


A simple React application using RxJS for data flow. See the Qiita post about this here: http://qiita.com/kimagure/items/22cf4bb2a967fcba376e

I posted a "follow up article" recently: http://qiita.com/kimagure/items/d29ed7b7bdaaf6977b9a.

While it uses Cycle.js, the architecture is a better structured version of my naive "flux in RxJS" example, and in turn, that architecture is what powers the react views in the dynamic-width-scroll-table and dynamic-width-filtering-sorting-scroll-table-with-data-loading branches. See branches below:


Because after using flux for almost a year, I really dislike it and loathe trying to teach it to others. Seriously, I hate trying to explain how flux/Dispatcher and EventEmitter work each time.

Also because RxJS is the god.


I'm using Rx.ReplaySubject(1) for now to make sure I only have the latest replay on a subject. This might be stupid, and someone better at reactive programming might have to correct me, but this is just how I'm doing it for now.

Getting started

Run npm install and npm start. Webpack will build the assets.

In a new pane, open index.html.

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