

Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rates Shipping extension

Native Magento 2 only supports one flat rate shipping which can lead to difficulty for stores in defining the best price for delivering products to customers in different countries.

Magento 2 Multiple flat rate shipping is a must have for many online stores, especially international brands which deliver their products worldwide. Offering buyers different flat rates to select makes shopping easier and convenient for customers. Besides, this also helps stores manage shipping methods better.

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1. Flat Rates Shipping Documentation

2. FAQs

3. How to install Magento 2 Multi Flat Rates Shipping extension

Install via composer (recommend)

Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

composer require mageplaza/module-multi-flat-rates
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

4. Multiple Flat Rates Shipping features

5 multiple flat rate shipping

Magento 2 Multi flat rate shipping extension allows store admins to add up to 5 other shipping rates. Admins are free to give a shipping flat rate a name and/or a title to help buyers distinguish it with others on Cart page and Checkout page.

Each flat rate can be turned on/off easily on the backend. A set of configuration options for price, sort order, applicable countries, and error message are also ready to be selected.

Sort multi flat rates neatly

As a store may want to have more than only one flat rate shipping, Multiple Flat Rates Shipping should be in a certain order. Admins can choose this order by sorting every shipping rate on the backend.

Multi flat rate visibility

Each flat rate shipping can be applied on a restricted number of countries or all allowed countries depending on the settings on backend.

Admins can multiple select countries to allow buyers in those countries to choose a specific shipping flat rate.

Error message

Buyers who are not in applicable countries will not be allowed to select that shipping flat rate. In this case, admins can set an error message to inform buyers. This message can be enabled/disabled and changed easily on the backend.

Compatible with One Step Checkout

Magento 2 Multi Flat Rates Shipping extension is amazingly compatible with Mageplaza One Step Checkout which delivers the best shopping experience for your customers.

5. How to configure multiple flat rate shipping on Magento 2

From your Magento admin panel, follow this route: Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Shipping methods. Then, click on Flat rate #1 - Flat rate #5 to configure these 5 shipping rates.

Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rates Shipping

Configure flat rate shipping #1

Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rates Shipping module

Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rates Shipping extension

Configure Multiple Flat Rates Shipping for Magento 2

Configure Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rates Shipping

Similarly, admins can add up to 5 shipping methods and configure them for their online store.

Mageplaza Multiple Flat Rates Shipping

Magento 2 Multi Flat Rates Shipping

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