


3D Modifier Library for JavaScript

This is a port of the AS3dMod Modifier Library for ActionScript 3 to JavaScript.

version: 1.0.0

supports: Three.js, CubicVR.js, OSG.js, J3D, Copperlicht, Pre3d


It is an almost complete port. All Modifiers found in AS3DMod are scheduled to be ported. Also the API architecture is setup for more modifiers to be added (even custom ones).


Source Code License

MIT Open Source License like the original AS3dMod Modifier Library for ActionScript 3.

Live Examples

Support for 3D JavaScript engines

Modifiers supported (up to present)


How to debug

  1. If the problem is in one 3D engine, while the other engines work correctly for this example/modifier, then the problem is probably with that engine's proxy classes (plugins/3DENGINENAME/3DENGINENAME.js)
  2. If the specific example/modifier does not work in any 3D engine, but other modifiers/examples do work, then the problem is probably with that modifier's code (modifiers/MODIFIERNAME.js)
  3. If no example works for any engine, then the problem is probably in the core classes, or some class throws a js error which stops the whole execution


see also: