

<div align="center"> <img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/rwbutler/AnimatedGradientView/raw/main/docs/images/animated-gradient-view-large-logo.png" alt="Animated Gradient View Logo"> </div> <div align="center"> <img width="800" src="https://github.com/rwbutler/AnimatedGradientView/raw/main/docs/images/animated-gradient-view-text-banner.png" alt="Animated Gradient View"> </div>

CI Status Version Carthage compatible Maintainability License Platform Swift 5.0 Reviewed by Hound

AnimatedGradientView is a UIView subclass which makes it simple to add animated gradients to your iOS app. It is written purely in Swift. Further documentation available as part of this blog post.



To learn more about how to use AnimatedGradientView, check out the blog post, take a look at the example app, the demo over on Appetize.io, or make use of the table of contents below:

What's new in AnimatedGradientView 3.0.0?

AnimatedGradientView 3.0.0 provides support for Xcode 12 and raises the minimum deployment target to iOS 9 (dropping support for iOS 8).


Creating and adding a new AnimatedGradientView as a subview is as simple as follows:

let animatedGradient = AnimatedGradientView(frame: view.bounds)
animatedGradient.direction = .up
animatedGradient.animationValues = [(colors: ["#2BC0E4", "#EAECC6"], .up, .axial),
(colors: ["#833ab4", "#fd1d1d", "#fcb045"], .right, .axial),
(colors: ["#003973", "#E5E5BE"], .down, .axial),
(colors: ["#1E9600", "#FFF200", "#FF0000"], .left, .axial)]

You'll also need to remember to import the framework using import AnimatedGradientView.


AnimatedGradientView is written in Swift 5.0 and is available on iOS 8.0 or higher.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager which integrates dependencies into your Xcode workspace. To install it using RubyGems run:

gem install cocoapods

To install AnimatedGradientView using Cocoapods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AnimatedGradientView"

Then run the command:

pod install

For more information see here.


Carthage is a dependency manager which produces a binary for manual integration into your project. It can be installed via Homebrew using the commands:

brew update
brew install carthage

In order to integrate AnimatedGradientView into your project via Carthage, add the following line to your project's Cartfile:

github "rwbutler/AnimatedGradientView"

From the macOS Terminal run carthage update --platform iOS to build the framework then drag AnimatedGradientView.framework into your Xcode project.

For more information see here.

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is a dependency manager built right into Xcode 11 and higher. From the File menu, add a new Swift Package dependency to your project and paste in this project's Git URL.


Static Gradients

If all you need is a gradient without animation this is easily achieved by setting the colors property to an array of UIColor as follows:

let gradient = AnimatedGradientView(frame: view.bounds)
gradient.colors = [[UIColor.blue, UIColor.red]]
gradient.direction = .up

The colors property is actually an array of UIColor arrays. If further UIColor arrays are specified then animation will occur between them. Using the direction property it also possible to define the direction of the gradient.

If it is more convenient to work with hex color strings rather than UIColor then make use of the colorStrings property instead as follows:

let gradient = AnimatedGradientView(frame: view.bounds)
gradient.colorStrings = [["#3224AE", "#FF66FF"]]
gradient.direction = .up

Gradient Types

AnimatedGradientView supports three types of gradients which can be set using the type property.

let gradient = AnimatedGradientView(frame: view.bounds)
gradient.autoAnimate = false
gradient.colorStrings = [["#3224AE", "#FF66FF"]]
gradient.type = .axial

The three gradient types supported are:


This is your standard linear gradient blending between color stops from the start point to the end point.

<div align="center"> <img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/rwbutler/AnimatedGradientView/raw/main/docs/images/axial.png" alt="Axial Gradient"> </div>


 The gradient appears to radiate outwards from the start point (at the center) towards the end point in a circular fashion blending between the color stops from the start point to end point as with a linear gradient.

<div align="center"> <img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/rwbutler/AnimatedGradientView/raw/main/docs/images/radial.png" alt="Radial Gradient"> </div>


 This type of gradient is only available from iOS 12 onwards. It is similar to a radial gradient in that the start point represents the center of the circle and the end point represents a point on the outer edge. However, whilst a radial gradient blends between color stops from the start point to the end point (from the center to the outer edge), a conic gradient places the color stops along the outer edge of the circle blending between the color stops from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.

<div align="center"> <img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/rwbutler/AnimatedGradientView/raw/main/docs/images/conic.png" alt="Conic Gradient"> </div>


Ross Butler


AnimatedGradientView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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