


GrammarTemplate versatile and intuitive grammar-based templating for PHP, Python, Browser / Node.js / XPCOM Javascript (see for example here and here and eventualy here)


Etymology of "grammar" Etymology of "template"

light-weight (~7.7kB minified, ~3.2kB zipped)

version 3.0.0 GrammarTemplate.js, GrammarTemplate.min.js

Live Playground Example

GrammarTemplate Editor

see also:


Grammar Template

A block inside [..] represents an optional block of code (depending on passed parameters) and <..> describe placeholders for query parameters / variables (i.e non-terminals). The optional block of code depends on whether all optional parameters defined inside (with <?..>, <?!..> or <*..> and <{n,m}..> for rest parameters) exist. Then, that block (and any nested blocks it might contain) is output, else bypassed.

A block defined with :=[..] represents a (recursive) sub-template, which can be used to render any deep/structured argument a needed (see below).

var GrammarTemplate = require("../src/js/GrammarTemplate.js"), echo = console.log;

echo('GrammarTemplate.VERSION = ' + GrammarTemplate.VERSION);
echo( );

var tpl = "SELECT <column.select>[, <*column.select>]\nFROM <table.from>[, <*table.from>][\nWHERE (<?required.where>) AND (<?condition.where>)][\nWHERE <?required.where><?!condition.where>][\nWHERE <?!required.where><?condition.where>][\nGROUP BY <?group>[, <*group>]][\nHAVING (<?required.having>) AND (<?condition.having>)][\nHAVING <?required.having><?!condition.having>][\nHAVING <?!required.having><?condition.having>][\nORDER BY <?order>[, <*order>]][\nLIMIT <offset|0>, <?count>]";

var sql = new GrammarTemplate( tpl );

echo("input template:");

echo( );

    column      : { select : [ 'field1', 'field2', 'field3', 'field4' ] },
    table       : { from : [ 'tbl1', 'tbl2' ] },
    condition   : { where : 'field1=1 AND field2=2', having : 'field3=1 OR field4=2' },
    count       : 5


GrammarTemplate.VERSION = 3.0.0

input template:
SELECT <column.select>[, <*column.select>]
FROM <table.from>[, <*table.from>][
WHERE (<?required.where>) AND (<?condition.where>)][
WHERE <?required.where><?!condition.where>][
WHERE <?!required.where><?condition.where>][
GROUP BY <?group>[, <*group>]][
HAVING (<?required.having>) AND (<?condition.having>)][
HAVING <?required.having><?!condition.having>][
HAVING <?!required.having><?condition.having>][
ORDER BY <?order>[, <*order>]][
LIMIT <offset|0>, <?count>]

SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4
FROM tbl1, tbl2
WHERE field1=1 AND field2=2
HAVING field3=1 OR field4=2
LIMIT 0, 5
var GrammarTemplate = require("../src/js/GrammarTemplate.js"), echo = console.log;

echo('GrammarTemplate.VERSION = ' + GrammarTemplate.VERSION);
echo( );

    foreach "expression:terms" as "term":
        foreach "term:factors" as "factor":
    here an :EXPR template is defined which itself uses (anonymous) sub-templates
    it is equivalent to (expand sub-templates to distinct):

<:FACTOR>:=[<lhs>[ <?op> <rhs|NULL>]]

<:TERM>:=[(<factor:FACTOR>[ AND <*factor:FACTOR>])]

<:EXPR>:=[<term:TERM>[ OR <*term:TERM>]]



var tpl = "<:EXPR>:=[<term>:=[(<factor>:=[<lhs>[ <?op> <rhs|NULL>]][ AND <*factor>])][ OR <*term>]]<expression:EXPR>\n<expression2:EXPR>";

var expr = new GrammarTemplate( tpl );

echo("input template:");

echo( );

    expression  : [
        // term
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '=', rhs: 1},
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '=', rhs: 2},
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '=', rhs: 3}
        // term
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '<', rhs: 1},
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '<', rhs: 2},
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '<', rhs: 3}
        // term
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '>', rhs: 1},
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '>', rhs: 2},
            // factor
            {lhs: 1, op: '>', rhs: 3}
    expression2  : [
        // term
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '=', rhs: 1},
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '=', rhs: 2},
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '=', rhs: 3}
        // term
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '<', rhs: 1},
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '<', rhs: 2},
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '<', rhs: 3}
        // term
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '>', rhs: 1},
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '>', rhs: 2},
            // factor
            {lhs: 2, op: '>', rhs: 3}
        // term
            // factor
            {lhs: 3},
            // factor
            {lhs: 3, op: '!='}


GrammarTemplate.VERSION = 3.0.0

input template:
<:EXPR>:=[<term>:=[(<factor>:=[<globalNegation:NEG><lhs>[ <?op:OP> <rhs|NULL>]][ AND <*factor>])][ OR <*term>]]<expression:EXPR>

(NOT 1 = 1 AND NOT 1 = 2 AND NOT 1 = 3) OR (NOT 1 < 1 AND NOT 1 < 2 AND NOT 1 < 3) OR (NOT 1 > 1 AND NOT 1 > 2 AND NOT 1 > 3)
(NOT 2 = 1 AND NOT 2 = 2 AND NOT 2 = 3) OR (NOT 2 < 1 AND NOT 2 < 2 AND NOT 2 < 3) OR (NOT 2 > 1 AND NOT 2 > 2 AND NOT 2 > 3) OR (NOT 3 AND NOT 3 <> NULL)
var GrammarTemplate = require("../src/js/GrammarTemplate.js"), echo = console.log;

echo('GrammarTemplate.VERSION = ' + GrammarTemplate.VERSION);
echo( );

var tpl = "<:BLOCK>:=[BLOCK <.name>\n{\n[    <@.blocks:BLOCKS>?\n]}]<:BLOCKS>:=[<@block:BLOCK>[\n<@block:BLOCK>*]]<@blocks:BLOCKS>";

var aligned = new GrammarTemplate( tpl, null, true );

echo("input template:");

echo( );

    blocks      : [
        name        : "block1",
        blocks      : null
        name        : "block2",
        blocks      : [
                name   : "block21",
                blocks : [
                        name   : "block211",
                        blocks : [
                                name   : "block2111",
                                blocks : null
                                name   : "block2112"
                        name   : "block212"
                name   : "block22",
                blocks : [
                        name   : "block221"
                        name   : "block222"
        name        : "block3"
GrammarTemplate.VERSION = 3.0.0

input template:
<:BLOCK>:=[BLOCK <.name>
[    <@.blocks:BLOCKS>?

BLOCK block1
BLOCK block2
    BLOCK block21
        BLOCK block211
            BLOCK block2111
            BLOCK block2112
        BLOCK block212
    BLOCK block22
        BLOCK block221
        BLOCK block222
BLOCK block3