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ECS Logging backend for SwiftLog. Outputs log messages in ECS Log format.



Swift Package Manager


LoggingSystem.bootstrap { label in
    ECSLogHandler(label: label)

Note: The default log level is .info. You can set the log level as follows:

LoggingSystem.bootstrap { label in
    ECSLogHandler(label: label, logLevel: .notice)

Chaining LogHandlers

If you wish to send your ECS formatted log messages somewhere other than the console, it’s possible to chain log handlers by passing in another LogHandler as follows:

let consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger(label: label, console: console, level: level)
return ECSLogHandler(label: label, logHandler: consoleLogger, logLevel: level)

This will cause the ECSLogHandler to format log messages according to the ECS Logging standard before forwarding the log messages on to the next LogHandler.

Usage With Vapor

The default log handler included with SwiftLog is StreamLogHandler whilst the default LogHandler for Vapor is ConsoleLogger (from ConsoleKit) when you call the following bootstrapping code:

var env = try Environment.detect()
try LoggingSystem.bootstrap(from: &env)

To use ECSLogHandler instead, add the following extension to your Vapor project:

import Foundation
import Logging
import ECSLogging
import Vapor

extension LoggingSystem {
    public static func bootstrapECSLogging(from environment: inout Environment) throws {
        try self.bootstrap(from: &environment) { level in
            return { (label: String) in
                return ECSLogHandler(label: label, logLevel: level)

Or if you prefer to use a combination of both:

import Foundation
import Logging
import ECSLogging
import ConsoleKit
import Vapor

extension LoggingSystem {
    public static func bootstrapECSLogging(from environment: inout Environment) throws {
        try self.bootstrap(from: &environment) { level in
            let console = Terminal()
            return { (label: String) in
                let consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger(label: label, console: console, level: level)
                return ECSLogHandler(label: label, logHandler: consoleLogger, logLevel: level)

Then instead of calling the following in your main.swift:

var env = try Environment.detect()
try LoggingSystem.bootstrap(from: &env)

Instead call:

var env = try Environment.detect()
try LoggingSystem.bootstrapECSLogging(from: &env)

How It Works

The SwiftLog package provides the Logger which clients should use. A LogHandler is a specific logging implementation e.g. to log to a file, to log to the console, to log to a monitoring solution such as Datadog or Sentry. swift-log-ecs provides the ECSLogHandler for logging messages in ECS Log format.

The Logger will pass log messages to the appropriate LogHandler, in this case, ECSLogHandler, if:

Known Issues

See Issues.


Ross Butler


swift-log-ecs is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Additional Software






Config ValidatorIPA UploaderPalette
Config ValidatorIPA UploaderPalette