


screen shot

sandraREST is a Cassandra Manager REST API and Web UI.


Getting Started

As the project required use of multiple external dependencies for both client and server side, bower and npm are used to manage those respectively.

Cassandra client configuration is stored under root folder in cassandra_config.json. It is possible to configure contact points and many other client options.

running the source code:

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm start


Main advantage of a REST API is that such organization of a client­server communication allows single server to support numerous client applications through the unified interfaces.

interface guide

In the particular case, server with REST API was developed on the node.js. Client side is single page web­application based on angular.js framework that served on 'public' folder as static and only relies on REST API for access to the database data.

REST Endpoints


Released under the MIT license.