Rasterize, stroke and fill lines, rectangles, curves and paths. Even without canvas.
version: 1.0.0 in progress (33 kB minified)
What is not supported:
(will be implemented, in progress)strokeText
.. (will not be implemented but can be done by drawing the actual curves in the font)shadow
.. (will not be implemented but is easy to do)
note: extreme unequal scaling (eg scale_x >> scale_y
) produces some artifacts
see also:
- CanvasLite an html canvas implementation in pure JavaScript
- Rasterizer stroke and fill lines, rectangles, curves and paths, without canvaσ
- Gradient create linear, radial, conic and elliptic gradients and image patterns without canvas
- Geometrize Computational Geometry and Rendering Library for JavaScript
- Plot.js simple and small library which can plot graphs of functions and various simple charts and can render to Canvas, SVG and plain HTML
- MOD3 3D Modifier Library in JavaScript
- HAAR.js image feature detection based on Haar Cascades in JavaScript (Viola-Jones-Lienhart et al Algorithm)
- HAARPHP image feature detection based on Haar Cascades in PHP (Viola-Jones-Lienhart et al Algorithm)
- FILTER.js video and image processing and computer vision Library in pure JavaScript (browser and node)
- css-color simple class to parse and manipulate colors in various formats