

Awesome Cassandra Awesome

<a href="http://cassandra.apache.org/"><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Cassandra_logo.svg" align="right" width="140"></a>

Cassandra is a free and open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. Cassandra is supported by the Apache Software Foundation and is also known as Apache Cassandra.

This is a curated list of awesome Cassandra packages and resources. Maintained by Rahul Singh of Anant. Feel free contact me if you'd like to collaborate on this and other awesome lists. Awesome Cassandra , Awesome Solr, Awesome Lucene. This powers the Resources section of Cassandra.Link, a rich collection of blog feeds, and curated links as a searchable knowledge base.




Cassandra History

Cassandra Use Cases

Cassandra Distributions

Cassandra Compliant Databases on JVM

Cassandra Compliant Databases on C++

Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Open Source Cassandra

Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology

Using Cassandra

<!-- - TODO:: cassandra installation tutorials in local, docker, cloud (do, aws, azure, gcp)) --> <!-- - TODO:: compiling cassandra --> <!-- - TODO:: running cassandra --> <!-- - TODO:: using cql --> <!-- - TODO:: using zeppelin with cassandra --> <!-- - TODO:: getting data in / out of cassandra --> <!-- - TODO:: using spark with cassandra --> <!-- - TODO:: sql v. cql--> <!-- - TODO:: query driven methodology --> <!-- - TODO:: schema designs / examples--> <!-- - TODO:: data modeling problems -->

Cassandra from Relational

Cassandra Data Modeling

<!-- - TODO: - Data Centers and Racks --> <!-- - TODO: - Gossip and Failure Detection --> <!-- - TODO: - Snitches --> <!-- - TODO: - Rings and Tokens --> <!-- - TODO: - Virtual Nodes --> <!-- - TODO: - Partitioners --> <!-- - TODO: - Replication Strategies --> <!-- - TODO: - Consistency Levels --> <!-- - TODO: - Queries and Coordinator Nodes --> <!-- - TODO: - Memtables, SSTables, and Commit Logs --> <!-- - TODO: - Caching --> <!-- - TODO: - Hinted Handoff --> <!-- - TODO: - Lightweight Transactions and Paxos --> <!-- - TODO: - Tombstones --> <!-- - TODO: - Bloom Filters --> <!-- - TODO: - Compaction --> <!-- - TODO: - Anti-Entropy, Repair, and Merkle Trees --> <!-- - TODO: - Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) --> <!-- - TODO: - Managers and Services --> <!-- - TODO: - System Keyspaces -->

Cassandra Architecture

Cassandra Monitoring

<!-- - TODO:: Health Check --> <!-- - TODO:: Basic Maintenance --> <!-- - TODO:: Adding Nodes --> <!-- - TODO:: Handling Node Failure --> <!-- - TODO:: Upgrading Cassandra --> <!-- - TODO:: Backup and Recovery --> <!-- - TODO:: SSTable Utilities --> <!-- - TODO:: Maintenance Tools --> <!-- - OpsCenter --> <!-- - Reaper --> <!-- - TableAnalyzer -->

Cassandra Maintenance

<!-- - TODO:: Managing Performance --> <!-- - TODO:: Caching --> <!-- - TODO:: Memtables --> <!-- - TODO:: Commit Logs --> <!-- - TODO:: SSTables --> <!-- - TODO:: Hinted Handoff --> <!-- - TODO:: Compaction --> <!-- - TODO:: Concurrency and Threading --> <!-- - TODO:: Networking and Timeouts --> <!-- - TODO:: JVM Settings --> <!-- - TODO:: Using cassandra-stress --> <!-- - TODO:: Using Gatling -->

Cassandra Performance Tuning

<!-- !Now just redirects to https://www.datastax.com/dev - [A Deeper Dive - Diagnosing DSE Performance Issues with Ttop and Multidump](https://academy.datastax.com/support-blog/deeper-dive-diagnosing-dse-performance-issues-ttop-and-multidump) - A good review of how to look deeper into Cassandra threads. --> <!-- - TODO:: Authentication and Authorization --> <!-- - TODO:: Encryption --> <!-- - TODO:: JMX Security --> <!-- - TODO:: Disk --> <!-- - TODO:: System --> <!-- - TODO:: Network -->

Cassandra Security

<!-- - TODO:: Container Deployment --> <!-- - TODO:: Container Orchestration --> <!-- - TODO:: Cloud Deployment --> <!-- - TODO:: Cloud Automations -->

Cassandra Deployment

Cassandra Deployment on Docker / Containerized Cassandra

Cassandra Deployment on Kubernetes / Kubernetized Cassandra

Integrating with Cassandra

<!-- - TODO:: ESB --> <!-- - TODO:: Streaming --> <!-- - TODO:: ETL --> <!-- - TODO:: CDC -->

.NET and Cassandra


Search / Secondary Indexes


Timeseries Databases

Monitoring / Metrics

Custom Time Series






Open Source Applications

Logging /Metrics







