no N+1 problem

//foreach(Post::fetchAll() as $post) $post->getComments(); // lazy load of relationships, N+1 problem