

Magento 2 Blog extension FREE

Magento 2 Blog by Mageplaza is integrated right into the Magento backend so you can manage your blog and your e-commerce store all in the one place. It is the perfect marketing tool for your bussiness that not only provides update information to your existing customers but also drive more visitors to your online store.

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1. Documentation

2. FAQs

Q: I got error: Mageplaza_Core has been already defined

A: Read solution: https://github.com/mageplaza/module-core/issues/3

3. How to install

✓ Install via composer (recommend)

Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:

With GraphQL (Support PWA):

composer require mageplaza/magento-2-blog-extension mageplaza/module-blog-graphql
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Without GraphQL:

composer require mageplaza/magento-2-blog-extension
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

✓ Install Magento 2 Blog GraphQL module only

composer require mageplaza/module-blog-graphql
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

✓ Install ready-to-paste package

4. Contribute to this module

Feel free to Fork and contrinute to this module and create a pull request so we will merge your changes to master branch.

Thanks the contributors

6. Blog benefits

Magento 2 blog extension can give you a greate opportunity to communicate with your potential and existing customers. Blog posts can help you to create a 2-way communication platform to publish new information such as news, promotions, comming products. Read more benefits of Blog.

Magento 2 blog extension by Mageplaza

Drive more traffics

“Raise your hand if you need more targeted visitors. Sure, me too.”

Think of total number of pages you can find on your online store. Maybe not a ton, right? And think of how frequently you update those pages. Maybe not that usually, right? Well, running a blog helps resolve both of those problems.

Writing a blog helps as well you get discovered via social networks. Any time you write a blog post, you are building content that many people can share on social networking sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest – which will help expose your web business to a new one audience that will not know you yet.

It may help convert that traffic into leads.

Similar to every blog post you write is yet another indexed page, each post is really a new chance to generate new leads. The way in which this works is absolutely simple: Just put in a lead-generating call-to-action to each blog post.

Boost Search Engine Optimization Ranking

Search Engines like Google loves fresh content. What better method to deliver frequent content compared to blog posts. By writing blog consistently, you provide Google and other search engines new content to index and you also create chances to plug in those all-important keywords to boost your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPS).

Build relationships with your customers

Writing a blog enables you to interact with your website visitors. You can accomplish this by asking your visitors questions at the conclusion of your posts to obtain the conversation going or simply by allowing comments and feedback. By reviewing and answering readers’ comments, you may create a rapport together with your audience, build trust, and gain valuable insight into what your visitors are seeking.

Magento 2 Blog full feature list

Blog features for Magento 2

A better blog for your e-commerce store without adding any 3rd-party framework. Better blog extension allows you manage categories, posts, comments on Magento 2 back-end. The system will update you when there is a new comment submit. This is a great solution for building relevant SEO-friendly text links, and serves as assistance in building sales strategy.

Responsive design

Mobile-friendly design will make allow you customers to read your blog posts with maximum comfort on tablets and smartphones. Using the off-canvas menu, they will be able to see widgets and interact with the blog search. Tested on Madison, Ultimo, Porto theme.

Flexible display posts

It is very easy to add recent posts, post in specific category in homepage. Your customers also see recent posts in sidebar.

SEO friendly

Properly optimized blog can get your site higher in search results and lead more potential customers. Better Blog allows you to create meta information not only for posts, but also for categories and tags.

Post attributes

You can create unlimited attributes for post. It is extremely customized your blog by adding as many post attributes as you want to. It displays right in Post Edit and Frontend. No code modification required.


Better Blog supports 3 types of comments: built-in comment, Disqus comment (coming soon), and Facebook comment (coming soon). You can switch comment solution in configuration.

Sharing posts

Better blog is integrated with Addthis, that why your customers can share posts via about hundred social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Delicious, Digg , StubmleUpon, Linkedin, Reddit or email ….

RSS Optimization

Full RSS integration into Magento 2. The blog RSS feed appears right next to the standard product and Magento 2 RSS feeds, allowing users that are familiar with your website to easily find all the blog RSS feeds easily and simply.

Importer (NEW)

Import Blog Posts, Categories, Tags from Wordpress, AW M1 Blog, Magefan M2 Blog


General Configuration

blog configuration

config sidebar

configure comment

configure SEO

social buttons

How to Create a New Post

Step 1: Complete the post information

Step 2: Assign the post to Topic

Step 3: Assign to Categories

Step 4: Assign Tags to the post

How to create a new Tag

How to Create a new Topic

How to Create a new category

How to add custom CMS Static Block in Blog Post

In this guide, we will show you how to add a custom content in Blog post such as: Call to action, promoted banner ...

There are few hidden tricks in Mageplza Blog for Magento 2. Here are hidden CMS Static Block:

See this:

blog magento 2

How to create CMS static block in Magento 2

From Admin panel > Content > Blocks > Add New Block

Then fill the content of block such as Name, idenity, content ...

then click on Save and continue


Learn more https://www.mageplaza.com/releases/blog/

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