


An agnostic, caching framework for PHP, Node.js, Browser and Python


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Logo Ascii Art by Text-to-Ascii Art Generator

python implementation in progress..

version 1.2.0

see also:


How to Use


This is a caching framework for applications that is agnostic and total.

This means that one can use it easily in her web applications that use any given framework or not use any framework at all.

Total means that the whole requested page is being cached (if used as such), but one can use the cache classes and factories to cache specifiec parts of the requested page also and/or other data.

The framework is configured by a config file which easily gets together all parameters, like type of caching, time to live, post-cache user defined filtering and per-page user defined cache disable.

A demo is included with the package. One simply adds an include directive and bang you have the most advanced caching.


Supports both node-style callback-based methods (nodebacks) plus promise-based methods (if Promises are supported). Each method (i.e get, put, remove, clear, gc) has an associated method that returns a promise (i.e getPromise, putPromise, removePromise, clearPromise, gcPromise). Also some cache types (i.e memory-based and file-based) support synchronous operations as well (if no callback is provided synchronous processing takes place).

Browser, Client-side

Supports both callback-based methods plus promise-based methods (if Promises are supported). Each method (i.e get, put, remove, clear, gc) has an associated method that returns a promise (i.e getPromise, putPromise, removePromise, clearPromise, gcPromise). Also some cache types (i.e memory-based, cookie-based, webStorage-based) support synchronous operations as well (if no callback is provided synchronous processing takes place).

Types of Caching Supported


client-side, browser




Part of the (php) code was originally based on code from: http://www.rooftopsolutions.nl/blog/107

UNICACHE is also part of PHP classes http://www.phpclasses.org/package/7530-PHP-Cache-data-in-files-APC-or-Memcached.html