

The Most Popular Magento 2 Advanced Reports extension FREE!

Mageplaza Magento 3 Advanced Reports is a free extension which helps stores quickly access to advanced reports on Dashboard. As your shop grows, so is the amount of numbers you have to deal with everyday. Eventually, it would reach a point where you find yourself in dire need of a tool that can take care of the figures for you.

To facilitate the management of statistics, we proudly introduce Magento 2 Advanced Reports extension by Mageplaza. This module would help store admins keep their number neat and clean while enable them to see the level of progress made in comparison to the same period last month, last year and so on.

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

IMPORTANT NOTE: This version of Mageplaza Reports extension on Github is free as a contribution to the Magento community from Mageplaza. This package does not include the technical support. Should you need technical support for this extension, you will have to buy a license from Mageplaza. Click here to buy.

1. Advanced Reports Documentation

2. Advanced Reports FAQs

Q: I got an error: Mageplaza_Core has been already defined

A: Read solution here

Q: Can Reports be used with multiple stores? If so, how can I use it?

A: Yes, it can.

3. How to install Magento 2 Advanced Reports extension

✓ Install via composer (recommend)

Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

composer require mageplaza/module-reports
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

4. Mageplaza Advanced Reports features

New advanced reports

Along with other reports which are already accessible and available in default Magento 2, Mageplaza Advanced Reports extension complements two more advanced reports:

While the Sale by location report helps store owners have an overview of sales in specific countries/regions, that of Repeat customer rate shows how your loyalty program is doing in a visual way.

These statistical data are also ready to be compared with that of the previous period on a daily, monthly or even yearly basis.

new advanced reports for Magento 2

Customizable report period & report comparison

Store admins can select a period in which statistical data is demonstrated. Mageplaza Advanced Reports Magento 2 allows you to show figures of:

With Custom Range, admins are able to select specific time for the report and will not be limited to any range of time.

Magento 2 customizable report period & report comparison

Report comparison

Moreover, statistic data can be compared with that of the previous period which includes:

With Custom Range, store admins can filter figures which belong to a specific period of time to compare with the initial ones.

Line-chart reports

In Mageplaza Advanced Reports standard version; reports on repeat customer rate, transactions, total sales, average order value, tax, and shipping will be displayed as line charts. This provides store owners with a visual look at statistic data, making it easier to compare, follow and process figures. In every graph, the rates between numbers will also be shown with red standing for positive statistics and green indicating negative ones.

Magento 2 line-chart reports

Flexible reports dashboard layouts

On the Magento 2 dashboard, store admins can drag and drop to move report areas and arrange figure sections with ease. Moreover, the report board’s size can be adjusted by pulling the double arrow. Let’s see the screen gif below:

Magento 2 dashboard extension

5. More Advanced Reports features

Friendly presentation

Figures and numbers can be a headache to deal with. Thank to the extension, you can now view them in forms of charts and graphs, making them much easier to follow.

Rates & Changes

A great thing about Reports is its instant analysis. With just a quick glance, you can see how your current performance compared to that of previous periods.

Enhance default reports

Advanced Reports better the default reports that come with Magento2. It adds further analysis of Revenue, Tax, Shipping and Quantity.

High compatibility

Advanced Reports extension is compatible with many other Mageplaza products, such as Reward points, Gift card, Affiliate and etc. Once you have the others installed, their statistics will appear in the Reports as well.

6. Full Magento 2 Advanced Reports features

7. How to configure Advanced Reports extension

First, you need to enable the module. Login to Magento backend, then on the admin panel choose Store > Settings > Configuration > Mageplaza Extensions > Reports.


Below, we will take a look at how Reports can be configured.

Advanced Reports General Configuration

Magento 2 Advanced Reports General Configuration

Quick report outside the Dashboard

After the initial configuration is completed, your dashboard will change with the addition of new graphs as shown in the following image:

magento 2 report outside the dashboard

In the Dashboard, you can:

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The Most Popular Magento 2 Advanced Reports extension FREE