


Koroonakaart is a project which aims to give accurate and up-to-date information about the Covid-19 epidemic in Estonia.

The live version of the application is available at koroonakaart.ee. The data is normally updated once per week on Tuesdays. The app is published in three language versions: Estonian, English, and Russian.

The project is managed by Chris Thompson OÜ. For more information please contact:

Chris Thompson — chris@koroonakaart.ee


All data used by our application can be accessed directly at the following link: https://www.koroonakaart.ee/data.json

Project setup

Install prerequisites

Install poetry to manage Python dependencies: https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation

Get/update data from TEHIK API

After cloning the repository, you will need to download the latest Estonian COVID-19 data from TEHIK in order for the app to compile.

cd build/
poetry install
poetry run download
poetry run update_data

Note: At present, the update process won't work if carried out between midnight and the time that TEHIK updates their data, which is typically sometime between 11am and noon Estonian time. We realise this isn't ideal and are working to improve the process.

Install front-end dependencies

To Customize Vue.js configuration see Configuration Reference.

cd koroonakaart/
npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

How to contribute?

If you have a suggestion about something that could be improved or wish to help with the technical development, please take a look here: https://github.com/okestonia/koroonakaart/issues

All suggestions and ideas are welcome. Please feel free to fork the project, raise new issues, or make pull requests.

The project is primarily voluntary and has received no funding other than from members of the community.


How the team formed at Hack the Crisis

The app was originally built in around 24 hours as part of the Hack the Crisis hackathon put on by Garage48 in Estonia. It was developed by Harry Sild (@Kypsis), Chris Thompson (@neuroactive), Joonas Puura (@PuuraJ), and Keegan McBride (@Keeganmcbride). Hanna Maria Mägi came up with the initial design. Maarja Leena Saar and Sven Illing have also contributed.

License and data information

This repository is maintained as an open source project and released under an MIT license.

⚠️ The Highcharts component of this project is licensed under a more restrictive license: CC-BY-NC, which prevents you from using that component for commercial purposes. Before using the Highcharts dependency, please ensure that your use case is compliant with this licence.

The regional and settlement data is from Maa-amet version 20200601 and demographic data is provided by Statistikaamet.

The COVID-19 related data has been optained from TEHIK via https://www.terviseamet.ee/et/koroonaviirus/avaandmed and is available under CC0.