


A simple JavaScript class to show info popups easily for various combinations of items and events (Desktop and Mobile)

version 1.0.5 (6 kB minified)

Live Example

show title attribute as popup

<a href="#foo" title="Go to Foo">Foo</a>
<a href="#bar" title="Go to Bar">Bar</a>
let infoPopup = InfoPopup({
    // custom class for custom styling of popup
    infoClass: 'title-info',
    // custom class for custom styling of focused element
    focusedClass: 'focused',
    // mouseenter or touchstart on mobile, alternative: trigger = 'click'
    trigger: 'hover',
    // elements that have [title] attribute
    item: '[title]',
    // get the title content to display
    content: (item) => item.getAttribute('title'),
    // position popup at 'center' of item on X axis
    // options: 'left', 'right', 'center' (default)
    atItemX: 'center',
    // position popup differently on Y axis depending on item
    // options: 'bottom', 'center', 'top' (default)
    atItemY: (item) => item.href === '#bar' ? 'bottom' : 'top',
    // scroll window X axis for popup to show at specified position if needed
    scrollXIfNeeded: true /* true|false, default true */,
    // scroll window Y axis for popup to show at specified position if needed
    scrollYIfNeeded: true /* true|false, default true */,
    // hide popup after 1 sec
    hideDelay: 1000

// programmatically show/hide popup

interactive map with InfoPopup

see also: