

Calendar API plugin for Xamarin and Windows

Build status

Cross-platform plugin for querying and modifying device calendars. Supports basic CRUD operations with calendars and events. Try it out with the Calendars Tester.

Setup & Usage



var calendars = await CrossCalendars.Current.GetCalendarsAsync();

// ...figure out which calendar to use, e.g. by prompting the user and considering the CanEditEvents property...

var calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent
   Name = "Add calendar support",
   Start = DateTime.Now,
   End = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1),
   Reminders = new List<CalendarEventReminder> { new CalendarEventReminder() }
await CrossCalendars.Current.AddOrUpdateEventAsync(selectedCalendar, calendarEvent);

// calendarEvent.ExternalID now contains the unique ID for the event, which can be stored and later used to retrieve the event via GetEventByIdAsync

Platform Notes:

A Note on Creating Calendars:


tl;dr: You probably don't want to use this to write a replacement calendar app.