

ScyllaDB Migrator

The ScyllaDB Migrator is a Spark application that migrates data to ScyllaDB from CQL-compatible or DynamoDB-compatible databases.


See https://migrator.docs.scylladb.com.


To test a custom version of the migrator that has not been released, you can build it yourself by cloning this Git repository and following the steps below:

  1. Make sure the Java 8+ JDK and sbt are installed on your machine.
  2. Export the JAVA_HOME environment variable with the path to the JDK installation.
  3. Run build.sh.
  4. This will produce the .jar file to use in the spark-submit command at path migrator/target/scala-2.13/scylla-migrator-assembly.jar.


Please refer to the file CONTRIBUTING.md.