Gatling DSE Stress
To build a jar run sbt assembly
. The jar will be found in target/scala-2.12/gatling-dse-stress-assembly-1.2.2.jar
Running a Simulation
First build the jar using sbt
then run the jar with the path of the sim name java -jar gatling-dse-stress-1.2.2.jar run {SimPath}
and example is java -jar gatling-dse-sims-1.2.2.jar run examples.sims.cql.WriteOrderSimulation
Project configs can be found in the src/main/resources
the application.conf
is the file to set the Simulation and Cassandra settings.
During run you can override part or all of the application settings by using -Dconfig.file={filePath}
. If you want to override a single setting only just use the path of the config ie -Dcassandra.hosts=
. This single setting can be used for any value in the application.conf
file as well.
Listing Available Sims in Jar
Run java -jar gatling-dse-stress-1.2.2.jar listSims
Show Default Configurations
Run java -jar gatling-dse-stress-1.2.2.jar showConf
Show gatling-dse-stress framework version
Run java -jar gatling-dse-stress-1.2.2.jar stressVersion
Using In a New Project
See SimCatalog Project at gatling-dse-simcatalog)
Overriding Default Log Levels
The following log can have their levels be overriden using -D{logName}={LEVEL}
- DEBUG Defaults
- log.libs
- log.actions
- log.feeds
- log.sims
- log.utils
- WARN Defaults
- log.cassandra (includes all Cassandra Driver events)
- log.root (includes all of the above)
- Java 1.8+
- SBT 1.1.2
- gatling-dse-plugin - (Included
Running sbt assembly
will download all of the needed libraries including Scala to your local machine.
Questions or Requests
Please use the Issues section to add any questions on usage or requests
There is also a #gatling-dse
Slack channel where questions can be asked.
This project was developed by Brad Vernon (ibspoof) and improved by the following contributors:
- Sebastien Bastard (datazef)