

This repository is currently unmaintained. You may refer to official data in MoH-Malaysia/covid19-public.


Malaysia COVID-19 dataset by country, states and total clusters, updated frequently. Districts, cases types and death cases data are archived.

Press Releases

Press release documents related to COVID-19 with scripts to scrape them are in this new repository. All files are in HTML format.

Official Data

The Ministry of Health Malaysia had published their official data in this repository which contains extensive information about new cases, clusters, daily tests, testing centre, hospitals, ICU capacity, MySejahtera data and more on 21 July 2021. It should act as a replacement of this unofficial dataset so it is recommended to migrate to it. Nevertheless this repository will still be continuously updated for compatibility and historical purposes.


You can help by completing some of the dataset left or checking the values/names so that they are correct (especially for districts cases). You can search for the data in the sources below or with other methods.

You can also look for data that can be added to the archived datasets as well as for TODO. Text-formed data (such as blogs and tables) are recommended. The data released by MoH are usually in the form of images so it need to be extracted manually.

Fork the project, make the modification and submit a pull request. You must include a source in your pull request to verify its credibility. If you don't know how to make modification, feel free to create a new issue.

The currently maintained data are covid-19-malaysia.csv, covid-19-my-states-cases.csv and covid-19-my-cluster.csv.


Currently MOH does not provide a platform that provides full comprehensive dataset on the COVID-19 cases in Malaysia as well as the others included in this repository.

Data are retrieved mainly from Desk of DG. While a few data or data on the early stage are retrieved form multiple sources including:

Full accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed.


Please read the notes before using the data or contributing to the data!

States case






This covid-19-malaysia data is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at: http://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/ If you use this data, it would be helpful to credit this repo in your projects so others can find it easily!