

Reactive widgets Build Status

Application starter template, for implementing isomorphic widgets(same code for both server and client side), using RxJS and React

It is build on top of following great projects:

For now, application includes following:


Development environment setup

  1. Check your Node.js version - it should be version 6 or later
  2. Install dependencies using npm (or yarn)
  3. start server app, with automatic recompile and reload when something changes
    • npm run dev
  4. open this url in your browser: http://localhost:4000/ (php server should be started at port 4000 to make this working, see instructions below)

To customize host and ports used by application - use environment variables:

Same thing about app itself:

if you have different application host and port different than above - be sure to specify them in environment

Also you can enable some other things for dev-server by environment variables

For setting those variables - you can create .env file at project root.

  1. To run unit tests: npm run test
  2. To check code style npm run lint

Production setup

  1. Install dependencies: npm i
  2. Build project npm run build
  3. Start rendering server: node ./build/server/server.js

PHP server demo that will use implemented widgets

example is in public folder, to try it:

  1. composer install install dependencies, using composer
  2. start php built in server php -S
  3. navigate to to see results