

Plugins for .NET, Xamarin, and Windows

Here is my essential list of official and community plugins and libraries for applications. You will find a lot of Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms libraries, but also great libraries for .NET that can help power your apps. If you have a favorite library or are the creator of one, please send a PR!

Xamarin.Essentials: The stuff your app needs

Xamarin.Essentials gives developers essential cross-platform APIs for their mobile applications. Xamarin.Essentials exposes over 60 native APIs in a single cross-platform package for developers to consume in their iOS, Android, UWP, or Xamarin.Forms application. Browse through the documentation on how to get started today.

The repository for Xamarin.Essentials can be found at https://github.com/xamarin/Essentials. If you have any suggestions or feature requests, or if you find any issues, please open a new issue.

If you have bene using my plugins, I will continue to support the ones that aren't in Xamarin.Essentials, but I recommend you transition using my guide.

Shiny: That complex stuff made easy

Shiny is an amazing project from Allan Ritchie, Microsoft MPV and long time Xamarin developer, that makes really complex native functionality easy. This includes things such at Bluetooth LE, Background Jobs, HTTP Transers, Push Notifications, NFC, and more.

Community Provided Open Source Plugins

Plugins for Xamarin are community built NuGet and Components that add cross-platform functionality or abstracts platform specific functionality to a common API. These are both completely cross-platform and extremely small (i.e., they do 1 or 2 things really well with minimal-to-no dependencies). The Plugin API can be accessed on each platform, however, you will most likely only use the common API in a .NET Standard project.

Notice: Plugins for Xamarin featured here are produced by the amazing open source community of Xamarin developers. Xamarin does not provide official support for these plugins, please contact their creator with any issues.

Browse through the most popular plugins out there today!

NameDescriptionNuGetDocs & SourceCreator
Audio RecorderRecord audio on a device's microphone input.NuGetGitHub@NateRickard
Barcode ScannerScan and create barcodes with ZXing.NET.Mobile.NuGetGitHub@Redth
Breach DetectorDetect root, emulation, debug mode and other security concerns.NuGetGitHub@nmilcoff
CalendarQuery and modify device calendarsNuGetGitHubCaleb Clarke
ConfigDefine the settings of the application for each environment in which it will run.NuGetGitHub@abonilla93
Custom VisionRuns CoreML and TensorFlow models from https://CustomVision.ai on deviceNuGetGitHub@JimBobBennett
File PickerPick and save files.NuGetGitHub@studyxnet
File UploaderUpload files using multipart request.NuGetGitHub@rdelrosario
FingerprintAccess Fingerprint sensor on iOS, Android, and Windows.NuGetGitHub@smstuebe
GeolocatorEasily detect GPS location of device.NuGetGitHub@JamesMontemagno
Identity Document ScanningEnable scanning of various identity documents in your app.NuGetGitHub@microblink
In-App BillingMake, Query, and get In-App Purchases and Subscriptions.NuGetGitHub@JamesMontemagno
MediaTake or pick photos and videos.NuGetGitHub@JamesMontemagno
Media ManagerPlayback for Audio and Video.NuGetGitHub@mhvdijk
Multilingual PluginSimple cross platform plugin for handling language localization.NuGetGitHub@CrossGeeks
ScreenshotGet and save a screenshot of your apps.NuGetGitHub@wilson_vargasm
Speech RecognitionSpeech to Text.NuGetGitHub@allanritchie911
Simple Audio PlayerPlay multiple MP3 or wave files from a shared library.NuGetGitHub@adrianstevens
Store ReviewAsk for store review or launch app store page.NuGetGitHub@jamesmontemagno
ToastA simple way of showing toast/pop-up notifications.NuGetGitHub@AdamPed & @EgorBo
User DialogsMessage box style dialogs.NuGetGitHub@allanritchie911

Data Caching & Databases

NameDescriptionNuGetDocs & SourceCreator
AkavacheAn asynchronous, persistent (i.e. writes to disk) key-value store.NuGetGitHub@paulcbetts
Cosmos DBAzure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service.NuGetGitHub@azurecosmosdb
LiteDBLiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data fileNuGetGitHub@mbdavid
🐒 Monkey CacheCache any data structure for a specific amount of time with minimal dependencies.NuGetGitHub@jamesmontemagno
Mono.Data.SqliteAdd Mono.Data.Sqlite to any Xamarin or Windows .NET app.NuGetGitHub@mattleibow
RealmRealm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite and ORMs.NuGetGitHub@realm
SQLite-netSimple, powerful, cross-platform SQLite client and ORM for .NETNuGetGitHub@praeclarum

Awesome .NET Libraries For Apps

These are just some awesome libraries that work in any .NET app!

NameDescriptionNuGetDocs & SourceCreator
AnyBindEasily bind ViewModel to one or more Models.NuGetGitHubAlexander Kvenvolden
ExpressiveExpression parsing and evaluation frameworkNuGetGitHubShawn Lawrence
HttpTracerSimple tracing library to capture HTTP request/responses.NuGetGitHubBSi Labs
MvvmHelpersCollection of small MVVM helpers for app devs.NuGetGitHubCreator
Portable RazorLightweight implemenation of ASP.NET MVC APIs for mobile.NuGetGitHub@JosephHill
SocketsTCP & UDP Listeners and Clients + UDP multicast.NuGetGitHub@rdavis_au
TinyInsightsAbstraction for one or more analytics providers from shared code.NuGetGitHubTinyStuff Team

MVVM Frameworks

Xamarin.Forms and Windows has MVVM built right, but perhaps you want to go farther and need more. Checkout these great libraries to help you out:

UI Controls - Vendors

Looking for controls for your apps? These vendors have absolutely everything that you need. Many offer free trials, community editions or a free version.

Checkout the awesome trailer for these controls on YouTube.

UI Controls - Community

Here are some awesome UI controls for your Xamarin.Forms apps!

NameDescriptionNuGetDocs & SourceCreator
AutoFormsAuto generated Xamarin.Forms UI from your Domain ModelsNuGetGitHubPatrick Abadi, Daniel Packard
AutoSuggestBoxAuto-complete/suggestion textbox controlNuGetGitHubdotMorten
Bit controlsMulti calendar date time picker based on noda time and a few other controls.NuGetGitHubBit foundation
BreadcrumbAutomatically generated breadcrumb navigation control for Xamarin.Forms.NuGetGitHubIeuan Walker
Color PickerAn interactive and responsive Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms based on SkiaSharp!NuGetGitHubUdara Alwis
Debug RainbowsOverlay grids to help manage layouts.NuGetGitHubSteven Thewissen
FFImageLoadingImage loading with caching, placeholders, transformations and moreNuGetGitHub@molinch, @daniel-luberda
Glidex.FormsGlidex.Forms is a library using Glide for faster Xamarin.Forms images on Android.NuGetGitHub@jonathanpeppers
FloatingActionMenuFloating action menu, inspired by the material design floating action button.NuGetGitHubDIPS AS Team
MagicGradientsGradients everywhere! Powered by SkiaSharpNuGetGitHubMarcin Gierlasiński
Material Design Controls for Xamarin.FormsThe suite of Material Design controls with a feature-rich. Create fast, beautiful, and cross-platform mobile apps.NuGetGitHubHorus Studio
MtAdmobAdd Google Admob banners, interstitials and rewarded videos to Android and iOS with a single line of code.NuGetGitHub@marcojak
PancakeViewAn extended ContentView for Xamarin.Forms with rounded corners, borders, shadows and more.NuGetGitHubSteven Thewissen
PopupCustom popups with a nice modality feed to it.NuGetGitHubDIPS AS Team
Shared TransitionsDesNuGetGitHubGiampaolo Gabba
SheetSliding bottom / top sheet control.NuGetGitHubDIPS AS Team
SharpnadoCollection of controls including Tabs, TaskLoaderVIew, and more.NuGetGitHubJean-Marie Alfonsi
Skeleton for Xamarin.FormsThe latest trend for loading approaches in Xamarin Forms apps.NuGetGitHubHorus Studio
SkiaSharpCross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET powered by SkiaNuGetGitHubMono Team
SkiaSharp for Xamarin.FormsCross-platform 2D graphics API for Xamarin.Forms powered by SkiaNuGetGitHubMono Team
StateButtonWith this control you are able to create any style of button. This is possible as it acts as a wrapper to your XAML and provides you the events/ commands and properties to bind too.NugetGitHubIeuan Walker
StateSquidTurn any layout into an individual state-aware elementNugetGitHubSteven Thewissen
SwitchA switch control that allows you to design/ create any switch you wantNugetGitHubIeuan Walker
TouchEffectMake Xamarin.Forms views touch-responsive without TapGestureRecognizer.NuGetGitHubAndrei Misiukevich
TrendGraphDisplay a trend graph in your mobile app.NuGetGitHubDIPS AS Team
XamanimationAn awesome animation library for Xamarin.FormsNuGetGitHubCreator
XamllyControl library featuring progress, switch, toggle button, and more.NuGetGitHubMohamed Elshawaf

Great Utilities

These are things that your app needs, but aren't UI or normal libraries such as Visual Studio extensions or other magic build time things.

NameDescriptionNuGetDocs & SourceCreator
Mobile Tasks for Azure DevOpsTasks to update version numbers & package informationVS MarketplaceGitHubJames Montemagno
Mobile.BuildToolsHandle Project Secrets, Process SCSS to Xamarin.Forms CSS, Cross platform image management, White-Labeling and more powered by MSBuild.NuGetGitHubDan Siegel
ResizetizerNTAdd & Resize SVGs and PNGs to your shared projects.NuGetGitHubJon Dick
VSMac-CodeCoverageGather code coverage results for your unit test projects from Visual Studio for Mac.mpack installGitHubArthur Demanuele
VSMac-CodeDistributionA Visual Studio for Mac extension that visualises code distribution between projects. Particularly useful for Xamarin projects to understand the amount of code shared between platforms.mpack installGitHubArthur Demanuele

Create a Plugin for Xamarin

If you are looking to create a plugin be sure to browse through NuGet first and ensure that the plugin doesn't exist. If one does join in on the fun and collaborate. If it doesn't and you want to start building a Plugin here are some tools and guidelines to get you started.

Tools to get Started

Requirements of a Plugin


Licensed under MIT see License file. Each plugin licensed under parent license unless stated in it's readme file.

Want To Support This Project?

All I have ever asked is to be active by submitting bugs, features, and sending those pull requests down! Want to go further? Make sure to subscribe to my weekly development podcast Merge Conflict, where I talk all about awesome Xamarin goodies and you can optionally support the show by becoming a supporter on Patreon.