


A Bleeding Edge React Universal Boilerplate for Power Users.

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What is Reactivity? Well at its most basic definition it is how easily an atom has a chemical reaction with another element. Our goal is to achieve stable valence levels, a full valence shell if you will.

But really it's just a boilerplate.

Because that's what's missing in the React realm right?

Well see we need a boilerplate for people who want to be able to tweak every atom of an application and a simple boilerplate that doesn't contain any magic or code generation that takes pages of documentation to learn how to override, it's a boilerplate for power users.

View our Example App Here

Deployed using now like so now --public --dotenv=.env


You will find that this boilerplate covers all the expected areas such as SEO, Hot Reloading and all the other things typically covered in a boilerplate, check out our pull requests to see what's coming up.

Whats unique about this boilerplate however is:

Getting Started

If you haven't yet start by installing yarn.

  1. Clone this repo using git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/madeagency/reactivity.git
  2. Move to the appropriate directory: cd reactivity.
  3. Copy the .sample.env to .env and change any details as required.
  4. Run yarn install in order to install dependencies.
  5. Run yarn dev for development mode or yarn prod for production mode and you will see the app running at http://localhost:[PORT_SPECIFIED_IN_.ENV].

Development suggestions

  1. set ENABLE_SW to false to disable the service worker during development.
  2. set NODE_ENV to development to enable hot reloading.


This will largely vary however heres a super simple overview.

  1. Run yarn build
  2. Run either yarn start or node bin/server.prod.js to start the application.

You could also run start:prod after step one to immediately launch the app after its been built.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Reactivity is © 2017 MADE Code PTY Ltd. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.

Maintained by


Reactivity was created and is maintained MADE Agency PTY Ltd. The names and logos for MADE Code are trademarks of MADE Code PTY Ltd.

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We're always looking for talented people who love programming. Get in touch with us.