


What are the most popular libraries in the RxJS ecosystem?

Reactive-Extensions/RxJSThe Reactive Extensions for JavaScript19675
Nozbe/WatermelonDB🍉 Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps ⚡️7633
vuejs/vue-rx👁️ RxJS integration for Vue.js.3197
moroshko/rxvizRx Visualizer - Animated playground for Rx Observables1448
acdlite/redux-rxRxJS utilities for Redux.1019
Reactive-Extensions/rx.angular.jsAngularJS Bindings for RxJS832
frintjs/frintModular JavaScript framework for building scalable and reactive applications637
fdecampredon/rx-reactReactJS bindings for RxJS622
Reactive-Extensions/RxJS-DOMHTML DOM Bindings for the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript436
jas-chen/rx-reduxA reimplementation of redux using RxJS.420
ais-one/vue-crud-xVue+Express Cookbook & CRUD Component (with Vite and Web Components)417
Shyam-Chen/Express-Starter:truck: A boilerplate for Node.js, Express, Mongoose, Heroku, Atlas, Nodemon, PM2, and Babel. REST / GraphQL API ServerPaaS
recyclejs/recycleConvert functional/reactive object description using RxJS into React component374
Reactive-Extensions/RxJSKoansRxJS Koans369
fdecampredon/react-rxjs-todomvcTodoMVC implementation with React and RxJS339
staltz/rxjs-training(From 2015) RxJS Workshop exercises for MLOC.js315
hstarorg/HstarDocMy blogs write with markdown.300
staltz/toy-rxA tiny implementation of RxJS that actually works, for learning290
kitten/fluorine[UNMAINTAINED] Reactive state and side effect management for React using a single stream of actions288
thalesmello/exploring-asyncAn essay exploring different async techniques in JavaScript.280
fdecampredon/rx-fluxThe Flux architecture with RxJS252
just4fun/stuhome:iphone: An iOS client for https://bbs.uestc.edu.cn/ written in react-native, redux and redux-observable.243
Reactive-Extensions/rx-nodeRxJS Bindings for Node.js and io.js219
Reactive-Extensions/rxjs-jqueryReactive Extensions bindings for jQuery210
MichalZalecki/connect-rxjs-to-reactConnect rxjs to React component in Redux style... but without dispatch and constants.193
Trakkasure/mikronodeMikrotik API for Node193
ericelliott/irecordAn immutable store that exposes an RxJS observable. Great for React.190
lgf196/ant-simple-pro简洁,美观,快速上手,支持3大框架(vue3.0,react,angular,typescript);Concise, beautiful, quick to get started, support 3 big frameworks171
Cmdv/React-RxJSReact + RxJs + React-Router + Webpack + babel and soon more166
yalishizhude/RxWX用于微信小程序的RxJS,将微信API函数全部RxJS化,封装成Observable对象,支持wepy,RxJS for weixin miniprogram164
vuejs/vuex-observableConsume Vuex actions as Observables using RxJS 5156
rxmqjs/rxmq.jsJavaScript pub/sub library based on RxJS140
joshburgess/redux-mostMost.js based middleware for Redux. Handle async actions with monadic streams & reactive programming.139
funcool/beiconReactive Streams for ClojureScript137
janryWang/react-evaEffects+View+Actions(React distributed state management solution with rxjs.)135
kitten/rxjs-diagramsReact Components for visualising RxJS observables and operators126
RxJSInAction/rxjs-in-actionCode sample repository123
bradtraversy/rxjs_boilerBoilerplate for building RxJS applications with Webpack and Babel122
christianalfoni/rxjs-react-componentA component allowing you to change state using observables122
oh-my-c0de/oh-my-fullstack:rocket: Full stack web application skeleton (Next.js, Redux, RxJS, Immutable, Express)118
salsita/redux-saga-rxjsRxJS implementation of Saga pattern for redux114
mattpodwysocki/RxJSKoansThe Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) Koans110
justinwoo/react-rxjs-flowa simple react application using RxJS for data flow102
soup-js/omnistreamStream based state management for React built on RxJs101
eliseumds/react-autocompleteJust tasting some ReactJS + RxJS99
shiftyp/redurxRedux'ish Functional State Management using RxJS97
benlesh/RxSocketSubjectA more advanced web socket wrapper for RxJS95
gilbarbara/react-redux-observables-boilerplateStarter kit for React with Router, Redux, Observable + RxJS89
gcanti/tomElmish type-safe state and side effect manager using RxJS88
bsideup/rx-connectGlue your state and pure React components with RxJS86
BerndWessels/preact-redux-isomorphicpreact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)86
acdlite/react-rx-componentYet another RxJS library for React :) Create container components (also known as smart components) by transforming a sequence of props85
mcoetzee/udeoRxJS based state streams81
DxCx/graphql-rxjsfork of Graphql which adds Observable support79
madeagency/reactivityA Bleeding Edge React Universal Boilerplate for Power Users.79
ryardley/rxjs-as-reduxA simple proof of concept Redux style framework only using Rx78
boosterfuels/monogramAspect-oriented layer on top of the MongoDB Node.js driver77
bahmutov/node-rx-cycleExample using RxJS and Cycle.js on the server to handle requests (NOT server-side rendering)75
Amin52J/React-Redux-EnterpriseA React-Redux boilerplate for enterprise/large scaled web applications75
van100j/tibotTiBot — The Date and Time Bot74
milankinen/ffux[NOT MAINTAINED] Functional Reactive Flux for RxJS and Bacon.js73
ecmadao/rxjs-exampleA quick start for RxJS usage71
codesuki/reactive-fluxFluxish model implemented with RxJS71
Reactive-Extensions/rxjs-nodeReactive Extensions bindings for node.js71
observable-playground/observable-playgroundKnow your Observables before deploying to production71
ivan-kleshnin/reactive-polyglotFRP libraries / langs compared70
Alex-ray/docker-postgres-react-redux-graphql-hmr-ssr-kitProduction ready full stack starter kit. Featuring: Docker, Node, Postgres, Sequelize, React, Redux, GraphQL, RXjs, Webpack 3, Hot Module Reloading, Server Side Rendering and Code Splitting.69
herculesJS/herculexPredictable state container for alipay mini-program inspired by vuex, redux, immutableJS,elm,rxjs65
Widdershin/rxjs-ecosystemWhat are the most popular libraries in the RxJS ecosystem?65
dacz/rxrMaintains state for React app with RxJS the Redux way62
cvuorinen/angular1-async-filterAngular2 async pipe implemented as Angular 1 filter to handle promises & RxJS observables59
taichi/js-boilerplateModern JavaScript Application Boilerplate58
monobasic/Angular-Reactive-Demo-ShopAngular 8 Demo Shop58
staltz/rxtweenA library for creating RxJS Observables related to animation56
chicoxyzzy/rx-mobx[DEPRECATED] :sparkles: Convert MobX observables to RxJS and vice-versa56
benlesh/RxEmberRxJS and EmberJS integration helpers55
Lucifier129/rxjs-reactmake your react-component become reactive with rxjs54
rxjs-playground/rxjs-playground.github.ioRx.js playground54
luigiplr/react-router-redux-rxjs-code-splittingAn example React Redux app using React Router & RxJS for route management & chunk loading respectively.53
zxbodya/reactive-widgetsApplication starter template, for implementing isomorphic widgets, using RxJS and React51
joelhooks/react-rxjs-angular-di-todomvcCombines the forces of these powerful tools to create a todo list.50
jamesb3ll/reduxbag👜Callbag RxJS-like middleware for asynchronous side effects in Redux48
langhuihui/rx4rxA standard for creating reactive program library faster and more lightweight than rxjs48
fireship-io/175-code-this-not-that-rxjsEpisode 175 - Code This, Not That. RxJS.47
yamalight/rxstateSimple opinionated state management library based on RxJS47
Nozbe/withObservablesHOC (Higher-Order Component) for connecting RxJS Observables to React Components46
panacloud/learn-typed-rxjsLearn Reactive Programming with RxJS 5 and TypeScript in Baby Steps45
joshburgess/inferno-most-fp-demoA demo for the ReactJS Tampa Bay meetup showing how to build a React+Redux-like architecture from scratch using Inferno, Most.js, reactive programmning, and various functional programming tools & techniques45
JayKan/RxJS-PlaygroundA list of real world RxJS examples to enhance your RxJS learning adventure43
leandrohsilveira/reactjs-hooks-rxjsSimple example of RxJS usage with ReactJS Hooks43
gvergnaud/evoluiA tiny reactive user interface library, built on top of RxJs.43
Lorti/rxjs-breakoutRxJS Breakout41

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